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Catgirl Souffle:
Art and Fiction for the Clinically Insane

Welcome! As you can see, this site is still under construction. It's been over a year since I last maintained a site, but I felt it was about time for me to get back into the swing of theings. Besides, while I post all of my fanfics on, I have no place to display my artwork.

I mainly sketch portraits and short comics. For the most part they are hand colored with Prismacolor pencils, or else painted in that primative application known as Microsoft Paint. Starving college students simply can't afford expensive art software. ^^

* * *Author/Artist Profile* * * Black&White art/Pencil sketches * * * Colored art* * * Origional Manga(Comics) / Doujinshi shorts* * *Fanfiction* * *Links* * *
