Hey you probably think that the large fuck you at the top of this page falls into one of the following categories:
A.)It's just a silly little joke
B.)It doesn't apply to you, because you're one of my closest friends
C.)It doesn't matter
D.)I'm just an asshole

Well now you're probably thinking that the answer is D because so many kids like to go online get their little journals, webpages, blogs, and beaver porn sites so that they can let all their friends know what they think of them...yeah, you can really let your friends know what you think of them by posting little angry hints on the internet. Wow, burn...Now me, if I have a problem with someone I'll usually let them know, sometimes I puss out, but usually I'll just be honest. Sorry I went on a rant there, and I still haven't answered the question that you probably forgot about by now, What is the large Fuck You up there for, well here's the answer...C, it doesn't matter the fact that your computer screen has the words fuck you on them doesn't matter whatsoever, The fact that I put the words fuck you on the internet doesn't matter...It might seem to matter more if I walked up to you one day and said fuck you, but still it really wouldn't matter that much. So in closing I would just like to say

click the link dumbass