My Poetry

All of the following poems were written by me. Enjoy.


You see the smiles
I hide the pain
You live in denile
While I go insane

Nobody listens
Nobody cares
Nobody notices
Yet everyone stares

Why does it matter
If I'm still alive
Sometimes I'm anxious
For death to arrive


You said you love them because they're special
You love me because I tried so hard
Sometimes I wish I never tried
Sometimes I wish I never spoke a word

I could tell you never cared for me
But you're family you're supposed to
Aren't you supposed to be there for me?
Why do I still love you?

Maybe you're the reason
That I don't feel needed
Maybe you're the reason
That I feel so cheated
Maybe next time I see you
I'll pretend I don't know who you are
Just like you've done to me
Since the day that I was born.

Le Douche

Everything you took away
All the pain you left
All the things that I can't say
Will stay with me till death

So take this thing called love
And shove it up your ass
My rib cage now protects
A heart made out of glass

Maybe I still love you
You'll never know the truth
It's not like I owe you
You took away my youth.

Juliet's Bleeding

Star crossed lovers in a world of their own.
They were all that mattered
They would never be alone
They were happy together
When friends were around
But they were happiest when their voices were the only sounds
He swore he'd give her everything
She was his life
She would give up everything
To always be by his side
They'd write each other songs
And sing together
Holding him in her arms
Nothing could be better
One day he decided
He'd rather have a band
So he picked up his guitar
And let go of her hand
Now Juliet is bleeding
Her tears will never dry
Romeo left her
He just said "Goodbye."
Juliet is dieing
Romeo's not there
Now she's gone forever
Does he even care?

Blood Drained Pores

For every single bead of sweat
I crave 100 more
I don't think i'll be satisfied
Til blood drips from every pore.

Patience is a virtue
One i fear i won't attain
Until i'm there with you
Though, by then I'll be insane

I try to be perfect
I try to be pure
Will it ever pay off
I'm not very sure.

Nothing makes me happy
Am i allowing it too?
I'll just go on dying
Continue on dreaming of you

Your Image **not finished**

I'm not the same girl anymore.
I'm not the slacker you knew before.
But somehow you don't seem to notice.
It's like you no longer care.