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New Music Updates, The Latest Movies, Gossip, and More!

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~*~New Music~*~ Well, I have been watching much music alot lately, and I have found out some interesting information. I was watching "The Top 10 Worst Bands" or something like that, and guess who was #3? Good Charlotte. Now, I admit, that Good Charlotte has some good songs, but I think that we all agree on one thing, and that's that they have to make more music! Girls and Boys kind of, well, does get a annoying when you're listening to it for the millionth time in a row. Come on G.C! We know you have the capability to make good music! So go for it! In other news, there have been many bands taking the spotlight this season. Blink 182, with their new hit release "Feeling This" have been getting alot of recognization. Also, Good Charlotte, with their song "Hold On" have been on the air countless times. Simple Plan has also taken a BIG stride towards fame, and improved quite a bit, with their song "Perfect". Some other bands that have been doing well this season are Hot Hot Heat, The White Stripes, Eminem, 50 Cent, Ludacris, Nickleback, Linkin Park, Missy Eliot, Marilyn Manson, Brittney Spears, Madonna, and VERY SURPRISINGLY, Justin Timberlake. ~*~Movies~*~ Well, as for movies, I think we all know which one has ratings through the roof and is raking in cash by the millions!'s a series, has elves, a guy named Frodo, and a really cute little dude names Pippin. Guessed it yet? That's right! Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King. Now, L.O.T.R had made ALOT of $$Money$$ with the first two movies of the trilogy, but when people heard that there would be one LAST L.O.T.R movie, all hell broke loose. People were sleeping on sidewalks for the premier, and the first, what, maybe 15 shows were SOLD OUT COMPLETELY! "This was probably the best movie of all time" say my fellow peers and aquaintances. What do you think? Other movies that have done very well this past season were Elf, Chasing Liberty, Love Actually, Bruce Almighty, Honey, Love Don't Cost a Thing, and American Wedding.
