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Free Anime Yearbook!

   GODZILLA VS SARS - Great concept AND it's well executed! This one is hilarious!       STARDUST - Enjoy this pleasurable anime adventure game!
   SUICIDE BUNNY - This is a simple, yet morbidly addictive game! You gotta try at least once!       BLAM ANOTHER DAY - The Clock Crew discover that Ki1o posesses the almighty Blam Wand!
   SUMMER SMOOCHIE - A new Happy Tree Friends for a new season! Bloody good fun!       MEGAMAN NEXT - It's an entire freakin' game! Tons of levels and upgrades!
   PGX SNOWBOARDING - Psycho Goldfish has coded up another really impressive game!       PICO'S COUSIN - It's not Pico 2, but you'll take what you can get!
   CUSTOM RIDES - I can finally customize a Subaru WRX! Rock on!       GANGURO GIRL - Sim Girl fans rejoice! A new and improved dating sim is here!
   Pick of the Hour:
Rolo & Kino "Nose Bleed"
      Classic of the Day:
Dedicated to EmmitNervend

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May 20, 2003 Top entries from 05/19/2003!
Posted by P-Bot 
Hello NG-fans! P-Bot here, with today's hottest games and movies:
  1. HTF Summer Smoochie, by MondoMiniShows (also known for Valentine Smoochie)
  2. PGX Snowboarding, by Psycho_Goldfish
  3. Mario's Game Over, by dave2
  4. Die in Style (BETA), by Spiderclone
  5. FF4 Survivor Ep. 12!, by DarkDragoonKain
We also have new submissions by the following popular artists:
aherdofgoats, antiqkk3, AskJerome, AuryGenTeK, Bachine, Bluehawk, chinees, Dark457, FREELENS, maelstormm, moe-hawkins, MunkySpank, Phase_01, rebornMCW, Riotcomix2003, ROLL_OVER_PIG, seikendensetsurules, SMcClure34, TOXICBOMB and z3n

What does everyone think of these new submissions? 

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May 19, 2003 Servers Online
Posted by WadeFulp 
Our new servers have been online since about 4-5pm. Things seem to be running pretty good at the moment. Let us know if you notice a difference in the site's performance! :) 

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MikMan sez: did u know that the teletubbies watch porno from their tummies at nite?

May 19, 2003 LeikOMG!
Posted by Psycho_Goldfish 
of Psycho Goldfish Creative Media
After months of unproductivity, I have finally unleashed a new game! Check out PGX Snowboarding and get your PG game fix today!

I've recently had some changes happen at my job that have given me better hours and more time to work on new games and my currently MIA website. In the near future you should see a lot more from me and hopefully even a completed version of the long awaited Psycho City!

Anyway, enjoy the game, and hopefully I'll have more goodies for you all soon! 

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May 19, 2003 E3 EXPO 2003 RECAP
Posted by FDA 
of FDA
Living in Hollywood, made it a quick jump to go to E3. Last year, Tom and I went together and had a blast, so I figured this year would be quite exciting as well. My friend Kyle from Novalogic (Black Hawk Down, Comanche, Delta Force) was kind enough to make my journey to E3 a reality. View the outside

I was there for both Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, I was meeting Tom, whom I had not seen in a year and meeting Synj for the first time. Fourchinnigan met up with us later in the day. See the Fantastic Four of us.

On to the games:

I was not as impressed with the overall offering of new games in comparison to last year which featured the amazing demo of DOOM III. I did not however make it to see the demo of the new Half Life.

F-Zero GX looks very sweet and the high paced energy rush will surely grab the attention of driving fans and more! The creative team must have been amped up on a combination of Strawberry Quick Mix and double coke lattes.

The Zelda multi player looks neat as does the light game of Mario Kart 2... but what caught my attention was the new multi-player Pacman where players can be the ghosts going after Pacman!! Pic a Pic b

Bandai has a cute game called ChibiRobi that really needs to be seen to be understood, however the graphics were reminiscient of Toy Story.

In the Play Station section I played Jak II for a while and this has amazing depth in terms of its graphics and the method it uses to create the atmospheres. I have a playable demo, however no PS2, so I need to head to a friends place!

Konami has some neat games such as the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turltes which looked as if you were controllig the actual cartoon in a very close to comic style!

Old TV shows, cartoons and films were represented as Rockstar Games has Starsky & Hutch, Celebrity Death Match where you can play characters such as Marilyn Manson or even Mr. T, there was a new Simpsons Hit & Run game at the convention that I played for a while, a new Spy vs. Spy, Wallace & Gromit, and even a Cat In The Hat adventure game!!!

There certainly was a large amount of rehashed titles such as Spy Hunter 2 and Altered Beast (which seems to have lost the feel of the original), Castlevania and even Gradius!

Metal Gear was there, but did not blow me away nor did the new Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King, and yes, they were showing scenes from the next film.

Tom and I spent quite a while playing the old Neo Geo game, Metal Slug 3, which is still quite entertaining and there is a 4 on the way ;)

The last bit worth mentioning, even though I am sure I could tell you lots more, is about EYE TOY. This contraption turns your webcam into a controller for your PS2. We saw a few games with this in use such as a boxing game, karate game, and a soccer ball bounce game to name a few. It does look fun, however it seems that you will need a white background and a very well lit room for optimal results. I would love to see this tied in with a Dance Dance Revolution style game. Now that woudl be a work out even Jane Fonda would love! Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3

This is quite a long posting, so if you would like to hear more, see more pics or discuss The Matrix, you may contact me directly. 

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May 17, 2003 Help Judge New Submissions!
Posted by WadeFulp 
Hey NG fans! It's been a little quiet here on the front page with Tom out of town so I figured I'd blab about something. If NG has been a little sluggish and throwing errors at you lately we apologize. We are still waiting to get our new servers online, but this will hopefully be happening sometime this coming week! So hold tight until then.

Also we could use more help from our users to help judge new submissions that come into the Portal each day. These "Under Judgment" submissions can be found at the top of the Top 50 Most Recent list and are shaded with a light grey background! By voting on these submissions you can earn BLAM and SAVE (Protection) points! As you accumulate more and more points their total will allow you to increase your vote rank! As you increase your rank you will get a % bonus to your existing voting power, which can also be raised by voting on 5 movies daily and depositing your points. Of course to do all this you need a NG user account! NG user account are FREE and let you build up your voting power, allow you to write and submit reviews, and post in the NG forums, as well as respond to our front page postings! You can also create public profiles to flaunt your accumulated points! To create a NG account simply click the JOIN link at the top of every NG page!

As far as the BLAM and SAVE points you will get a BLAM point of a movie is BLAMMED and you voted either 0 or 1. If a movie isn't BLAMMED by 100 votes and becomes protected (has a score greater than approx. 1.75 on the 100th vote) and you voted 2, 3, 4 or 5 you will be awarded a SAVE point. Your rank is based on your TOTAL points, so you want to be sure to watch the submission and vote fairly! If you give 0's to everything, or 5's to everything you will miss out on a lot of points each day!

Also be sure to order lots of NG STICKERS to pass out to all your friends and neighbors to help spread NG's name! Or just stick them up all around your town. Just be careful taking them to school as one of our users got himself a detention from passing them out at school! :) 

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Posted by Mockery 
Ahoy again fellow Newgrounders!

Ok people, the deadline for the Postal 2 contest is quickly approaching. Have you turned in your entries yet? If not, make sure you have them in by the end of the day on May 20th! Remember, entries can be drawings, animated gifs, or flash movies! And yes, you can enter as many times as you like. Go all out because there's some great prizes for the winners including: Two new copies of Postal 2 autographed by the entire development team, a Running with Scissors metal street sign, and a bunch of Postal 2 black T-Shirts!

For full details on the Postal 2 contest go to:

In other news, myself and PoX ("poxpower" here on NG) have just completed our first online mini web comic book entitled PickleMan! It's an offbeat comic book that I hope all of you will get a chuckle or two from. Please check it out and give us some feedback on it. We're going to be doing a lot more of these, and we might eventually release a compilation book of them. Anyway, hope you enjoy the new comic... and be sure to click around on the cover because there's a few "hidden" things that we threw in there as well!


Also recently put up is my review of one of the all new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoons. If you haven't seen this cartoon, you should. I normally hate it when they remake classics because 99% of the time, they ruin 'em. But the new He-Man cartoon stays true to the original, while still adding in some new goodies. Check out my full review of the cartoon and then enjoy the original Atari 2600 "Power of He-Man" game download!


And finally, all the usual stuff on the site has been updated recently... new Pixel Pals, new Rom Hack reviews, new minimocks, and all that polka. Alrighty, that does it for now. Send in those Postal 2 contest entries and I'll talk to you guys soon.


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