Daily Rambling

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Yay! I added stuff to the web site... more mp3s like the Ataris, White Zombie and more Vandals... along with this nifty new rambling section where I'll talk about meaningless stuff. ¡Enjoy!


I added a new picture to the web site today. I think you'll find this new "alf" picture very funny and tasteful... or not... so if you don't like it, suck my left nut, or right. Since talking about nothing is so amazingly interesting to me, I'll just leave it at that... snoogins...


Horray... adding things to the web site... I'm bored so I typing stuff in web design class... I wish I had something to eat... I'm hungry... pizza... I tried putting some beavis and butthead episodes on the site, but for some reason angelfire wouldn't let me put them on here... fuck them... fuck them up their stupid asses... I'm just kidding, I love angelfire... their the best source for your own web page... if you want to build your own web page... there's no better place... please don't terminate my account angelfire... I love muffins...


Dammit!!! Instead of adding those hilarious Beavis and Butthead episodes, I had to settle for those really old Simpsons episodes from the Tracy Ulman Show... they're only mildly funny, not hilarious like Beavis and Butthead... oh well... enjoy them anyway... I also added another video of two cows humping, with an ending you'll just have to see... it's funny... ok, I'm going to go play Kingdom Hearts now...


This sucks... my girlfriend left today to go to Atlanta for a damn orchestra field trip... I'll miss her... oh, and my friend Matt had seizure the other day... that had to suck... he's not dead though, so that's definitely a plus... those damn seizures and their seizureness... To add to that... my other friend Chris has cancer... what a world, huh? I'm gonna go now...


Horray for adding things to my ultra cool web site... you know you like this shit... I know, I'm pathetic... I guess I have nothing left to add... so see ya...


Ugh... it's easter and stuff... so now i gotta hear all this crap about the Easter Bunny from my mom, to my nephew... I guess he still believes in that stuff... he ought to though... he's 3 years old. Oh well. I still can't believe I used to believe in that stuff... I was fooled... FOOLED I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!! I'm ok now... for now........ I don't care though cause I get to go over to my girlfriend's house later today... that ought to be fun. Once I get a car though... I'll be there all the time... her parents will probably get tired of me then... oh well... but for now... I have to go help paint my brother's house... see ya...


I added an updated version of my tabs section... yay. It now sports a different dark blue background. I might change the background of the entire site to this one just to make it all look alike... I 'm done now...


Ugh! I had to go take the SAT today... it sucked. I probably got a 400 or something... I don't understand why I did so bad... I did pretty good on the PSAT... like a 1200 or something... I guess they're different difficulties or something. Ohe well, I'll just take it again and again anyway... it's not like it takes much to get into USF anyway...