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JJ's Journal - not live, not dead...crap

JJ - 4/21/03/afternoon - uh huh

i guess jeff isn't the only buffy fan in the world

JJ - 4/10/03/night - two updates a day keeps the doctor away

don't worry, this isn't illegal

JJ - 4/10/03/afternoon - army dolphins rule, animal rights people suck

the goal of the anti-kevin bing street team streat team or akbstst will be to stop the kevin bing street team from functioning properly. to do so we will have to create problems at all stages of the kevin bing street team or kbst. the first stage is joining. now, what we can do here is minimal and unoriginal but should prove to be quite effective. we must attack his email system by bombarding him with fake signups for the club making it harder, maybe even impossible , for him to get new members. next is the action phase where people do stupid things to get kevin all happy. we must interfere with this stage in any way possible. be creative it all depends on what the situation is. the final stage is the kevin bing t-shirt. if any of his streat team members get a certain number of points, they get a t-shirt. we must stop them from wearing this shirt. i dont care what you do, spill juice on them or something. im thinking of prizes. once you do something, and notify me of it you will become a member. rock-on

JJ - 3/18/03/afternoon - army dolphins rule

The war rages on and im getting sick and tired of it. I really don't trust any of the news souces on tv or most of the ones on the internet. Its really just a matter of whether or not the people of Iraq want us in their country. If they do, then we're probly doing the right thing. If they don't then we shouldn't be there. But obviously on the tv and in the newspapers and that propaganda video we saw at JSA are gonna show all the opressed people tearing up pictures of Sadam and the guys with guns burning US flags. I guess we just have to wait to see if what we're doing is the right thing.

On to my life.....everything seems to be falling apart around me. I've been having a big problem with concentrating on school and my grades are turning to shit. I don't like to blame it on the divorce but I can't explain it... It hs been a year and a half and we just moved.... And I still have to change houses every goddamn week. This blows.

i need a good idea

JJ - 3/16/03/nighy-nite - the hess truck's here

The answer to all of your problems. (local)

Now my desktop is all purdy.

Fun games and random stuff.


JJ - 2/27/03/nighy-nite - nyquill makes you... um...sleee

Play this game, its tetris just online with a bunch of other people. Very fun.

Well, I did some more packing today. Its not the most fun thing in the world, especially for me because I absolutely hate throwing stuff out. There are boxes all over my room. Its like a maze.

My computer was completely fucked over before but of course(i'm so modest) I fixed it. It was actually prett scary because

<start techno babble>

I tried installing Linux on a partition that I created, not realizing that it would screw up the master boot record. So whenever I booted my box, it would keep printing "01" over and over and over again and not stop until I shut it off. So I tried everything like reinstalling Linux, using Ghost, restarting the computer over and over, and praying. Finally I went on and found Master Boot. It's a program that allows you to configure the MBR and gives suppor for multiple operating systems. It also has some good formatting utils that work in DOS. So I just formatted the MBR and made a multiple boot config for Linux(I use Mandrake) and Windows. Worked perfectly and now I'm back up and running.

<end techno babble>


South Park is on now. It's the one with shop class and home ec class...classic.

It's time to sleep now...or so the NyQuill says...night.

JJ - 2/24/03/nite - i hate fucking know what i mean....

u know u love me

JJ - 2/24/03/day - brain fart

y'all know Well i know it. And I think its pretty stupid. The guys that made it are geniuses but people who really care about their rating bother me. That's why i decided to make.... I Dont Care If I'm Hot Or Not Because Your Opinion Doesn't Count . Com

That was stupid...but JSA wasn't. It was fun. I don't really feel like writing everything because i know how everyone hates reading long paragraphs so i wont write anything.....

ok history paper time

JJ - 2/19/03/nighteroo - i like the song

you gellin?

JJ - 2/5/03/daytyme - i hate going away

i hate how i have to go away out of the blue.

i was really excited to be able to just do nothing for three days straight but then my dad has to go and decide that we have to go skiing in vermont somewhere. i do like skiing so its not that. i was just set for doing nothing. its like this. have you ever gone through school really excited for something but when you get home and it isnt there? like when we had chinese food the night before and we had leftovers and i had a crapy lunch but it was ok because i could have some chinese when i got home. however i get home and there is no chinese in the fridge because my brother ate it for lunch. i just hate that. now the same is happening... plus five and cubed.

fuck valenitines day

JJ - 2/5/03/nite - just so you know


JJ - 2/4/03/nite - im soooo......uh

what i've been doing for the past two days

(it's my desktop)

JJ - 2/3/03/nite - Another One!

Another compic strip.

JJ - 2/2/03/nite - My dad is gonna kill me

My head hurtz.

lets see... friday me and dave were gonna dye my hair but then we relized we had no clue what we were doing and so we went to ali's house. jessica and ali dyed my hair and dave just sat there and talked to ali's hamster for around half an hour.

we were gonna do it black with red and purple hilights but the hilights came out really bad. instead they just did it all black, but instead of coming out black it decided to be really really dark blue which looks really good. i like it alot more than what i originally wanted. SUCCESS!!

ali forgot to tell her mom that we were coming over.... she got in trouble and i felt really bad. sorry ali

from ali's house me and dave went to ashley's which would have been a whole lot more fun if her dog wasnt there. allergies were really really bad.

dave and zach slept over that night. we watched true romance which is really good.

dave left in the morning and zach stayed the whole day making a huge mess of my house everywhere he went, untill we went to janelle's house that night.

all i remember is alot of people getting drunk...because getting drunk is sooooooooo much fun!!!! <end sarcasm>

click and die(im not fucking kidding)

JJ - 1/30/03/afternoon - Only because i am just soooo proud of myself

Physics: 94

English: 85

Math: 79

Spanish: 85

C++: 100

History: 84

JJ - 1/29/03/late - Nothing has changed

ASCII art is mad cool shit.     more   more

im soooo dying my hair friday after school ---> black with red and purple hilights

midterms = not that bad; im glad they're over

it would be cool if the comic strip works out

i wounder what my dad will say when he sees my dyed hair?

these people take american idol too damn seriously wah wah wah

while im on the topic of tv, check this out!

so...i was fighting the law and it won

and there's a cell phone that tells you if you are talking too loud by shocking you, my dad needs that except it should sprout steel spikes instead

so i got this thing to put cds in and i hoocked it up to my computer and when i want a cd i click on the cd in the program on my computer and the thing spins around and spits out the cd!! how cool! it took awhile to setup but now that its all working everything is so clean in my room...well not really

so zach and dave came over after school and all zach ever wants to do is play ghost recon and so he and dave played that for a few minutes and i just turned it off cuz i cant take that damn game anymore. im gonna go hide it now.

time for chapelle show!

JJ - 1/27/03/late - Lazy Ass Mofo

click and barf

don't say i didn't warn ya

JJ - 1/22/03/late - Midterms!!

heh.... study?

watch the chapelle show, its funny

i don't feel talkative

read diesel sweeties...ass

stile's a cool guy, but dont go there if you dont want lots of pr0n ads popping up, its more for the guys too so girls: don't go there

JJ - 1/17/03/late - Fun Tymes

Finally. That was one looooong freaking week.

I couldn't get up any day. I would be getting up at 'round 6:30 and rush alot to get out but...actually I dont think I missed the bus this week. But I did come real close.

Then I would be sleepy in a whole bunch of morning classes - physics, drivers ed, and math.

I left out english which comes right between drivers ed and math because I never fall asleep or even feel tired in that class. I don't know why. I guess its just a lively class. And I also respect Mrs. Leogrande because she's a pretty good teacher; she definetly knows what she's talking about. Unlike, Jaffe who is a terrible teacher and I don't give a fuck if I sleep the entire period even if she notices. heh

Well annyways, tonight was kinda fucked up. But in a good way. First Dave had been over since school ended because we had walked from school to sunrise, ate, then went to fye and my mom picked us up and we went home and played Vice City and DDR. Later we went to Ethel's house and there were a whole bunch of people there.

So why was tonight kinda fucked up in a good way? Well it all lies in what we did, here's a handy dany list of things that we did:

  1. Made Cake (without any measuring tools at all)
  2. Watched Forest Gump
  3. Made Out ..... haha got you, wait damn you didnt fall for it, crap
  4. Cool People(= not me)Danced To Random Pop Songs (spice girls and the like)
  5. Bunches Of Other Random Things(being idiots, zach and jeff bullying each other, etc...)
  6. Dave's Dad Yelled At Me Because I Had No Coat (i seriously forgot it, and it wasnt even that cold, im usually colder in school)

There was more but that about wraps it up.

Except for.... what's happening tommorow at one? Still don't get it.


wait, wait, masked and anonymous - john goodman and jeff bridges - can't be a bad film, just can't - not to mention a whole barrel of other great actors and actresses - Bob Dylan, Penelope Cruz, Luke Willson, Ed Harris, Val Kilmer, Chris Penn, Christian Slater, and....MORE!!! aint it coool?

JJ - 1/12/03/afternoon - Is It About Hotdogs??

There's this site, and I really don't get it, maybe you will.

I think I'm getting PS2 today. I'm with my mom this week and she doesn't see a problem with me getting it. It works out kinda good so that now I'll have a videogame system at both houses. The only problem is that now I'm gonna have to spend money on it. Oh well....

I am so happy I did my speech in history. Even though I did really bad. Speeches always make my so nervous. Not like I practiced or anything....

JJ - 1/12/03/nite - ............

Last night, went to Jimmy's, played DDR.

I'm really bad at DDR.

I really like DDR.

I want to get it (i dont have any playstation so i would have to get either a ps1 or 2) and since my dad still owes me a birthday present I thought ,"why dont i let him get ddr for me!!!!". And when I got home the next morning ( i slept over Jeff's), i told my dad i wanted it, but of course he wont let me. "You play too many games" he says. He adds, "And if you can't think of something in two weeks, i'll just get you something". I told him to just get me something now, not in two weeks. So he comes into my room later and this is what he is gonna get me:

  1. A new hard drive (now i can fit more games on my computer)
  2. A cd organizer (now i wont lose any of my games)

I really dont get him.

Home Star Runner???

JJ - 1/11/03/afternoon/minutes later - RIAA.ORG = 0wn3d

The RIAA website has been pulled off servers minutes after I posted below.

Lucky for you I have a local copy!!!

JJ - 1/11/03/afternoon - RIAA.ORG = 0wn3d

Today is a bad day for the recording industry, but a very good day for haX0rs : P


funny shit hehe

JJ - 1/10/03/nite - Weekend Time!!!

Weekend!!! Yay!!!

Wow school sucks alot.

Went to the show tonight. Fun fun fun.

Distric 6 was good as expected.....Paulson was really goood. Never heard of them before, pleasant suprise.

What else??

My dad's making me get off the computer and go to sleep?? Why?? This really pisses me off.

Gah, no links.

What was that thing Jeff and Lisaaa were trying to show me?? Can't remember....

Like the border???

Till next time.....

Ga' Bye

JJ - 1/8/03/nite - What The Fuck

Normaly I wouldn't be so blunt but:


It seems as though my great uncle (my dad's mom's sister's husband) died a few days ago, and his funeral will be tomorrow so I won't be at school. Now don't go feeling bad or anything because we weren't very close and thats not my goddamn point. But how the hell is it that someone in my family dies and I don't know about it until two/three days later? I mean for Jesus H.'s sake, I knew that Princess Diana died from the day it happened and kept on hearing about it til 2 months after, and as far as I know, she and I aren't related! Now my great uncle dies and it takes two days to get to me? And all my dad is talking about is how we should be closer as a family and how I can't have the basement room in the new house because we have to be "closer". Fuck that!

Wow I have no fuckin' clue where I'm going with this (kind of like every essay I try to write).


Ok, here we go:

  1. Family = Shit
  2. I won't be at school tommorow
  3. Fuck dead famous people; they're dead get the hell over it.
  4. I want the basement room in my dad's new house, but his fucked up moral system wont allow me to have it. Instead I get a room right next to my brother's, which is right next to my dad's.
  5. Made a mashmellow Balrog sculptue. Seriously.

JJ - 1/8/03/aftanoon - tummy hurts, gonna barf

Today was pretty cool. School was pretty normal except for the fact that I had to give a presentation in Driver's Ed class and I'm really bad at giving speaches. So I was stuttering and a arrrrggg!!!


But now that it's over I really don't care. That's one of a few bad things that happened today. The other was in C++ class me and Anthony Cronk were having a bit of a fight with sharp objects and he stabbed me in the side with a mechanical pencil, which, if you already didn't know, hurts ALOT! And it was bleeding for awhile, but I kinda brought it on myself so wtf.

After school was Latin Club which was fun, until I relized how not a good idea it is to eat pretzels with frosting. Someone's gonna throw up!!!

And for your viewing pleasure is one link that can keep you busy for a very long time if you are bored. With great honor, I present to you... Watch Me!!! Have fun with it.

This is definetly the coolest Gameboy ever!

And on a much less serious note than anything else for today(was that corny enough?)....Bye bye Creed!! Wooo-Hooo!!!

I think I should do this. Not that I'd win but...

JJ - 1/7/03/aftanoon - Sinckness

Wasn't at school today. Sick since I came home from school. The only reason im updating is because I won't be able to use the computer once my dad come's home.

pain hurts

there was a link i wanted to post but i forget it now


bye bye

JJ - 1/5/03/nite - I did homework!!!!

I'm really proud of myself for doing homework. I only spent a few minutes on it and didn't even finish all of it, but its a packet for math and there's a bunch of pages so it looks like I did some work. Other than that I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING today. AAAAAAhhhhhhh!!!!!!! At least I socialized last night. Oh well.

This is for you Halo guys and girl.

And remember this: Muffins can be really funny if you let them. You can all thank Jon for that one!! (ha! "all" its like i think people actually visit this pathetic waste of webspace! ; )

JJ - 1/5/03/morning - Bullshit! Eateries that operate within the designated square downstairs qualify as part of the food court. Anything operating outside said designated square is considered an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking.

Went to Kevin's last night and had a very nice time. Watched Mall Rats. I brought over 100 ft of networking cable so that we all could play Halo because Zach brought his Xbox too, but that didnt last very long and we watched the movie which was really really good.

Look what Japan had ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER doing. Its supposed to be the funniest commercial ever, but I think these are funnier even if they aren't on TV like the Japanese one.

JJ - 1/4/03/afternoon - Personality Test

Maddox has a great personality test that I think everyone should try. And luckily since its not on quizilla you don't have to worry about it taking five years to load.

JJ - 1/4/03/morning- Aparently I Can't Draw

I tried. Okay? I tried. But apparently I can't do it. I can't, even with the help of a computer, draw.

So what should I do with this site? Hmmmmmm.... Maybe I'll use it like a livejournal! Sure it wont have all those cool things you all have with your fancy friends list and comments and stuff, but its better than absolutly nothing... I guess.

Check out Kill Bill.

Laugh your ass off at this.

And this. <-- Hahahahaha!! Fixed It!!!


Sitck Death
Penny Arcade!
Diesel Sweeties
Purple Pussy
Nuklear Power
Kill All The White Man

Other Suff
Something Aweful
Something Awful
Watch Me!!! ThinkGeek
Iron Chef
The Daily Show
Black People Love Us

Most Useful Thing On The Internet