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rabbits web page

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Cedge's HTML Cheats banner

that's my pic

Things about me

Age 16
Grade 10
Sex M
Stuff i'm 5'8 and 125 pounds, have green eyes, and longish hair
Intersts skateboarding, and my girlfriend candace williams, and computers, and music
Other Stuff i don't have much of a life. most of it revolves around school, my girlfriend, music, and skateboarding.
More Stuff i don't have a very good self esteem. but my girlfriend, or gf if you like chat room lingo, don't like to hear me say anything bad about my self. i think i'm stupid and ugly, but my girlfriend/gf dosn't. i also like anime, go figure. i'm also hoping to go to college in philly, pa, the philly art institute to be certain. hopefuly i can go for either audio production or web design. thats about all i have to say. if you think i should add more info, go to the guest book and give your ideas.

My favorite bands

#2 him
#3 bad religion
#4 cradle of filth
#5 smile empty soul

Thats my girlfriend and i love her alot

this is trish she's my bestest friend

this picture was made by my girl friend because my nickname is rabbit and hers is carrot

cody, he's a moron


thats kayla, she don't know shes on this web site, but if you see her, give her a hug, she always looks like she needs a hug

candace and her friend jodie

camille, crazy

Kayla Henson and me. this is what happens when you get a picture taken with me

cky's logo


Transformers Logo

if you want to talk to me in my guestbook or through e-mail, my e-mail is:

Online MBA
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remember that the only thing you can certainly get for free in this world is smiles and hugs, and i have an unlimited supply here. thanks for coming to my site.