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Band Member Biographies
Song Meanings
Exit 10 Would Like to Thank...


1/23/03: It is official, Exit 10 will be playing at my party which is February 1st 2003. Don't miss it. In other news, Exit 10 has just finished recording another demo and are very confident with the quality both technically and with the band.

1/21/03: There are 2 members in Exit 10 who don't wanna play at Anthony's party... Kyle and Eric... my props to Greg. Want them to play? Write emails to greg to convince them otherwise. Hurry, the party is Feb. 1st. Greg's email is Remember, if they don't play, there won't be any guitar, bass or drums to jam with.

1/10/03: Exit 10 has just recently booked an opening spot for the rec. show in June. Exact date to be released...don't miss it!

1/5/03: New look...same great band.

-=Contact Info=-
(The Band's Contact Info will be available shortly)

If you would like to contact Exit 10's webmaster Anthony, contact him at

Eric "Ublman" Ubl

My Favorite Bands
  • Blink 182
  • Boxcar Racer
  • Allister
  • Greenday

Hey! Im Eric "Ublman" Ubl. I was born on February 25, 1989. I grew up in Edison, N.J, and i still live there. My first guitar is a 1984 white krammer. I got in 2000 and I have been addicted to it ever since. I'm not to good making lyrics, gregs better. Me and Dr.suess aren't good at that. so I write songs greg makes bass lines to lyrics and then we put it togther to a song.Music is always in me, it is basically my life. Personal quote "If you can't duck it, F*** it!" duck tape fixes everything kids. Greg says that should be kyles personal quote because he uses duck tape on everything. Our mic stand are symbol stands tape together with duck tape. My inspirtion is Blink 182, one day i was watchign MTV and they came on and i was like damn theyre funny.

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