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Welcome to Got Toast- V.1.1
Welcome to Got Toast!
The realm of toasty goodness.

Brit's Intro: Ah, I see you've found your way to the Shrine O' Idiotic Tendencies. Don't bother wanting descripitions of all the choices below. Each link is a different happening in our lives, that just happens to be A)Psychotically stupid B)Hilarious or C)Both. The titles are all literal. That means,if it says 'Interupting Moose Joke'.... It's about a stupid joke. Get the picture? ^^ ANyways, it's impossible not to laugh at all of these. If the site didn't sit well with ya, read one or two of the 'essays'. They are all true-life, believe it or not. We're just a bunch of anime obsessed, overly bored, caffiene high teenagers. Have fun.
WARNING: If you are affected mentally by this site, don't sue us for therapy fees.

Bunny's Intro: If you're scared, go away. For those who are insane like me, Hi! I'm... um...... oh yeah, Bunny! Anyways, this is a page dedicated to how insane me and my friends are. We have major issues and alot of the stuff we say and do are really funny. Well, sometimes. Alot of its just stupid. Okay, all of its stupid. Whatever. Moving on... The site's constantly under construction. So just check back and maybe you'll get lucky. Then again, maybe not... heh.

Oh yah, explaination time! I'm Brit, She *points to Bunny* is Bunny, and she *points at Mina* is Mina. We love you guys!

Visit our sister-site network- Sprawling Scape! Brit-chan's network of (mainly yaoi) webshrines and sites. BIG, though all of them are being revamped and are down. ^^ Thanks for the time, the link is in the (DUH) links section!

Updates and Crap
Interupting Moose Joke
Kill the Furbies
Curse of the Spongebob
His Freind Bunny's Cousin Mina
I like cherries... and your brother.
Brit's Insane Convo
Scottish Guys Throwing Stuff
The Attack of the Evil Cheese Toast
Curse of the Ronnie
Vampiric Alexander Hamilton
Why I Hate My Brother Zechs
Why I Like Cherries (and Your Brother)
Why Heero Is Like Toast
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee...
WeLcOMe tO mah world. (Brit)
Insanity: Brought to you by Brit.
The Cruel Irony of...
Links, For Those Who Are Leaving...
Why I Hate French People
Tuxedo Peoples!!!!

Sun's Betrayal
Thinking About Forever
Bring Forth The Blade

Brit-chan at
Attraction of Dangerous Sorts
A Dark Peace
Soft Touches
The Pain Won't Go Away
College Days
Forever Is Too Long For Me
And others I can't remember.

Brit-chan's webnovels...
Blank Pages-Celiaste

Angel (Brit)

The Rating Scale!
Gundam Wing
Brit's GW Rating!
Yu-Gi-Ou (japanese, not the sucky english version. I hate 4kids.)
G Gundam
Sailor Moon
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Real Bout Highschool



Duo's Scythe
Why I hate British people
My crayon collection
Stupid Dusty
My Lil Sayings Page (Bunny)
WElcome to my world. Scared yet? (Brit)
Reasons to kill Zechs
Bin Laden's Tutu
Pretzels according to our president
Reasons to kill Vegeta
Reasons to kill Mina
Reasons to kill anyone period
Phil the Christmas Jew
Ryan vs. the cars
We are the Kawaii Penguins
Horatio the Amoeba

Dude, it's a llama!
Reasons why I like toast (Bunny)
Reasons I like coffee(Brit)
Evil stupid thing(s)
Why roses are special
Why stuff is vampiric
Why cherries are weird
Why I should stop typing
Ice cream is better than cheese
Peaches and Cream

-*-AND MUCH MORE!!!!-*-

READ THIS! and it's sequel, Pyractomena Borealis (sp?)

So keep checking back! This is Bunny, Brit, and Mina signin off!!!

I like Toast. If you like toast, or if the penguins are your friend too (or if ya just wanna know what I'm talking about) email Bunny!!! (I'm PunkPixiePan)

Bye 4 now!!! (Bunny) (Brit)