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I Love Good Charlotte

As you've probably guessed, I love Good Charlotte!!! They are my favorite band in the whole world, not to mention the fact that they're from Maryland, which is exactly where I'm from. If you've never heard of good charlotte-here's the low-dow.Benji Madden-guitarist, Joel's twin brother(although you probably guessed that)Billy Martin-guitarist, is from Naptown-yeah!!!go naptown!!!!,vegetarian or veagn, im not sure cuz ive heard both. Joel Madden-vocalist, writes all the lyrics with twin brother Benji, my personal fave. Paul Thomas-bassist, very adorable. Chris Wilson- new drummer (supposedly he's staying "for good"),from Utah

Reasons Why I Love GC!!

My Favorite Web Sites

official gc site
another official gc site
great gc fan site!!
