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Hi, we're saying ''hello'' we think you're cool. Jesus loves you!!!

HI! (3/2/04)
We thought we would stop in and let you all know that the Crossroads Youth Ministries MOSH TEAM is not dead, but isn't exactly alive either. Justin Wisner and Aaron Smith are still very good friends and hang out all of the time! However the Mosh Team has not bee nthe most important thing to the mright now. So here's what the guys have been up to!
Justin Wisner is still with his band Hypothesis Theory. He has also started a new side band with his friend T-Bone, they are called Corporate Nursing Home. He has also become the manager for Unuzable Signal, whic his an awesome punk band he is good friends with! He also still plays drums in the CYM worship team named Three Times.
Aaron Smith got a job working weekends at camp Keswick! He has also started learning how to play bass, playign the Fine Arts Festival with Justin's band Hypothesis Theory! He's also become a giant screamo fan!
We don't have any plans of doing anything cool with the Mosh Team for now, but perhaps someday. peace out! Jesus loves you!!!

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Hypothesis Theory