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It’s nice to see one of the many new faces of Conservatism basically take an action from within the liberal playbook and lump one set of people together (atheists) with mass murderers of the 20th Century (Hitler, Stalin, Mao) [See article W. W. J. K. Who Would Jesus Kill, March 10th, 2004].  Funny how on September 13th, 2001 at the end of her article she states, “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”  And that’s from the token Conservative Fem whose face is plastered over pictures of the Constitution.  So, she’s advocating becoming just like the Taliban and al Qaeda?  It sure seems it.  Is this what’s at the top of the neo-Conservative trash heap these days?  My they sure are getting desperate to spread their ultra-right agenda with an Ayn Rand wannabe and that’s probably offensive to Ayn Rand, considering she was more intelligent and had her own ideas.  Now Ms. Coulter, she spews the same venomous rhetoric that her comrades spew.  Not a single original thought.  Is this woman that stupid that she can’t for the life of her articulate her own thoughts and ideas?


Now according to her, or more appropriately her keepers, say that anyone who was against the war are traitorous. Well now, I guess that means Teddy Roosevelt was a traitorous bastard.  Poor guy, didn’t he know you MUST follow lockstep with your President despite that you feel he may be wrong?  And that he has no obligation to listen to the people?  Liberals are by far no more traitorous than the Cons.  If Liberals are indeed traitors then so are the Cons.  Once she realizes that maybe there’ll be some hope for her, but I doubt it.  There has been no word from her or her comrades about Dubya using haunting images of 9/11 in his ads.  Had this been a Liberal no doubt that the GOP Storm troopers would be trying to get them pulled and the Lib candidate punished.  You would hear the howling of Rush Limbaugh and Sean. Hannity griping from how they’re using it for political gain to how disgusting it is.  Since it’s one of their boys, it’s ok.  Even Bill O’Reilly, the so-called Independent that walks the Con line, has no problems with it, but surely if it were a Liberal who did this he would be self-righteous about it saying the same things his cohorts have already said.


Now lets examine a quote from September 17th, 2003 from her article Here’s A Traitor, “Allende was an avowed Marxist, who, like Clinton, got into office on a plurality vote.”  Interesting, but unlike Bush they weren’t chosen by the Supreme Court because of an absolute screw up with ballots caused so much mayhem.  Why is it that Cons both neglect the fact that this whole mess took place in a state (out of ALL 50 states) that was governed by Jeb Bush, Dubyas brother and that the Supreme Court then chose Dubya?  No Con has tried to even neither explain that nor investigate it, but yet they’re supposedly the most ardent followers of the Constitution.  It doesn’t take a real genius to figure out that they don’t care a lot about the Constitution, but about their hold on power.  Which I’m sure can be said about all politicians from both sides.


So, what will happen if Kerry wins the Presidency?  Will they scream foul?  I’m sure, but I doubt the butterfly ballot will be repeated.  Their screams will most likely be considered mockery and they’ll just meet karma from all that Sore/Loserman tripe from the 2000 election.  I hope Kerry wins, because I’m getting bored with Conservative soap operas.  It’s time to change the channel and watch the Liberal soap operas.  2004 Election, bring it on!!!  I also can’t wait for the, “The Shrub Is Out!” posters.