This would be me... most recent picture  available...
Name: The SpaZtaKulaR Po' ('Evil' Hello Kitty)
Birth-Day: 08/19/83
Birth Place: Manchester NH
Height: aprox. 5'5"
Hair: Everchanging
Eyes: Brown
Favorite Color(s): Pink, Black, Purple,& Kiwi
Favored Class: Archer, I can't miss...
Favored Enemy: Humans
Skool: Grad. of Manchester Memorial High Skool, Attending Montserrat College of Art
RPGs Played: D&D, D&D 3rd Ed., BESM, D2 system (lol), Fuzion,  Dragon Ball Anime Adventure, Usagi Yojimbo, World Of Darkness (-wraith...ick), Call of Cthulhu, Street Fighter Storytelling Game, Sailor Moon, the list goes on and on...i wish I had a life... lol
: Artist, Student, 4th Generation Mallrat (not proud)
Future: I plan to some day own a comic/anime/game store, and also have a somewhat popular comic, cartoon, or movie series based upon my random drawings. I've also been thinking of becoming a kindergarden teacher...I'm not sure why. Till then I'm trying to have fun.
Aol Instant Messanger: KillerKittyPo, SpaZtaKulaRPo; Yahoo Messanger: EHelloKittyBoy, KillerKittyPo; MSN Messanger: (also my email if you want to send me shit)

new pic as soon as sumone does my hair...argh
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