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days 'til our break ends!

Christian's Awesome Webpage

What's up losers? Welcome to my webpage. Definitely Check out Dumbass! It's mad freakin' awesome!

Check out my WebJournal, it's kool. Click here to view it.

The new Dumbass video will be coming out soon! I promise! If it doesn't, you can do something....errr.....bad....or something. lol. j/p.

Awesome Sub-pages

This is a list of some retarded yet funny songs made by my friend Ck and one I helped him on.
Double it up Biatch
Life's a Bitch

I like to:

Some cool bands are:

Insult of the Week: Your momma's so dumb, she locked herself in a bathroom and pissed her pants.
Joke of the Week: What did the guy say when he walked into a bar? (answer at bottom of page)
Question of the Week: What color does a smurf turn when you choke it?

Some cool sites include:
Homestar Runner! It's mad freakin' awesome!
Don't Click Here
Ck's Webpage
Blink 182


members of cast
Feature Time
Dumbass Number One

What's your name?

What's your e-mail address?

What's your screenname?

What is your favorite band?(Rap is gay so none are listed)

What state do you live in?

What grade are you in?

Any comments or suggestions?

Answer to Joke of the Week: Ouch! (lmao)

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