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Stop Bush's Rouge Regime

Reasons For This Site

Links For Peace

Pictures From Protests
How Bush has screwed up our country
How YOU can help the cause
Other Links

War is an act of violence. Wars always result in human sufferings -no matter how "justifiable" the chain-of-events leading up to a war may "seem" to be, When individuals & governments resign themselves to war, regardless of how strongly they may believe in their causes, peace is always the first casualty. - No In this time all of the world learders are much too quick to arms. The heads of state make any issue an issue to be solved with blood. A war does no more than seperate the world. A war is a legal method of killing innocent people. Take a stand angainst this injust process. Make yourself heard. Dont let an leader kill in your name for oil. I think this is best summed up with a quote by Anti-Flag: Protest against, injustace, state terror. On the streets of the world for the disempowered. You've sung at our shows. Cheared right over wrong. Now its time to hit the streets, back up those words you've sung. CAUSE THE VOICES ALONE THIS TIME WILL NOT GET IT DONE, THE PEOPLE UNINTED WILL GET IT DONE! Peace, Love, Unity Sam I am continuosly updating this site, come back soon
