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The Band

The band formed a few months ago when three friends discovered their musical talent. After that we started practicing in my basement we spent a lot of hours down there working on music for our first album. It has turned out to be much harder than we thought but it's coming along. Our music is classified as punk but with a twist. Check us out.

Daphne Bowen

Daphne's the singer of the band. She also plays guitar and writes the majority of the bands lyrics. She's a California girl who moved here some time ago. The basement we practice in is mine. Some of the best times were spent in that basement and there are more memories to be made.

Melissa McVaye

Melissa is our bassist and a damn good one at that. We met back in middle school and have been good friends ever since. When i started the band a few months ago she's the first person i called.

Melissa McVaye

Jayne is the lead guitarist of the band. I met her about a year ago. She's from Florida and is Swedish. Which is always fun because we can talk to each other and Mel has no idea what we're saying!