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Life is Benji, The Rest Is Details If I were in that pit, I'd be making out with every one of you!
I'm not Famous. Your All Crazy It's OK, nobody's as much of a psycho as I am.
Finally Chris Pics!

Interview: Do you play pranks on eachother? 
Benji: One time we dropped a boulder on Billy's head 
Paul: I dropped an anvil on Benji 
Joel: I killed Paul's whole family 
Benji: I put rat poison in Billy's food one time 
Billy: I murdered Paul's entire family 
Paul: I'm still getting over it but you know it's alright, it was funny though 
Benji: One time I ripped off all of Billy's toenails 
Paul:Alright, lets move onto the next question!! Benji:  I have what you want.
Joel:  You wish!

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