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Hey everybody, this is Scott. And i'm not gonna bore you with shit about me. Instead every week, or so, i am going to have a selected band, that i will tell you LOTS about, and have some pictures of them, and have links to pins, and shirts, and stickers...those kind of things. And if you haven't already guessed my band this week is Reel Big Fish!



Ok here we go.
First I'm just going to name the band members and tell you what they all play for the group.
    Aaron Barrett - vocals & guitar
    Grant Barry - trombone
    Andrew Gonzales - drums
    Scott Klopfenstein - trumpet & vocals
    Dan Regan - trombone
    Tavis Werts - trumpet
    Matt Wong - bass



    Here are some really cool lookin black and white pins

    These ones are some cool coloured pins

    Here is a big green one

    The last pin i've found is a big black pin with a skull on it
