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>Team and Site Info

Amoeba32 are: Nader Atassi, Mohammad Rahhal, Roland Chlouk, Sidney Chlouk, Ghassan Asalman, Omar Boubess
Webmaster:Nader Atassi
Artist:Sami Eid

>Member Info

Nader Atassi: 13 Years old, Style: Street Hesh
Mohammad Rahhal: 13 Years old, Style: Street Tech
Roland Chlouk: 13 Years old, Style: Street Hesh and Tech
Sidney Chlouk: 16 Years old, Style: Street Hesh and Tech
Ghassan Asalman: 14 Years old, Style: Street Tech
Omar Boubess: Age: 12 Years Old, Style: Street Tech

This is my site for our skate team here in Beirut, Lebanon. There is me Nader Atassi, Mohammad Rahhal, Roland Chlouk, Sidney Chlouk and Ghassan Asalman(Roland, Sidney and Ghassan are also known as the Kamikaze boarders. Check regularly for pics and our video is coming out soon too!! Peace out...Nad


Oh my god it has been soo long since i've updated! Guess we've been busy!! Well for the site we got new links, and i fixed up all the bugs so we have a perfecto site! To think i just learned how to design a site 5 months ago! We're giving a shout out to all our friends. So hello to Karim,Ahmad, Rifaat, Michael, Ramsey, Sima, Nataly(Kreidieh, not Dada the prep), Naziha, Carina, Sarah, Yara, Nadine, Yasmine, Lara, Amer.If i forgot you sorry! Peace out...Nad

Update May 18th, 2003
Hey hows it yall? I'm gonna start updating more often nowadays. Anyway,we have had some major changes in the team. Omar quit for good, he is a basketball playing jock now. We have a new guy named Mohammad Rahhal! And we are starting "enuff aint enuff", our video, all over. Well thats all i gotta say...later!

Update April 27th, 2003
Oh my god! I didn't know time flew by so quickly. Well, things have changed. Omar stopped skating a while, he's one of those off and on people. I am still skating and many of my homies are starting to also! I also started something new, wakeboarding, and i love it, it's awesome!!!! Well thats all, oh yeah and ryan's board needs to be dusted up with a dustbuster cuz it looks like a plank of wood from the prehistoric ages! Lazy old ryan get off that couch and skate! Well Catch y'all later dudes and dudettes(or any other transsexual people i.e drag queens) and keep visitig this site cuz its back in business!!!

Update Februrary 12, 2003
Hey! Been a while since i updated, thas cuz i been grounded. Well lots of things have changed! Adam is officially out of Amoeba32! Thas cuz we needed someone who coould do more than just ollie and kickflip! But we might be getting a couple of other guys, cause some of my other friends got good over the last three months so we'll see! Valentine's day is in two days, and i am once again DATELESS! And thas all the news! Later.

Update December 28, 2002

Hey! Sorry for te lack of updates! I've been putting most updates in the newsbox! So i dont know what to write here anymore. Well i guess we finally got everyone in the video Enuff Ain't Enuff...but we havent been workin on it for about two weeks(yes read it all in the newsbox!). We found some cool sites for skate companies like tensor trucks and uhh what else? Oh yeah, flip skateboards and crap so we'll post'em soon.
Peace out...Nad

Update December 8, 2002

Hey we've been working really hard on the site and now we have a cool crap section. So far we only have a Tony hawks pro skater 4 center but more soon like videos of other skaters, cool songs and much more! Check for updates...Oh and Enuff Ain't Enuff is going well but we don't think the whole team can make it to the movie cuz ryans fixing up his skating and Adam is busy all the time but we will see! Peace out...Nad

Update December 3rd, 2002 Hey hows it going! Yup we now have a message board so become a member as soon as you can! Our message board address is Forget conforums. And the best thing is we now have a title for our upcoming video. It is called "Enuff Ain't Enuff". And the whole team will be in the video. We got everything ready. Oh and me(Nader) will have a special session separate from my session for freestyle). Oh and as soon as it's finished don't forget to watch the video "Birdy" Blody7's new video sounds awesome. Their site is They are in out links section anyway so check it out. Peace out...Nad

Update December 1st, 2002

Okay we have a message board now!!! But for some reason the link isn't working!! So if u want to go to the message board go to We'll fix up the link later but for now dont click on it. The same thing is wrong with Bloody7's message board i think it's somehting wrong with the message board server but for now just type it in your browser without the link. Thanks Peace out...Nad

Update November 28, 2002

Hey we now have the newset member of our team! Adam has joined today! He will have a part in the video! Stay tuned for updates. Oh and we have new sections on our website!! We have the trick tips they look familiar? Well it's a simple copy paste from a trick skateboard-city but what are they gonna sue us? And a new video clips section when i do a tail stall acid drop and Omar does a kiickflip on flat...more video and trick tips soon so check for updates! Peace out...Nad

Update November 22, 2002

Hey we have progress in our video! Coming out soon. We found this awesome four stair in our school which is good for ollieing and also we built this tight jump kinda ramp thingy. But Ryan's gotta get some fixing up he hasn't skated the whole summer! Me and omar are good i just got back into stairs and ollied a four and Omar's kickflippin well and kickflipped a jump and it was aweome and I nosegrabbed it. For close friends we will give them the movie on DVD or video cassettes but for people who wanna see it come to the site when it's out.Peace out... Nad
