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the rachel

hey, you probably came to this website because of mxpx, but i, the rachel, created this site. i put a lot of hard work into it. you can read about me if you would like. ! thats why i am providing this information.

NAME: the rachel
AGE: 15
SEX: female
STATUS: single
BIRTHDATE: September 3
AIM name: roxy12399
SIGN: Virgo, but i dont beleive in it
HAIR COLOR: brownish reddish
EYE COLOR: brown
SIBLINGS, AGES: alyssa,14;veronica,12;jaycie,6;jamee,3
NICK-NAMES: the rachie
WORK: chores, homework, babysitting, BORING
CAR: 76 red landcruiser... i WiLL DRiVE THAT CAR, i WiLL!!

COLOR: i would have to say pink and black
SONG: do your feet hurt BY (DUH) mxpx.
BANDs: MxPx!!!, greyfield, finch, face to face, ataris, some anti-flag(the ones w/o lots of swearing... so, im a wuss? NO SHAME! [hee] ), slick shoes, and (A LOT OF) others such as these
RAPPER: none whatsoever !
CAR: 76 red landcruisers. yeah !
QUOTE: "are you punk rock because you are cool or because nobody likes you" by mike herrera
ANIMAL: golden retrievers are my best friends
DRINK: Diet Mountain Dew Code REd
FOOD: Mexican ... spacifically CAFE RIO!
ALCOHOLIC DRINK: none cuz i dont drink
PLACE: anywhere but here
PLACE TO VACATION AT: cananada. jk ive never been there. ive only been to california, idaho, and colorado. passed through nevada once on the way to california too dude. colorado is my favorite cuz i always go with my youth group and that is F U N!
BOOK: The Luckiest Girl

BEST: going to this concert... OH MAN... whats his name... well, it was some old guy, but it was fun because we went as a family to this park and had hot dogs and fun
WORST: tOO embarrassing on my behalf to tell you
FUNNIEST: dressing up to dance to Cleopatra Comin At Ya in Concert on the disney channel and dancing to it with veronica and alyssa. twas a long time ago
EARLIEST: running around in the backyard with alyssa while my mom taped it and was pregnant with veronica, and me and alyssa were all "im jogging mommy im joggining"
WEIRDEST: anytime spent with veronica is guaranteed weird memories.
BIGGEST TURN ON: christian punk rocker! oh baby thatll be the day i meet one of those that likes me back!
BIGGEST TURN OFF: smokers ! saying my lords name in vain... and when they're jerks. there's approxamatley 1,000 of those at my lame school.
DO U HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE?: kinda sorta yeah
WHO?: james but he moved to tooele the JERK. and a no name dude. he might come here! DOES RELIGION MATTER WHEN DATING SOMEONE: they gotta love my Lord. i wont date him or even like him if he's not a BA christian. i still think they're attractive though! its a shame they're not BA's!
WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU GO TO?: elk ridge. it sucks BiG TiME. dude, everyones a sweet-bro or poser punk.
IF YOUR WALLS COULD TALK WHAT WOULD THEY SAY?: "we cant breathe!" my walls are C O V E R E D in pictures. i am not lieing.
IF U COULD BE WITH ANYONE WHO WOULD IT BE?: mike herrera but he's married IF U COULD HAVE A SHOPPING SPREE AT ANY STORE WHERE WOULD IT BE?: hot topic & pacsun & copper rivett.
WHAT DO U SPEND MOST OF YOUR MONEY ON?: nothing cuz i dont get money. BUT when i do, it would be MXPX cds! cafe rio lunches with my mom to get out of school and enjoy yummy food... clothes. i need more clothes!
DO YOU WEAR A WATCH? yeah, i drew it on my skin! its right twice a day! 3:00!
WHICH HAND DO YOU WEAR IT ON? my left cuz im right handed!
WHAT KIND OF SHOES DO YOU WEAR? i wear my vans, and my boots from maurices i got 80 years ago. they're awesome
DO YOU THINK MEAT IS MURDER? no its here to eat. i love meat. exspecially beef ribs in BBQ sauce. my dad's the albertsons meat man, i gotta love meat!
DO YOU THINK “CHRISTIAN PUNK” IS AN OXYMORON? no, my dad helped me with this one! an oxymoron would be a "GOOD CHRISTIAN" everybodys a sinner dude! but God's so awesome he'll forgive you. thats why i love him so much! another oxymoron is jumbo shrimp
DO YOU OWN A MESSENGER BAG? yeah i have a roxy one. its blue
DO YOU WEAR IT OVER YOUR SHOULDER? sometimes i doo and sometimes i doont
I HURT: when i slip on ice and fall on my butt. heee!its helarious though!
I LOVE: Jesus and punk music
I HATE: school . expecially my school
I FEAR: poodles and pomeranians they're snippy little dogs
I HOPE: I stay happy forever
I FEEL: tired
I BREAK: hearts.... !
I LISTEN: to MXPX ! ! ! every day of the week
I HIDE: in my closet
I DRIVE: in 5 months, 19 days and 7 hours and 37 minutes.
I BREATHE: everyday
I PLAY: music too loud
I MISS: Justin... this much >------------------------O-----------------------< I LEARN: stuff everyday
I KNOW: not that much
I SAY: a lot of dumb things
I DREAM: every night about weird things !
I WANT: a haircut!
I FELL: on my butt in gym TWiCE! embarrassing. when everyone was facing my way too. oh you shouldve been there!
I WAIT: paitiently on tuesdays, but thats the only day
I NEED: Jesus
I THINK: a lot
I AM: extremely ticklish. feet, stomach, just everywhere! once my dad was tickling my sisters and i just watched and laughed, then he came for me and i gave him a fat lip. i kicked him in the mouth and made him bleed. he's a 200 pound man who lifts weights every other day and i made him almost cry.(he never cries) i felt bad, but thats what he gets for trying to tickle me. if you tickle me ill knock you out! thats today's lesson

Understanding: yes i am.
Open-minded: well it really depends. some things i just wont go for. i have rooles
Arrogant: would it be fair to answer that?
Insecure: too much
Interesting: you tell me!
Hungry: not right now. just ate dinner. thanks, you?
Friendly: yep!
Smart: maybe?
Moody: yeah
Childish: yeah expecially to my parents
Independent: Kinda
Hard working: for certain things yes
Organized: no not really. i know where everything is, but its all scattered anyways
Healthy: yeah
Emotionally Stable: yeah
Shy: WAY too shy
difficult: maybe sometimes
Bored Easily: very easily .
Thirsty: always . for diet mountain dew code red dude!
Responsible: yeah
Sad: nope!
Happy: yep!
Trusting: yeah you can trust me
Talkative: sometimes, if I am not shy
Original: yeah
Different: yep
Unique: duh
Lonely: at sometimes, but I get over it

Slap: alyssa
Look Like: oh man, whats her name... i forget it when i have to answer. !
Be Like: Jesus

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: hot chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King?: Burger King
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend?: both
Sweet or sour?: sweet
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: root beer
Sappy/action/comedy/horror?: comedy
Cats or dogs?: dogs
Ocean or Pool?: ocean, whats the fun of a boX
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese?: cool ranch
Mud or Jell-O wrestling?: jello that would be FUN . who wants to join me!
With or without ice-cubes?: without
Shine or rain?: SUN!
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring?: Winter
Vanilla or Chocolate?: vanilla
Snowboarding or skiing?: sNOWboarding
Cake or cookies?: neither, but if i had to choose.... neither.
Cereal or toast?: cereal
Gloves or mittens?: gloves
Eyes open or closed?: closed... sleeping... dreaming
Fly or breathe under water?: ive already breathed under water, so fly
Bunk-bed or waterbed?: waterbed
Chewing gum or hard candy?: gum ! hard candys annoying. unless its creamsavers . i like cream savers
Motor boat or sailboat?: motor and then i can water ski off the back. woo peee!
Lights on or off?: on . im ascared of the dark.
FINAL STATEMENT: i want a cafe rio salad with creamy tomatillo and black beans.

