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|| Roleplay #:1||
|| Record: 00 - 00 - 00.. ||
|| Next Match: Raven & Lita vs. Jeff Hardy & Trish Stratus ||
|| WWE Achievements: nothin yet...((1)|| ||OCC Message: Great to be in WWE! ||

| | This rp layout was made for me by Brandon aka B.M.Studios. This layout is wicked cool <-lol Skye!->. If you want to steal this then go ahead just dont let me or Brandon see you using it....also meh birthday is the 14th!!!!| |

[- Camera's fade on and focus in on a car approaching to the arena. The limo stops in front of the backstage door, then the driver steps out of the drivers side, opens the side door and offers his hand to the person inside. A hand extends from inside the car and a woman steps out of the limo. The woman takes off her shades and revels that it is the one, the only Amy Dumas a.k.a Lita . Lita streches then reaches into her pocket, pulls out $50 and hands it to the driver. Lita walks up to the door and goes inside. Lita sees a stage hand and knods for him to come over. The stage hand come over and Lita asks him a question. -]

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

Hey kid...where can I find Stephaine McMahon?

|::| Stage Hand-Bill |::|

I saw her go in office a minuite's the 4th door on the right ma'am.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

Thanks kid.

[-Lita continues down the hallways and comes up to a door with a name plate that says Stephanine McMahon .Lita grins and knocks on the door. Lita hears somebody say "If your not important go away because i'm busy". Lita laughs then opens the door and sees Stephanie McMahon sorting through alot of papers. Stephanie McMahon looks up annoyed thinking that it's a new helper that can't find their way around but quickly changes her look to a smile when she sees her new employee standing in front of her. -]

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

*smirks* Hello Ms. McMahon. I see your busy...maybe I should come back later....

|::|Billion Dollar Bitch-Stephanine McMahon |::|
*smiles* Wait Lita...I'll put my work aside hold on a second.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

No it's okay I just wanted to come and say Hi and I wanted to know where my locker room was.

|::|Billion Dollar Bitch-Stephaine McMahon |::|
Oh..okay then. Well to get to your locker room you go down this hallway then take right and a left and your locker room should be the first door on the left....i think but i'm not so sure.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

*looks confused*Umm. Okay...I guess I can find it. I'll let you finish your job now.

|::|Billion Dollar Bitch-Stephaine McMahon |::|
Lita hold on. Before you leave I want you to know that you have a match on Smackdown. You and Raven verus Jeff Hardy and Trish Stratus.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

Okay. *grins* Jeff Hardy eh?This is gonna be interesting. Ok i'm outta here.

[-Lita turns and leaves Stephanine McMahon's office and softly closes the door. Lita trys to remember what Stephanine said but end up at Victoria's locker room. Lita turns around and walks up and down the hallways but doesn't see a door with her name plate on it. Lita sets her gym bag down, pulls out her bottle of water, leans against the wall and closes her eyes. Lita drinks some water, puts the cap back on and opens her eyes. Lita bends down to put her drink back in her bag when she feels a hand touch her shoulder. Lita jumps up in suprise and almost trips up but the person who touched her holds her up. Lita regains hold of herself and gets free of the persons hold. Lita turns to face the person and looks curiously at him. -]

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

*looks angry* Back-off dude. What do you want?

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*holds his hands up* Wait a sec...let me intoduce myself...I'm Randy Orton. I just wanted to say Hi and help you find your locker room.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

*losens up a bit but still stays on guard* Ok well Hi. I'm Amy Dumas better know as Lita.

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*smiles* Yeah...*looks over Lita* I know who you are.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

*notices Orton checking her out and leans up against the wall and smiles* Well next time you decside to tell somebody Hi don't scare the hell out of um like you did to me.

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*sorta hangs his head*Sorry I didn't mean to.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

It's ok. Say could you help me for a sec. I can't find my locker room and...

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*perks his head up* Yeah! I'll help you. I know where it's at. *picks up Lita's gym bag* C'mon follow me.

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|


[-Lita follows Randy Orton down another hallway. Orton shows Lita a door and Lita sets down her gym bag, takes a key out of her pocket and tries it in the lock. The door opens so Lita picks up her bag andturns facing Orton and starts to say something.-]

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

No wonder I couldn't find it...Itdoesn't have a freakin' nameplate on the door!

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*smiles* Thats why you got me to show you to your locker room....

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

*gets sarcastic* OoOoO wow! *rolls her eyes* My knight in shining armor!

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

I guess you could say that....

[-Randy walks up to Lita and tilts her head up. Lita looks up curiously then Randy smiles and kisses her on the cheek then on the lips. Randy looks at Lita's facial expression. Lita has a shocked look at first but then makes eye contact with Randy and starts to smile.-]

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*grinning like a idiot* do ya like your welcoming gift?

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

I think I wanna another gift....

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|

*laughs*I might work you into my schedule. busy this week?

|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

Well...i don't know yet because i'm all new here. I dunno if Stephanie has anything planned for me or not.

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|


|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

I'm taking it that your free?

|::|Big Shot-Randy Orton|::|


|::|Xtreme Diva-Lita|::|

A girl would be stupid to refuse a offer from you...

[-Orton grins and Lita heads into her l/r. Before Lita shuts the door she gestures for Randy to give her his hand. Lita pulls a pen out of her bag and writes on Randy's hand. Orton looks at his hand and the camera gets a glimpse of his hand which has some numbers writen on it. Randy says "Thanks" and waves good-bye. Lita smiles and waves back. After Lita closes her door WWE camera's fade out.-]

WWE Lita.....WWE Lita.....WWE Lita....