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tyo yo yo wud up dis is da d-munee sight. 

i mean crackas can be niggas rightyk2 125 skates




"Confused People" written by Daniel 12/16/02

there are some confused people in this world. ok SANTA IS NOT BLACK. Hes German and i have proof, Donner (which is one of his reindeer) the word is german because thunder in german is Donnerstag, Blizten is lightening in german, Rudolph is another german/european name. and all the other names were translated. so hah!!!! oh yeah and JESUS IS NOT BLACK. neither is he white hes jewish. yes us white people need our own month and our own channel


"so long" written by Daniel 12/19/02

well josh morales you brought this on yourself man. sorry this had to end like this but it was you man not me it was your decision that brought me to this. you dropped me like that , like it wasn't a big deal, i guess we weren't friends from the beginning. so long old friend as for me and my crew is still up and kickin


"What Really Happened" written by Daniel 12/14/02

alright if you heard the story about me and josh ivison getting "Caught" by the police. so here goes the story, me and josh walked down under the bridge by the stars center by AMA, with a $500 video camera in my back pack my $140 dollar aggressive skates and my bike, so we were bored and i said hey lets make a "little fire" (like 2 feet) so i ran home got a fire starter brick and rode my bike to the bridge and started a little fire so we started the the fire but it was really small so we threw a full can of slice in there to see it if would explode so we wait about 10 minutes for it to explode and it doesn't so i kick it out of the hot coals and it roled down the hill into the water so i kicked the ashes some more so there was not any flames so we walk down to the stream and josh says hey let me show you this crystal so we walk down the ravine about 20 to 30 yards. so we hear a siren and freeze, then we heard it dim out so we kept on walking then i see lights turn into the stars center so we hide and the firemen start looking for us but they didn't find us, so they were looking for about 20 to 30 minutes so i talked josh into going over there and telling them that we were bored and stuff so when i walk over there they were just getting in the fire truck and left with our stuff so we had to get it back so the fire truck goes around stars center and then turns down the bridge and into a parking lot of four square church so i go over there and apologize to them and tell them what hapend so we gave them our names ages addresses numbers and our parents name so they said that the fire marshal chief will call our parents and tell them what happened so we walked off and went home but after that day they never called so there you have it we didn't get caught we just turned ourselves in. 


written by Daniel 11/28/02

last night i saw the new James Bond Movie, it was freakin awesome. but it was also a little weird, Bond teaming up with america... uh no. that was the only thing i really disagreed about it. im a big bond fan and usually they don't make america one of the main characters or be behind one of the main characters so yeah hey visit, thats a site that im partly of kevin and ryan are originally the webmasters but they put me in because i was in the idea and i was there in person when we made it and i gave the special sound see you pronounce it like Day-ack, thank you

written by Daniel 11/18/02: 

Laci  is the hottest girl i know. guys if you dont' know this HOT MUFFIN your missin out. shes hot , cool, nice and got it goin on. oh yes got it goin on

oh yes Republicans take the majority of the senate. now we need to re-elect bush, kill sadam, kill osama, over throw communism, cut off Howard Stern's genatiles and his peter, dump Yassar Arafat on mars. Make Richard Simmons a Marines drill sargent and make Hulk Hogan Govener of Minnesota and Vice Govener Randy Savage the Macho Man

Topic of the day Looserness: you know your a looser when you quit the band the following year and go to state (the next year without the band) to watch the show (doesn't include people who are supporting family members). *cough* ZACH NEWLAND *cough*. aw zach were just kiddin with ya bud

written by Daniel 11/15/02:

give it up Blink 182 singer you suck with boxcar racer and with blink. the band itself is good but not the singer. his voice songs like a crap mixed with butt. Which one is better MxPx or NOFX hmm let me think...uhh that would be MxPx. yeah 

written by daniel, 11/10/02:

well sorry i mislead ya'll im going to switch back to trumpet. im a trumpet play not a euphonium. i mean i know they need players and all that but yeah. OH YES NEW MEMBER IN UTOPIA: DONOVAN. hes a freakin awesome skater. and pretty soon i will have a video edited.

written by daniel11/5/02:

WE WON STATE!!!!! HECK YEAH, bown down to the mastas... yeah we won state. yet the prick mr.townsend said it was that bad. wasnt that bad?! mr.townsend you stupid perfectionist. anyways yes its true i play Euphonium and no i didn't sell out i thought hard about it i didn't want to leave my trumpet friends, but ill see yall all the time plus ill be at the initiations so peace

name: mysteriouso

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