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In the summer of 1997 jeremy christansen met chase flannery on the playground, they had a semi-similar interest in music. Jeremy had just gotten into this stuff called "punk rock". Chase listened and was hooked. Jeremy was currently taking guitar lessons(which he soon quit and learned on his own) and they desided to start a band. Chase sold jeremy that his cousin EJ had some guitars and drums, etc. So they recruited him to play drums. Jeremy taught chase to play the guitar, and they called themselves.....K9! Well the band only practiced 3 times before EJ left.( the reason is a long story involving an eleged frog infested basement, and a couple of misdameners, ask us sometime maybe we'll tell you)Any way by the next year they found themselves without a drummer. Jeremy turned to his child hood friend and fellow mischif instigater Kaiden Redd. Kaiden didn't really know how to play the drums but oh well. They named themselves 9x(whts up with the 2 letter thing?) and started playing nirvana/blink 182 covers like dammit and smells like teen spirit. There first real performance was on May 29 1998. It was completely terrible but hay whoe stars perfect? The in the following months they adde Zak Hosking to the bass. But after a short lived career he left the band and moved out of town. HIs in abbility to play the bass with his fingers was the main reason for leavinf(he could only play with his thumb!?) any way the named got changed because of multiple busnises and online drug companies had the smae name. I don't evev know where we got "use only as directed" but oh well. And that is the story of UOAD.

Jeremy Christiansen

Affiliation:Guitar/lead vocals




Birhtday: 1/26/87

Interests:Skateboarding, Fishing, Bowhunting, Punk Rock

Currently Attending: San Juan High

Favorite Band:Pennywise/Less Than Jake/Rancid

Quote:"no possible way!"

Chase Flannery

Affiliation:Bass Guitar/backup vocals




Birthday: 4/19/87

Interests:Skateboarding, Bowhunting, Grand theft auto 3

Currently Attending: San Juan High

Favorite Band:Pennywise

Quote:"jeremy is gay"

Kaiden Redd





Birthday: 2/14/87

Interests: Legos, Electrical tape, fishing

Currently Attending: San Juan High

Favorite Band:Pennywise/Sublime/Magstatic/Bad religion/Taking back sundays

Quote:"so I hit him in the face"