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jessica Y

i l o v e y o u !

bouts meeeee ! •.

name ; jessica

age ; 4'teen

loc ; the big MB !

statis ; tyler !

school ; nmbHIGH . fr0sh !

looks ; beautiful.. ummm ya ! ;]
tall 5'7" , brown hair, eyes, 120lbs

email muh !

how am i
The current mood of at

oh my goodness.. hes so sexy !

shout outs !

melissa - hey girl...weve been thru so much shit..but we've always found a way to over
come it ! ur like my sister..u always ave been, and always will be. i know i always gots somewhere to go when i get kicked out.. lol NEWYAS
! uh oh.. melissa bought a jessica necklace ! the little jewish boy, sick psycho kitty.. COUGH COUGH !all dem boys....spring water!!!!! hey,
whered u get those berries...YUM! doc and rose! BEEF JERKY!the white water rafting that took forever to find which turned out to be no more whitewater
raftin! charleston..throwin purses and brushes out the balcony, sleepin on balconies.. YOU PIG! well u have GERMS! humpty dumpty on
the beach, huh melis? that was great ! omgosh, hes a great guy. fireworks.. our MEMORIES.. 'HEHEHEEHEHHEHEHEH' cant wait til we goto lenoir
! sooo stoned in the hot tub! thats not wht it is... ! i dont feel good.. uh oh.. lol.. wheres ur er ..errrr....HERE THEY ARE ! chad
poplin, the beach. god, so many memories, just on the beach ! the shane roach story ! my disease, ur parents know jonathon ! the hickey.. OH
MY GOD ! our dr pepper incident ! oh and ... SHUUUUT THE FUUUUCK UP!!!! jumpin the docks at WJV, gettin kicked out numerous times, gregs
hairy ass, my men problems, peoples smokin issues, melis: 'damn, u couldnt ever move in with me, id kill u after a day' me: 'damn bitch, id kill
u first' melis: 'whtever' lol ! mario, just friends. DAMNIT NO. teennite trajedies and adventures.. o jeez! ' i need a boyfriend'
drew: ' go get one!' me: 'its not that easy' drew: yes, it is', bumb bump, bump bump, spying on me and josh in comp class.. damn heathen.
ryan deniotzen and gym class, my new id, teennite tragedies..i could go on forever!hey, well always be friends.. no matter wht. if u
ever need someone, i WILL be here for you. love u much ! churchnites, eat ur veggies! snort snort, HOLY MELISSA ! lol.. riiiiight...
abooo? lol.. i <3 tyler.. I KNOW ! 'he kept makin fun of me, and callin me stupid' 'well u do it to me all the
time!' 'but thats DIFFERENT!' the mall with ryanD victoria secret bags, the color pink lol ! so funny ohhh i like ur shoes

dorky melissa ;]

ashW - hey girl...i know we fight like all the damn time, but its ok, i still love you. youve been thre when noone else was. weve
got so many inside jokes.. the pavilions got its ok own damn category there..doesnt it ! lol.. cruisin
the strip, the room key, you dirty slut ! the 11th floor staircase.. luckily everyone already
knows bout that! holla myrtle beach, disturbin the peace, bob, the golf club and my knee, spongebob
squarepants forever, we love him and you dont. men problems... tunnel in the log flume at
the pavilion, DAMN GOOD TURKEY LEG!cabinet doors.. flower pots.. scooter: 'hey, go
down to my car and get one of those little thingys u and ashley were playin with this mornin..'
me: 'NOOO!' raine: 'one of THESE?!' scooter : 'YAAAAAHH!' lol..noises, our little partay ! jumpin
the docks at windjammer. i can keep goin and goin... but im tired. ill always love u no matter wht and
no matter how many times we fight ! everyone always says stay single during highschool..

brittV- DDDDAMN girl ! weve gone thru alot..but its ok, evrything always works out in the end! weve always found so many ways to get us
in trouble, but it never happens! noone EVER catches us! sometimes, i wonder wht its like to GET caught!
lol. late nite walks from 16th ave.. talkin to the cops.. cooking ventures and depressing tales..
we should write a book. our play fights.. my psycho pathic self goin off on walkin the beach,
to main street! lol hes not even here damnit! lol man that boy was a fag. who?
FAG BOY! kris ! lol!! geez, susan really didnt like his hair cut! even tho i cant stand the boy, out little
secrets, the connections.. u and marco!!! AWWWW ! lol.. GOOBER! 'omg omg omg ! were here
in food lion, and we were walkin thru the peanut butter and jelly isle and it just popped right out in front
already knew that!' 'ohhhhhhh..ooops!' lol that was ggrrreat! ur aunt erin..subway, horry georgetown tech.. lol ! her school
supplies, her schedule, katie speed, our plan for teennite ! thatd be great ! i saw u in cvs ! ur moms plan
for a barbeque.. shortys grill, my moms wedding.. cousin johnny pot smoker, my new wallet, broadway at the beach, no matter how many damn
times we argue, ill always be here.. and sry bout nething ive called u, cause theres a whole shit load of it..
but its ok ! luv u always!

ashV - hey girl! ur like my sis.. ive known u soo long ! your so great to hang out with.. ur awesome ! stayin up all nite, makin us some
coffee at 6 in the mornin.. josh winborn! that one night at the movies with him.. man i was trippin. stealin the boat in the pond.. our sims
excursion.. lol like 10 hours STRIAGHT lol ! our run around the block for excersize! CINNAMON ROLLS from mrs
sunni! horry georgetown tech, the library, ur poofy hair, it looked good ! that whole jane incident, runaway girls.. lol ! pyro bias fo lyfe..
HAHA! all our times over allens house, ashley walden drivin the lexus, ur great.. hope we stay friends for like a long time! <3

everyone else, i still love you just as much !

*tylerM* tylerD heather! alyssa drewH brandon ashB kait JOJO beth greg rodney derekL josh
scooter eddie chantal shannon sam joshP paisley jonathon chad ashB greg jacob derekL ryanD
amanda katie amandaR ericR brittB nick drewP benji derekH melisG geoffB
and anyone else who just isnt important enough for me to name

i heart tagBoard message board

email - sn

message <3(smilies)

.•piece of mind

Smile and others will smile back. Smile to show how transparent, how
candid you are. Smile if you have nothing to say. Most of all, do not hide
the fact you have nothing to say nor your total indifference to others.
Let this emptiness, this profound indifference shine out spontaneously
in your smile.
-- Jean Baudrillard


devoted bee
exploding dog
three brain
creatures in my head
buttercup festival

other peoples pages•.

sumthin special - adoptions <3
janelleMoody - shout outs

You are exhilarating company and motivate people to get things
done, however feeling over confident they could possibly do jobs that arnt
nessesarily their own and direct traffic at busy intersections
or conduct childrens parties at Mc Donald restraunts. You keep people
up all night and too much of you can make people hostile or even
agrressive with you. Othertimes your exciting company can make people lose
their appetite and sometimes you just make people anxious and nervouse.
Spending way too much time with you can make people paranoid and psychosed
taking long trips pegging out places suspected secret services are
meeting to conspire against your accompaniment.

Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!

quiz by ravenritings

wow.. that was loads of fun..
take some of those tests ! their great !

Adopt a Smile

awww... i love tyler<3


Hot Damn!
sanrio rocks my socks !

c o n s p i r a c y ?

` · .`·.`.;.´.·´. · ´
··-·:· <3 u jess·:·-··
. · ´.·´.´;`.`·.` · .