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!Brass Knuckles!

So, it seems you've stumbled upon possibly the most boring and useless website ever. Sorry for wasting your time. I originally set this up to learn HTML and waste my time, but I've found better things to waste time on now, so I've thoroughly neglected this. If any of the links don't work, oh well.

Blah blah blah blah.. Ha, I can write anything I want cuz nobody will ever see this but me. Ha! MxPx rules. So do the Specials. Maybe eventually I will do something useful with this, but for now, it will sit here collecting cyberspace- dust.

In case you haven't left yet and you're still reading, good for you. You're probably the first. If you click on the globe below, it will bring you to my ever- stagnant list of christian punk and ska and various other websites. Hopefully some of the links still work.


Last updated: 02/04/02

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Insults?
Email me at skamiester_at_hotmail_dotcom