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OTHER PEOPLE (not music)

YAYAYA i know, this says music too, but instead i put in a little ting for people we wanna mention cuz theyre cool or they r helping to the video. If u want on this thing just ask, and unless ur like a fagbot i'll add u to it


HORSKI: one day ur name will be taken off this list and put into the team bios. Thanks for being crazy, herbing out with us, and having many many many a session.

KELLY: yeeee big kelly! washington and Ottawa trip (lol our own ottawa trip) is gonna be sickkkk. Kelly provides us with entertainment every day at carter, haha the mags! Mario golf woot!

STEPH: Smileyyy! thanks for scanning our pics for us! horray! and for being a great friend!

V. DIDDY: just for being V.Diddy, head of the friggin stupidness haha.

RACH: Rachhhh! ur the best neighbour and friend i could have ever asked for! havin someone to walk to the bus with every day is something that means a lot to me! mwah

SIMON: Simon is the keeper of the groooove, and hes the craziest when hes stoned! stop running the marathon!

MICKEY: The tree was glowing! ahhhh it totally was! lol and the hole! is it really there? i think so. lol thanks for the mad reefing, and the usage of ur pipe! ye!

SHAN: mwa im glad were friends again too! haha ur crazy with ur celery vodka and ur pirates at the door. Just dont go trying to save ocean cows.

CHAR: ahhhh hte squirrels! we will beat them one day. Me, u and horski have to go hunting them one day... of course we'd have to bring a full set of bongs and herb along too :P we definitely have to do that one day!

CYNTHIA: hahhah cynthia is definitely the human bandaid. haha thanks for being a crazy drunk and always having a good time with us!

THRASH: mwaaa thrash! i know weve gone through a bunch, but its good to know ur still there as a friend for me! we all miss u and cynthia at carter!

PAULA: the shallafe! yah! paula we miss u toooo at carter! although i havent seen u round as much, ur still the coolest, and a good friend to me!

NINO: Elvissss! lol comm tech with Gibb was some good times. bouncey ball and a half. ur a crazy alien, but the leafs dont got a thing on the wings!

SARAH: sarahhhhh! hehe math and now english! damn spizziri shes so stupid, shes gonna kill me for skippin! hehe maybe i shoulda let u drag me to english a little more. o well! haha ur crazy sarah!

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