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Punks Unite across the land of delaware

My top 19 fav bands

the hot shit

Ian's Lunch Box Bandits site
bolt baby, serch for quiksilverdude8 and take a glance into my life
a crazy cool website!!!!!

Well youve seen my site so what do you think about ill take any opinions it really doesnt affect me in the long run. But anyway i mad this site cause i was bored at home and i felt like wasting my time with this site im gonna put up a message bourd and crap like that and make it loads of shit better. E-mail me when your bourd and im me at Badasswic69 ( i didnt make that stupid ass name) and well talk ok well i gtg do something better with my time. Peace Ok this is a new message from the founder Casper soon you will have an actual pic of me. Now dont go and get your panties wet guys and gals im telling you right now cause i went through a screening process to find another sexy cofounder and here he is give a word or 2 ~casper~ All right listen here im gonna start spreading the word on the site and if these kids dont start visiting this new pimp site its all over ok kids now remember if your pot is dark green sell and if is red pop a forty and run for the bowl -~- casper-~- -~- Co-Founder -~- The End-~- ok here is how this site goes down, casper started this. and as for this "screening process" i threw about 80% of this 2 gether my Damn self so the founder is lacking! hes that little smiley face to the right of me, i am on the left and my baby michelle (my board) is the one in the middle, now we have been workin on this since 8/17/02 so cut us some slack, ok now this is a place for punks of ANYWHERE to unite in harmony, now granted it says delaware but you no, DE ppl let yourselves be known, im shoutin it out to ALL delaware, Michelle M. i named my skateboard after you! thats love, Jackson Q, your my fuckin bro i mean everything you do helps me out thanks man, to Robert Barthel, R.I.P 1983- August 25, 2002, what happend was 1 reson why i think there is no god you were a great person and ill see you in the after life Casper, this site SUCKS but its getting there, all my peeps at the Dairy Queen, ill probably ALWAYS will be "hildich", to Paul D and Andrew P. ill get that bass soon i hope. Kita, your sister is a psyco bitch man!!! John, you and i have alot of dumb fun, and my roof is still wating for us to hop off it again all the PPL from the beaches you guys rocked,Laren (Cutie), Krista (the Sista) and sarah (the friend) and the 3 hackin dudes (i showed you shmucks up) we hacked, also ash and rachel(you two can Dance and the cage was NICE) danced and took a pic in front of a cop car and got yelled at that thing was kick ass. And dont forget the "Dank Weed". you moron!! anyone i forgot sign the fucking guest book and tell me! all the DEL bands!!! Lunch Box Bandits (ian your lifestyle is screwed you will always be the granny, dorthy and the Pimp ugly bitches get all the girls isnt that right!), Xtra-large even tho they dont rep de anymore, Fine Print (michelle you guys SUCK!), 3 Star China for actually chillin with me at the mall, a year to forget, never met you guys but you got something going. yo im me if yall get a chance at quicksilverlw and sign my book
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