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®PuNk CrApP®


About me
Good Charlotte Lyrics
Simple Plan Lyrics
Hey,Im W/the Band
New Found Glory Lyrics


*UpDaTeS* Hey everyone this is my little site on my fave bands ,I hope you enjoy.It's a fairly new site and Im not the best of friends with my computer right now so some things are missing,but they will be updated!Thanks for coming to my site and keep representin'. ~Ashley 7/14/02*UPDATE* WARPED TOUR WAS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I met Good Charlotte and New Found Glory and I had a kick-ass time.All the guys from GC were so incredibly nice and they appreciate what they have soooooo much.Everything that happened is on the "Experiences page" so check that out.I added up a picture page,I finally figured out how to freakin do itI put up my bands page...not very huge but hey...we arent huge...yet.~Ashley
9/15/02*UPDATE* I went to Inland Invasion yesterday and New Found Glory got no love from the crown,everyone was booing them and it was sooo sad...but me and like 3 other ppl were cheering and singing and crap and Jordan pointed at me and he was like those are real fans every1.It was cool though blink 182 got some nice things from the crowd and social distortion kicked ass.So did Bad Religion and Unwritten Law.
2/3/03 Ok im sorry Good Charlotte and NFG fans but they are selling out faster than blink.I mean #1 on pathetic is that.I love the guys and they are all totally down to earth and cool people but they arent a pop band no matter how many of you think they are THEY ARENT.They want to get their message out and all u little teenies that think joel and benji and jordan are cute are stupid bcuz its about the music.Not looks sorry.If im being rude...sorry but im getting pissed off bcuz Ive liked NFG and GoOd Charlotte for like 5 years and now they are just getting the credit and its stupid.
4/9/03 Hey every1 whats up? Im so bored so I decided to update my webpage.I got my bellybutton pierced yesterday and now it hurts like a biznotch(lol).But anyways. Im gonna be putting up some more stuff.Taking Back Sunday,AFI,and other stuff so keep checking. 4/1/04 Damn i havent updated in freaken eons,its not like anyone goes to my site anyways.But yea im really bored.I got my nails done today and i pampered myself.It was cool.Anyone watch the oc? Im addicted to that show.Gosh but yea But yea I dont know what else to write so im gonna go.
