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Larvae's Rants and Updates Page

HEY! Now I have joined the emo-blogging ranks, so no more Larvae rants on my web site. All Larvae rants will be found at . So go there and comment the hell out of it!!!

11/09/03 2:02am Alterations have been made.
I deleted a large portion of my previous post. That's not me. That's a distorted view of me from one o'clock in the morning. I was upset and mad. I said some things I shouldn't have. I didn't say some things I should have. I'm not apologizing for the way I feel, because I am mad and have a right to be, but I am apologizing for the way I presented my feelings. Anyway. Tonight was Mikey's play. So cute. Great job! I got to hang out with Woods for like the first time in God only knows how long. It's always fun to be with him and hilarity always ensues. *He* was there as well. God, I'm so pathetic. Yeah, you know what? I'm done wasting my time on someone I can't/won't ever get. Yep, yep, yep. Done, done, done. Are you convinced yet? either.

11/08/03 1:09am Forgive the randomness my dear, it's early and I'm sleepy.
Let's see. I'm so stressed out. I probably shouldn't even be on the computer because I am wasting precious application and scholarship time. For those of you who don't know--I am applying to approximately 17 colleges. Outlandish--I know. I am the most indecisive person I know. I just can't choose what kind of school I want to go to. And everyone I visit I end up liking because of stupid little things. Right now, the list is as follows ***drum roll please***: Notre Dame, Ohio State, Ohio University, Marietta, Iona, Seton Hall, Gannon, Duquesne, Pitt, St. Francis, St. Vincent, Washington and Jefferson, Marquette, Cornell, University of Virginia, MAYBE Massachusetts Institute of Tech. just for the hell of it, University of Dayton, Denison, and Catholic University of America. I think that's all of em....I hope so at least. I've already applied to St. Francis, St. Vincent, Marquette, and Washington and Jefferson, and gotten accepted to St Francis. I have to go to this gay scholarship day next Saturday to see if they'll give me a full ride, and the same thing with St. Vincent the next day. GAhhhh. I need money. Who wants to donate? Ehhhhm, other than all that college stuff, I got term paper stuff, softball stuff, and everything else. Gah I'm like in "love" with *him* but *he* doesn't know it, and even if *he* did I wouldn't have a chance in the world...who am I kidding, I'm nothing special. I feel like I'm losing my best friend to my worst enemy and there's nothing I can do about it. She never talks to me and it really saddens me because we've been like attached at the hip for the past like 4 and a half years. She'll probably read this and think I'm crazy and not see what I see, but I see it.

9/1/03---->It's all about bad timing and missed opportunities.
Well, school has once again started. This summer has been pretty much uneventful. I've been feeling really lonely lately and I don't know why. And school doesn't make it any better. I am like completely socially inept. I don't like talking to people. Most people at least. I don't know. It seems like everything I say is a contradiction with my personality, but you just don't understand. Hell, I don't understand. I just want someone. Maybe, that would help me figure myself out. I need to. Gah this is like completely stream of consciousness.
Anyways, a few things stand out about this summer and I feel they should be outlined, if anything for my future reference to look back and say, "Man that was hilarious.".
1.) Hurricanes softball: How could I NOT mention you guys in the synopsis of my summer? You guys were basically my first two months of summer. Though the summer didn't go and end the way I would have liked, I still had a blast with you guys. Thanks for everything and I'll miss you guys next summer! It will be weird not spending every weekend in a hotel room with you guys. You guys still have to take me fishing and camping though!
2.)Tricking Brandon: Now, how could this NOT be considered a highlight of the summer? This HAD to have been the funniest night of my life. You honestly had to be there to completely understand just how hilarious it was. And, Brandon, we'll never let you live it down.
3.) Camel Anuses and Woods: Yet another hilarious King's moment. Woods is the funniest guy I know and this particular night he was at the top of his game. Whilst defending me from a highly annoying prank caller *COUGH*RICKY*COUGH*, he kept me, Kristin, and Mikey in stitches.
4.)Lowe's Shed's: Well, this was the night I met the AWESOME Rich Lee. And you know those shed's in front of Lowe's? Well they keep them open!!! How neat is that? So I had a blast playing in them with KabukiJoe, and then just driving around enjoying the company and getting him familiar with the tres boring Steubenville scene. Still a highlight of the summer.
5.) Drives with K and Ali: For barely knowing you two a few months ago, I feel so close to you two now!! Between the gallons and gallons of gas used, hours spent in my car and King's and hilarious quotes, those drives made for some hysterical nights. You guys are awesome and I always had fun on our drives around...well...the freakin tri-state area. Now its Ali's turn to drive around. K, you're next.
6.) Warped Tour 2003: OMG. So fun. Woods and me went, and I had a blast at my *first* concert. We met some weird PETA people who completely grossed me out, I got to meet Bowling for Soup, and Jaret bit my hat in the picture, I got to mosh and everything, Woods got stuck in the circle pit and couldn't get out, we saw the infamous Greg, who is not dead, and I parked and ate for freeee, as did Woods. Best day evarrrrr. And I think that was the longest sentence evarrr.
Now, I'm sure there are a ton more highlights of summer, but that's all I got for you tonight. So maybe I'll add more later, but it's lateeeee and I don't think well late.

7/31/03---->Gimme a break, gimme a break.
I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of August. Where the hell did summer go? The first month and a half were (was ? I don't know--maybe I do need to go back to school.) completely dominated by softball, which never really came to an official close. Due to conflicts of interest (not on my part) I did not atten the last tournament of the year for the Hurricanes, which was the NSA World Series in Rock Hill, NC. Hopefully the Hurricanes picnic this month will bring some closure to that season. Our Wheeling league team for Central bellied up and backed out of the last couple of games for the tournament part of the season down there because we were all sick of it by then. It seems I've done all this work for softball and what has it yielded me? I've gotten to face a ton of batters, and a few of my pitches have drastically improved, but without the proper coaching (which I probably won't receive because I'm not planning on playing Hurricanes again) through the year until next spring all these improvements will have been for nothing because I'll go back to having no technique. And, now I feel like I've almost committed myself to another four years of softball after high school in college. I probably won't have to worry about that though, because the chances of me actually getting INTO MIT are slim to none and slim just left town. Next, I've been working soo much, and I honestly enjoy it, but I feel like I never have time for my friends. I've seen Steph what seems like twice this summer and Mikey even less. And I haven't even spoken to Brittany since school ended. With everyone being so busy, it just seems like friendships go by the wayside. Plus, soccer's starting now, so I have practice every night for the next 3 months, and with Fall softball being thrown into the equation along with the occasional concert I have to work, the end result is very little time for a social life. Gah. What did I get myself into with soccer? I played last year enough to letter, but now there's a lot more competition and since soccer's obviously not a high priority at all I haven't practiced at all over the past year and therefore have not improved. I'm just so uncomfortable at being so bad at something. I will probably sit the bench, so what good are all these practices doing me besides getting me in better shape? What's it all worth anyways? In 50 years, who's going to care who played on Catholic Central's girl's varsity softball team? Or who won the 2003 Father's Day Classic in Champion Ohio? What good is it all for? None of it matters in the long run. I guess all that really matters is if you are happy or not. In a 100 years, no one is even going to remember me. I'll just be another name in someone's family tree. Pssht.

7/22/03---->; “I don’t wanna be deaf anymore!!!”
This one ain’t much of a rant at all, but I felt like writing, so excuse the Livejournal-ness of this post. Last night had to have been one of the funniest King’s nights EVAR. The whole deaf scandal was a meticulously planned scam we pulled on Brandon over the course of anywhere from 2 months to 3 weeks, I can’t really remember. Last night, Ali was decidedly done with being deaf, so it was time to get Brandon good. Anything else about the deaf scandal I don’t feel like typing. So y’all will have to ask me if you want to know anything else. But the picture of the look of utter shock on Brandon’s face when he found out Ali wasn’t deaf will soon be up. I’m also sure some quotes from last night will end up on the Quotes page. Let’s see—what else happened last night? It was a surprisingly eventful night compared to our nights out the past 2 weeks where all we have done is drive around, go to Wal-Mart and then check and see if anyone’s in King’s. Well, I got home from work around 4:30, then got dressed and was off to pick up Kristin to go to Aracoma skate park with Travis and Ronnie. On the way there, in the construction on Route 7, a state patrolman was following me. Well staties make me nervous anyways, plus all those damn cones, so I was swerving a little. Low and behold, I look in my review mirror, and he’s pulling me over. I start freaking out. He comes up and asks for my license, registration, and insurance. Oh shit, I realize I don’t have them. Both times I get pulled over completely unprepared. Well he could see I was flustered and asked if I was okay because I was swerving a lot. The first words out of my mouth were, “I swear to God I’m not drunk!”. I explained that cones and state patrolmen make me nervous and he said it was okay and let me go!!! So everything was okay. He was a nice statie, and not to bad looking either! LOL. Anyways, then I go and pick up Kristin and we drive to the skate park, where we were meeting Travis and Ronnie, so Ronnie could skateboard and Travis could attempt to teach me tricks on my rollerblades. LOL. It was eventful to say the least. I only fell about twice, but I sure made them count. It was definitely fun though, me and Kristin setting the boobs on fire, me trying to set some paper on fire and in the process almost setting the whole trash can on fire, and driving away with Travis’s car. It’s hard to drive with skates on! Then Woods called, and we met him, Brandon, Alisha, April, Matt, and Amy at King’s where good times were had by all. About an hour or two later Jared, Steph, and Mikey arrived and that’s when the real fun began. (For real fun, refer back to the first seven sentences.) Tonight we’re going to the Pirates game for my dad’s birthday, which is tomrorow. And unfortunately we have to celebrate his birthday tomorrow too, so I can’t go to Robinson with Woods…………………./cry. Well that’s all!! Oh yeah, someone buy me a Warped Tour ticket. August 6th at the Post Gazette Pavilion. Do it NOWWWWW man!

Hmm. Well I guess disappointments can vary can't they? What am I disappointed about? Well him for one. (Oh yeah, and if you read this and have the brains to figure out I'm talking about you, call me back so I can break up with you.) Well, yeah that was a disappointment in itself, though I wasn't too upset considering the circumstances. But yeah, thanks Steph and Jared, I owe you one. NOT. LOL, but it's ok, I forgive you--as long as you set me up with a non-poopy guy next time. Another disappointment. The fifth Harry Potter book. To all those who read it: Wasn't the ending disappointing? I didn't like it at all. All though the book I was so excited because it seemed like the best one yet, and then I get to like the last 100 pages, and all the excitement was vanquished. Eh, J.K. Rowling, you better do better next time. A third disappointment, we did really bad in our Hurricanes tournament this weekend. It was fun, as always, but our record was not that great at all. And I had definitely less than superb pitching performances, unfortunately. We still have to raise approximately $6,000 for Rock Hill, SC (this World Series thing we qualified to play in), and in addition to that $6,000, we are $4,800 in debt. So if anyone's aunt of grandma just died and they received a buttload of money, how about giving it to a bunch of softball players. Make all checks payable to the Ohio Valley Hurricanes. Yeah, but well I guess that's all I have to say for right now. To all my friends whom I never get to see anymore: Hey, how you doing? Drop me a line or call my cell. That's all for this edition of Larvae Life; tune in next time for scandal, mystery, and hopefully some romance.

6/8/03---->I heard it through the grapevine.
Har har har. First weekend of Hurricane ball. We certainly started off on the right foot. We were pool champions and we won the tournament, kind of on a technicality, but we can't help the rains so its all the same. Right girls? Anyways, did't spend the night Friday due to the unavoidable SATs. I didn't think they were as hard as I thought they'd be but I don't want to have false confidence in my performance, so I'm just going to assume I bombed them. Ah well, I'l know soon enough I guess. But then, I had already missed a tourney game, so we began our trip to Zanesville for the second time in 2 days. Then, five miles from our exit, the Explorer died. Had to call the tow truck and the whole nine yards, yada yada yada. I had some really funny thoughts while stuck on the side of the highway. But thats grounds for like a novel or something. Anyways, I arrived, and our team won, not because I was there though because I didn't play that game. I assumed I wouldn't though, so it's all good. That was our fourth win of the weekend. We ended up 5-0, because the last game didn't really count because the monsoons interrupted it and cancelled the tournament from that point on. But we got a cool pool champions trophy, as well as a neat tournament champions trophy and we each got a medal!!! This year I think we can kick some ass, plus it seems a lot funner!!!! Saturday night was hilarious in the rooms.
"Is this what you country girls do for fun?"
I got to talk to Rob :0), and we're going to lunch tomorrow. Yay. I also start work at Franciscan tomorrow. I hope it's not too bad. I know at least one of the ladies I work with and she's nice, so it shouldn't be that bad. Oh yeah, and that last post, the part about e-mailing me if you want a girlfriend was a joke, so enough with the e-mails. Okay, so I didn't get any. Sue me. Welp that's all for tonight because this is going to turn into a pointless record of the daily occurrences in my life like my previous Livejournals.
Could it be??

5/29/03----> Can't think of a witty subject line.
Gah. It seems like everyone is pairing up...Okay, maybe not everyone, but two of my best friends have both found perfect people who suit them perfectly. I feel like such a loser. I've always been the person who likes to be single and everything, but now I'm getting sick of it. I want something real. Not something that is light and free. I know I've not always been the best girlfriend. Okay, I've never been the best girlfriend, and I am a very flirtatious person, but I think that I am more least in some areas. Mature enough at least to keep and stay loyal to a boyfriend. So yeah, I guess that's my rant for the day. E-mail me if you want a girlfriend.

4/9/03----> We want a rally, rally, rally, rally....
Sheriff Abdalla said something yesterday that made me kinda mad....Well, background info first....My Chemistry II class went to this "Support our Troops" rally in Steubenville. First, the sheriff made this big speech about how upset he was that there were only like 50 people (15 of which were homeless people there for the free food) Next came the 10 minute long Steel Worker's Union advertisement. I mean, geez man, this is to support our men and women overseas, not a Stand Up for Steel rally! Then he started about the troops. Everything was fine until he said, "No woman should be on the front lines overseas." That made me want to leave. First, this is a rally for the men and women who defend our country, NOT a soapbox discussion where he is able to express his chauvinistic and higly controversial opinions. He took the focus off the bravery of the troops, and ruined the whole atmosphere at the rally. Secondly, womenhave just as much right to be on the front lines as men do. Now, don't get me wrong, I am definitely not one of those dyke-y feminists, but I think that gender should not be a factor in one's ability to stand up for their country. Gender should not hinder an American's right, and what they feel is their duty, to protect our coutnry. Women have the same exact political rights/priveleges as men. I admit men are built differently than women, and have the capacity to be stronger and faster and everything, but that does not mean they are, or that they are more qualified to be on the front lines. If women are more qualified to be on the front lines, that's where they should be!!!

4/7/03--->What ever happened to the days of innocence?
I never realized how much some people in the world suck until yesterday. (Sidenote: This has nothing to with my wonderful surprise party or any of the people at it!!! I loved it soo much and I had sooo much fun!! Thanks again for the surprise!!!) This wasn't really something I noticed, more like something I've known for a long time, I just a.) didn't want to believe that it was true and that people could actually be like this, or b.) didn't know how to vocalize these things. My dad did though, and this made me sick. Some people (not my friends of course, because they rock!), some people put themselves way ahead of everyone else. Of course everyone usually thinks about themselves first, when faced with certain situations, but to neglect someone else, or to not help someone else just because you want to hinder their abilities and/or possible success is devastating. I think that success in this world should be based more on morals and common decency, as opposed to how much money, talent, or popularity someone has. Blah...I feel stupid for getting all mushy or whatever, but that's my opinion. That's all.

4/5/03---> My Birthday!!!!!
Oh...My...Gosh!!! I have the best friends in the whole world!! I went to my game today, not knowing what was being planned. While I was cheering us on (I didn't play) in our victory over Burgettstown, my sister was cleaning our house. My mom came with a cookie cake for me and my team for my birthday (Mom, I'm 17, not 19! LOL) We left, then I went to my Nana and Papa's to watch my baby [cousin]. I came home under the impression that I was going bowling with Alisha and some boys at 8:00. Well I got my shower, and wrapped myself up in a towel. I wanted to show my mom some pictures, so I tried to go downstairs (Wearing only a towel, mind you). My mom was blocking my way as I was walking down the stairs, the the conversation went as follows:
"Mom, let me downstairs, I want to show you some pictures."
"Meredith! No! Alisha here soon, so you better go finish getting ready."
"Nahh, I have time..."
"Uhmm....SURPRISE!!!" Little did I know that as I was trying to venture downstairs, Joey J. and Sean were in my house!!! My mom was trying to sneakpeople in as I was getting dressed. My mom, Alisha, and Woodsie had been planning the whole thing all week! Even Brandon came home from college to come!!! There were so many people there!!! I felt so *loved*! We stayed at my hosue for a while, then we went bwoling until like 12. Then back to my house and Sean, Woodsie, and Brandon stayed until like what ended up being almost 3 AM with day light saving's time and everything. I had sooo my fun! I was in shock all night!!! I got a ton of adorable moo-moos, and I've named three of them so far. Horshak is the one that Woods got me, one that Sean got me is Snoopy, because he named him, and the springie one that Sean got me is Barbarino (props to Travis for help on the name!). Thanks soo much for everything!! I had a blast!! Muah!!!

Larvae's Home, well the internet one at least...
