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Loveable Larvae's Uber Wicked Info Poll of the Week

What should the new Larvae Poll question be?

Chad: [What are your] Thoughts on the war? (Woods will write a book, and give 50% of the profits to me, then i'll kill him, call him fatty, and steal $50 from his wallet)
Jerry: how many times a day u ejaculate?
Trav Calf: Is beating up members of high school French Club every American's patriotic duty?
Stilwell: why is the word douche such a funny word?/or why does dave have the biggest penis ever?/or why is it crooked/or why am i telling you this?/or why do we call mike dick?/or why am i still at work?/is there somethingn for hte most questions?/or why am i doing this?
Benton: what is the meaning of life?/where does the universe end?/are we the only life in the universe?/have we ever actually leanded on the moon?/why does josh benton suck so badly?/why is meredith so crazy?/why the hell am i watching matchgame pm right now?
Ricky: what is ur favorite question ?
Tony: [What are the] Best SuperBowl snacks!! WOOT
Ross: how big are my massive body-builder thighs? or the nickname?
Jon-Erik:[ What is your] Favorite Sexual Position?
Kristen:why is our president such a freaking idiot?!/what is sex?
Sliva: what do you want from me?
Goochie Poochie: is matt a cool person?
Brandon: Will you have sex with me?


Who is the ugly mutant in the picture of the mysterious baby? NOTE: To see the baby, go to or see my buddy icon. POLLS CLOSED 3/2/2003!!!

Chad: I believe the baby is infact, Mike Woods. I think someone was finally stumbing upon his past as an ugly mutant baby, and he tried to "reveal" it, by trying to say he found a picture of this baby in his drive. Infact, I think over the years, Woods has had seveal nose jobs, and has taken pills to take the pigment out of his skin. Today, Mike Woods only joy is sleeping with little boys, and by doing this, he believes he can somehow forget his past as...............the ugly baby
Woods:he is none other than the second coming of jesus h. christ...only with downs syndrome
Steph:if u look close enuff it looks's shelby with an elvis-like harlip!!!!
Sean:its kinda like the Gerber Baby, looks like he got his head stuck in one of those tiny ass jars trying to get some food...then his parents twisted the jar off...or maybe its TYLER SPEARS in his younger years
Shawn:one ugly baby...woah is it ugly
Kristin:its our lord and savior, jesus h. christ!! i'm telling you, it is...only jesus would be that ugly
Teddy:it's the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Matthew: ummmmm.......well he needs help...geneic would be perferred...*geneteic
Brandon: I told you, that baby is Jesus Christ, although he would be difficult to locate because he could be anywhere between the ages of 1 and 27........[or, when prompted with Chad's answer that it could be Woods...]... It cannot be...It could have come to Woods from the could be his SON
Benton:i dunno who the hell that baby is, but he's definitely missing a chromosome or two...


Gimme a reason why Valentine's Day blows!!! POLLS CLOSED 2/17/03

Sean: V-day isint a real holiday....everyone knows that the card companies made it up some years ago to make a profit
Woods: valentines day blows because in a loser and couldnt get a date if jesus christ himself came down and hit me with some homosexual frenzy of short... i = loser
Brandon: Valentine's Day blows because it is a pointless holiday designed to rob consumers of their money and make people give each other more gifts that they don't need because if they don't, there's a risk their "sweetheart" might get pissed off. And, it's just always been a bad day for me, because while all these other people are off being happy I'm sitting alone being miserable. SO STICK THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT
Shawn: why does valentine's day blow well i think the day itself is a great day but waaaaay too commercial i don't need to be told when someone means something to me if i had a girlfriend i'd want to celebrate it but on saturday to fight the commercialism
Kristin: it blows just does
John: b/c there is no point in haveing a day just for a valintine
Me: because its pointless...has nothing at all to do with saint completely consumer driven....and revolves around a lil nekkid flying guy who shoves arrows in our asses and "makes us fall in love"...Love doesn't happen like that
Steph: blows 1)cuz it's just like halloween... cept not as scary... most of the time 2)the mushy stuff get's gaggy........... is good cuz1)get a bunch of candy/chocolates/flowers 2)just cuz it's cute :-D
Trav Calf: Because it's an excuse for all these wannabe poets to bust out the old "roses are red, violets are blue" crap
April: it just does..
Jerry: cuz love stinks lmao
Benton: cuz my love life sucks and its just a yearly reminder that it really sucks and you dont get a day off for it
Chad: Valentines day sucks because I have to hear every whine and cry about not getting a date. Get over it, if you did have a date, you wouldn't be whining and crying. Furthermore, it blows because valentines day is directed towards women, not men. Do you really see women going out and getting something for their husbands, boyfriends, friend with benifits? No you don't. So in conclusion, suck it up, valentines day is just another day
Billy: ummm....cuz....sucky sucky 5 dolla!
Chris F.: becuz its a corporate created scheme to extort more money out of poor guys with g/fs and wives...
Josh B.: women suck and they were taught to destroy mens life with the WORST four letter word you can say.. LOVE
Andrew: Valentines day blows because A heart Actually, it's not really even a heart. Nor is it heart actually heart-shaped. It is really a bourgeois capitalist fallacy created by demented for the sole purpose of driving typically earnest normal human beings out of their tiny little MINDS! The true purpose of the holiday typically called "Valentine's Day" is to provide tremendous economical boosts to the flower, chocolate and greeting card industries during the month of February (What, are you going to send your "true love" a Groundhog Day or Washington's Birthday card? I THINK NOT!) And forget Cupid! I mean really, a naked baby with wings shooting arrows at people? More creative things have been created by bad acid!
Josh M.: because its a buncha shitty cards and nasty chocolate


Info Poll....Polls closed 2/13/03

If you were a super hero, what would your name be?

Dooda = SuperDood
Kristin = KickAss K
Cheech = SuperCheech
Woods = Bondage Bill
Chad = Smearman
Crowe = @$$ Dart
Tom = Super Trouser Stain
Andew = The Flaming Kitten
Joe Antinone = Joey the Rocketman
Ronnie = Ronnie the Homeless Homo
Josh = Captain SexyPants
Trav Calf = T.Diddy
Mikey = Mike the AMazing Midget
Cody = Meat Man
Dave = Polish Crowbar
Danny = El Diablo Blanco
Jon-Erik = Orgazmo
Matthew = RudeKid05
Bruce = Shaft
Jordan = Lord Death
Jerry = Super Spatula Man w/ his Sidekick Queer Boy the Anti-Greatness
Greg A. = Big Man
Jimmy = TPBoy
Toph = Supertromboneboythatsbetterthantheaveragetromboneplayersothere
Nick = Nick Teh God of Scorn

Loveable Larvae's least the internet one!
