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The SECOND, EXTENDED Home of Internet Fun!!!

Well, since my internet fun is abounding, I was forced to add a second page, of internet fun. So here, for your reading pleasure, the extended, DVD version of Internet Fun!! P.S. All things said in Internet Fun are purely in jest, so like don't take 'em seriously!

WoOdS1234567: mine arent cancelled but i doubt im going
WoOdS1234567: everything else is closed over there
LoveableLarvae: yeh plus youid have to come all the way from the brick city and thas prolly a hell of a drive in teh snow
WoOdS1234567: meh
WoOdS1234567: i think your mom said she would pick me up but i dont think we would be going to jcc if you know what i mean
WoOdS1234567: wink wink
WoOdS1234567: nudge nudge
LoveableLarvae: HEYYYYYY
LoveableLarvae: none of those shenanigans
WoOdS1234567: i'll shananigan YOU
WoOdS1234567: why you always gotta be frontin


LoveableLarvae: ...which baby?
Auto response from partialblondie04: on the phone with muh baby........... and workin on homework...... leave em or call the cell (or home)
LoveableLarvae: LOLOLOL
LoveableLarvae: ZINGGG

WoOdS1234567: excited, or delighted
LoveableLarvae: both
LoveableLarvae: definitely
LoveableLarvae: im getting my rocks off thinking about it
WoOdS1234567: never say that again
LoveableLarvae: im getting my rocks off thinking about it
LoveableLarvae: im getting my rocks off thinking about it
LoveableLarvae: im getting my rocks off thinking about it
WoOdS1234567: THEN IT IS SO WoOdS1234567 signed off at 9:34:28 AM.
WoOdS1234567: FINE
LoveableLarvae: har har har
LoveableLarvae: i win
WoOdS1234567: your prize is giving me $100

WoOdS1234567: YOU DO IT NOW GI

ali7lup: lol yay! you got it!!
LoveableLarvae: yayyyy
LoveableLarvae: and typographically correct
ali7lup: lolololol!
ali7lup: is that big word, a real word?
LoveableLarvae: yepppp its real!
LoveableLarvae: reallll as eggs
ali7lup: eggs aren't real....they break...real things don't break
ali7lup: and that made nooooooo sense what-so-ever.. lol as usual...
LoveableLarvae: lol but real things break
LoveableLarvae: i hink to be real thay egotta break
LoveableLarvae: gotta be susceptible to failure
LoveableLarvae: if something doesnt break its perfect
LoveableLarvae: and if its perfect its not real
LoveableLarvae: unless its me of course bc im perfect AND me
LoveableLarvae: damn im philosophical sometimes
ali7lup: lol but you could break...
LoveableLarvae: onyl parts of my
LoveableLarvae: me
LoveableLarvae: not me as a whole
LoveableLarvae: and regardles
LoveableLarvae: im perfectttttttttt
LoveableLarvae: lol
ali7lup: that you are....
LoveableLarvae: har har har

partialblondie04: i can't picture him with clothes on still

Upper Plaza SRA: are you drunk?
LoveableLarvae: lol no why
Upper Plaza SRA: your keys are very depressed
Upper Plaza SRA: ;-)

Upper Plaza SRA: i just met woods for the first tiem
Upper Plaza SRA: today was the fruit of a 2 year internet romance
Upper Plaza SRA: i was so nervous

PolishProdigy22: we need new leadership: gajtka-hitchcock in 2024!!!!

ThatTrackGuy: pierogies are awesome
LoveableLarvae: you know it
ThatTrackGuy: That's what I like about living in Pittsburgh
ThatTrackGuy: people a lot of other places that I meet have literally never heard of them
LoveableLarvae: seriously?!?! theyre grrreat
LoveableLarvae: what nationality are they?
LoveableLarvae: well you know what i mean
ThatTrackGuy: Mos def
ThatTrackGuy: Polish
LoveableLarvae: yummmy\
ThatTrackGuy: yes
ThatTrackGuy: Polish people are yummy

WoOdS1234567: and you got into OU eh?
LoveableLarvae: YESS
WoOdS1234567: peachy keen
WoOdS1234567: its because you like kings and walmart

KabukiJoe2: why is government so boring
LoveableLarvae: i dunno why?!?!
KabukiJoe2: im writing my 4th fucking paper tonight summarizing articles
LoveableLarvae: oh i thought it was a joke...
LoveableLarvae: that sucks
KabukiJoe2: it is a joke
KabukiJoe2: lol

KabukiJoe2: lollerskates

WoOdS1234567: is it bad that i find the cartoon hawkgirl attractive?
LoveableLarvae: .....LOL
LoveableLarvae: maybe
WoOdS1234567: meh
WoOdS1234567: wonder women is hot too
WoOdS1234567: kill me now

WoOdS1234567: adjust your glasses nerd girl
Auto response from WoOdS1234567: A-Team effin' CRUSHEDDD the teachers!!!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!
Call it or leave it.

MykeoftheShire: i hey i updated my journal! :-D
MykeoftheShire: o*
LoveableLarvae: YESSS
MykeoftheShire: LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!
LoveableLarvae: im highly disappointed in you michael <>. We both thought you could do an immensity better.
MykeoftheShire: :'(
LoveableLarvae: NO
LoveableLarvae: you are not allowed to put a link to your livejournal in your info until you update it with fleshy info
MykeoftheShire: lololol
MykeoftheShire: whatcha gonna do about huh hitchcock???
LoveableLarvae: OH
LoveableLarvae: OH
MykeoftheShire: O:-)
LoveableLarvae: VINCENZOOOOO
MykeoftheShire: O YEAH?!?!?!
MykeoftheShire: YOOOOWEEEEEE!
MykeoftheShire: :-D
MykeoftheShire: ;-)
MykeoftheShire: =-O
LoveableLarvae: o0o0o0oH
LoveableLarvae: BAMMMM
MykeoftheShire: :'(
LoveableLarvae: go ahead and bawl. your dorkiness is above all1
MykeoftheShire: i guess i WILL go off in cry...mere was just too much for I
LoveableLarvae: thats what they all say, now go go away
LoveableLarvae: but take with you this thought,
LoveableLarvae: I STILL LOVE YOU ALOT!!!
MykeoftheShire: aaaaaw! I LOVE YOU TOO MERE! :-D
MykeoftheShire: KISS KISS!!!!!!!
MykeoftheShire: ;-)
LoveableLarvae: LOLOLOl
LoveableLarvae: kiss kiss!
LoveableLarvae: again!!
MykeoftheShire: KISS KISS!!!!!!!!!
LoveableLarvae: KISS KISS!!
LoveableLarvae: againnn!
LoveableLarvae: KISS KISS!!!
LoveableLarvae: AGAINNNN!
LoveableLarvae: YAYYYYY
MykeoftheShire: :-D

WoOdS1234567: oh i will wear a mask and a cape
WoOdS1234567: so nobody sees me

WoOdS1234567: that is hot
Auto response from WoOdS1234567: OMGGGG.
Maury Povich on Fox 53 or whatever. NOW. Do it. It'll be funny I swear!
Call it or leave it. I'll be back when the opposites are done and off of Maury.
anonymous web page, eh???? har har har.

WoOdS1234567: mmmmmmmmmmm
WoOdS1234567: short and incredibly small girl

WoOdS1234567: make me a sandwich
LoveableLarvae: NO
WoOdS1234567: SON OF A BITCH
WoOdS1234567: DO IT NOW

WoOdS1234567: i sent my exemption papers in for the dorms..........yesterday i think
LoveableLarvae: yayyy big apartment man
WoOdS1234567: it has a closet where i can lock people up
LoveableLarvae: yayyy me first me first
WoOdS1234567: oh you'll be first alright.......but once you go in you never come out
WoOdS1234567: so pack a lunch

LoveableLarvae: chip chip cheerio
PolishProdigy22: i believe its "pip pip cheerio"....but who's counting

PolishProdigy22: i admire your candor
PolishProdigy22: lol
LoveableLarvae: i am very candoristic
LoveableLarvae: ehm yeah
PolishProdigy22: candoristic....niiice word
PolishProdigy22: i think you invented it

LoveableLarvae: we were stuck in traffic for 3 hrs. and our boys were stuck for 5
LoveableLarvae: and they started out one car behind us
PolishProdigy22: discriminating storm
PolishProdigy22: i guess
PolishProdigy22: must've liked the females
PolishProdigy22: can't blame it, i suppose
LoveableLarvae: yeah mother nature <3'd us that night
PolishProdigy22: prob was old man winter checkin' you girls out
PolishProdigy22: he's a dirty old man

PolishProdigy22: law and scene changes in television
PolishProdigy22: BUM BUM BUM
LoveableLarvae: hey mr. 1500
PolishProdigy22: i'd watch it just for those
LoveableLarvae: its BUM BUM
PolishProdigy22: oh shit
PolishProdigy22: my bad
PolishProdigy22: :-[

LoveableLarvae: i have...very littel common sense.../cry
PolishProdigy22: join the club
LoveableLarvae: yayyyy club time!

PolishProdigy22: it's funny though
PolishProdigy22: without ppl like us, life would be boring
LoveableLarvae: definitely
LoveableLarvae: were the spice of likfe
PolishProdigy22: i'll be paprika
PolishProdigy22: lol
PolishProdigy22: ok that was lame
PolishProdigy22: forget i typed that

PolishProdigy22: the french can be quite rude
PolishProdigy22: it's stereotype time, boys and girls!
LoveableLarvae: lol yeha they can be!
PolishProdigy22: with your host, matt gajtka
LoveableLarvae: and i guess they smell
LoveableLarvae: dont forget meeeee
PolishProdigy22: and his lovely cohost meredith hitchcock!!!
PolishProdigy22: *applause and cheers*
LoveableLarvae: yayyyyyy whoo whooo whooooo
PolishProdigy22: they've gotta be cheering for you
PolishProdigy22: i've never gotten that reaction
PolishProdigy22: lol

PolishProdigy22: wow....i feel sheepish

PolishProdigy22: ok, kinda looks like a fake number
PolishProdigy22: lol
PolishProdigy22: 0111 at the end
PolishProdigy22: a little obvious
LoveableLarvae: LOLOL nahhh its real i swearr LOL
PolishProdigy22: here's mine- 555-5555
PolishProdigy22: that's my party line
PolishProdigy22: only works on the weekends

PolishProdigy22: all's fair in love and speeding violations
PolishProdigy22: one day i will play with him
PolishProdigy22: i hope

partialblondie04: wowwwww............................ that's deep
LoveableLarvae: LOL hey im not as shallow as i look
partialblondie04: nope i guess ya aren't!
partialblondie04: joke joke joke
partialblondie04: har de har har
partialblondie04: i luvvvvvvv u !
partialblondie04: lol
LoveableLarvae: HAHAHAHAHAHA
LoveableLarvae: i <333 you too
partialblondie04: wowowow...... with 3 humps........ now that's wuvvvvv
partialblondie04: lol

LoveableLarvae: is goatse man a hermaphrodite?
WoOdS1234567: what
WoOdS1234567: no....
LoveableLarvae: htas what i heard
WoOdS1234567: a hermaphrodite has both female and male sex organs
WoOdS1234567: and i dont see any...female stuff on him
WoOdS1234567: just a large
WoOdS1234567: you know
LoveableLarvae: SOMEONE SAID tha his large you know what is really a ....VAGINNNNNAAAA
WoOdS1234567: but then he would have no ass
LoveableLarvae: thjeres a hole
WoOdS1234567: i ahve seen the entire series, i garuntee you goatse is all man
LoveableLarvae: LOL
LoveableLarvae: lolol'
Auto response from WoOdS1234567: Petition to bring the infamous Goatse back
WoOdS1234567: i saved the picture just in cas
LoveableLarvae: see the indent just above the hole
LoveableLarvae: that loosk like na anus
WoOdS1234567: its just a dent
LoveableLarvae: oh
WoOdS1234567: i dont think its possible to have both a penis AND vagina, you can have like a penis and ovaries or maybe a vagina and undecended testitcles
WoOdS1234567: i dotn think you can have both
LoveableLarvae: i thought thjats what hermaphrodites were
WoOdS1234567: i doubt they have both........i mean.......i dont think there is room for both
WoOdS1234567: but internal organs, yes
WoOdS1234567: oh goatse, so many unanswered questions
LoveableLarvae: lololol
LoveableLarvae: go watch some hermy porn and tell me
WoOdS1234567: well
WoOdS1234567: i have been on the internet for many years
WoOdS1234567: i have seen.......everything
WoOdS1234567: and that is all i will say on the matter

PolishProdigy22: i'll jam with both of them
PolishProdigy22: in the big stage in the sky
PolishProdigy22: 8-)
LoveableLarvae: yeahhhh totally d00d
PolishProdigy22: i'm being all psychadelic
PolishProdigy22: i'm trippin
PolishProdigy22: on gatorade and granola bars

WoOdS1234567: sigh, nothing can shock me anymore. i am totally desensitized, as are many of my internet brethren
LoveableLarvae: lol you loserrr
WoOdS1234567: i'll lose you
WoOdS1234567: all the way to the bank

WoOdS1234567: here is your award
WoOdS1234567: <>

WoOdS1234567: why arent you attending to the rats wound

LoveableLarvae: bc i heartttt it
ThatTrackGuy: I was afraid you were gonna say htat
ThatTrackGuy: as much as you heart applying to colleges?

PolishProdigy22: america's number 1 fear is public speaking, you know
PolishProdigy22: number 2 is death
PolishProdigy22: lolol
LoveableLarvae: NU UH
LoveableLarvae: id dint know that
PolishProdigy22: so i guess that if americans hafta be at a funeral, they'd rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy
PolishProdigy22: :-P

I rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not. -- cited below
Hitchcock, Meredith. "Mere Bear's Quotes!" 4 Feb 2004. Mere Bear's Web Page. 27 Jan 2004.

PolishProdigy22: me in one word? inspired
PolishProdigy22: you in one word? i don't know if that's possible
PolishProdigy22: ;-)

PolishProdigy22: i thought reducing you to one word would be doing you an injustice

WoOdS1234567: disney should be taken out back and shot
WoOdS1234567: in the shins
WoOdS1234567: repeatedly

PolishProdigy22: i'm a semicolon fan myself
PolishProdigy22: they're underrated
PolishProdigy22: ;;;
PolishProdigy22: it's a hybrid punctuation
PolishProdigy22: i can't believe i can say so much about a friggin semicolon

LoveableLarvae: its worthy of internet fun nonetheless
PolishProdigy22: hoo-ah!
PolishProdigy22: made the cut
LoveableLarvae: you've made the cut before have you not/
PolishProdigy22: yeah
PolishProdigy22: still a thrill

Thepolse: I mean if I dont do well in bowling class, i might end up in the gutter!!! =-O

LoveableLarvae: the victory will be attained
PolishProdigy22: nice rhetoric
PolishProdigy22: no wonder i picked you for my running mate

PolishProdigy22: /dorkkkk
PolishProdigy22: or however you do that

PolishProdigy22: right, the one who gums food
LoveableLarvae: lol yes
LoveableLarvae: exactly.

LoveableLarvae: i voted for you
LoveableLarvae: for BIGGEST FAG EVAR
WoOdS1234567: BA-ZING
WoOdS1234567: TOO BAD
WoOdS1234567: 20 consecutive years
LoveableLarvae: omg yeah ur 20 now i forgot
WoOdS1234567: im an old man
WoOdS1234567: no longer may i be a teenager dirtbag
WoOdS1234567: or even listen to that song

PolishProdigy22: i've had to clean up all kinds of my own spills, so i'm decent at it
LoveableLarvae: pee on the floor?
PolishProdigy22: lol
PolishProdigy22: yes, i do
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: it's most exhilarating
PolishProdigy22: you'd think i'd take advantage of the medium and read it first
PolishProdigy22: but nooooooooo
PolishProdigy22: itchy trigger finger on the enter key
PolishProdigy22: that right pinky can be quite unruly
LoveableLarvae: lolol yessss
LoveableLarvae: no pecking here!!
PolishProdigy22: no way, i'm a proper typist
PolishProdigy22: trained at pretigious madonna high

WoOdS1234567: so basically he is jesus
WoOdS1234567: why dont you marrrrrrry him
WoOdS1234567: see i would know this stuff if SOMEBODY updated HER journal

PolishProdigy22: learning is fun
PolishProdigy22: when it involves a game, that is
LoveableLarvae: lol nice insight teacher
PolishProdigy22: that was a bad comment
PolishProdigy22: learning is fun
PolishProdigy22: yay
PolishProdigy22: i suck

PolishProdigy22: for not being thugs, we sure speak the part
PolishProdigy22: not like it's hard though

WoOdS1234567: still online
WoOdS1234567: thats a record
LoveableLarvae: IS IT
WoOdS1234567: oh it is
LoveableLarvae: or are you just a fag
WoOdS1234567: you might put somebodys eye out

LoveableLarvae: YO
LoveableLarvae: WHO
LoveableLarvae: i iz soooa thug
LoveableLarvae: i b thuggin it
PolishProdigy22: pretty impressive display ;-)
PolishProdigy22: mayb you are a thug....
LoveableLarvae: uz knowsz it]
LoveableLarvae: oh i be reprezentin in meh benz all ova tha t-town ghetto foo'
LoveableLarvae: aw naw dont be frontin dawg u b a thugggg 2 yo
PolishProdigy22: hell yea, ma nizzle!!
LoveableLarvae: hey! ma nizzle 2!!!

Petchal0826: meredith..there are no words to describe you

PolishProdigy22: i b doin mad work all ova da WV, check ma pimp ride out!
PolishProdigy22: fa sho
LoveableLarvae: o0o0owz i knewz it. u iz a thugalicious papi fo shizleee mah nizleee
PolishProdigy22: az sho az yo name b m 2 tha izz-e, r 2 tha izz-e
PolishProdigy22: off da heezey fo sheezy


LoveableLarvae: .../dork
PolishProdigy22: LOL
PolishProdigy22: well it's not healthy to deny what you are
PolishProdigy22: just go with it

PolishProdigy22: you are well trained in the fine art of avoiding class

WoOdS1234567: im sick
LoveableLarvae: o0o0h now
LoveableLarvae: nos
WoOdS1234567: and its cold in here and i wanna get stabby
LoveableLarvae: lol LoveableLarvae: get stabby them
WoOdS1234567: no knife within reach
LoveableLarvae: reach higherrrr. Go farrrr.
WoOdS1234567: i'll go far with your mothah
LoveableLarvae: michael by god woods
WoOdS1234567: by god
WoOdS1234567: by joves

LoveableLarvae: i used to like be obsessed with john travolta....
LoveableLarvae: ..../DORk
LoveableLarvae: i thought he was soooooo cuteee lol
PolishProdigy22: did you swoon
PolishProdigy22: often
LoveableLarvae: oh i swooned
LoveableLarvae: and fainted
LoveableLarvae: .../swoon
PolishProdigy22: that's a fun word to say
PolishProdigy22: swoon swoon swoon
LoveableLarvae: is
LoveableLarvae: loll it looks funny too
LoveableLarvae: like a swan gone wrong
PolishProdigy22: very wrong
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: the swan swooned past my boat
PolishProdigy22: or something like that
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: i need mental help
LoveableLarvae: the swooning swan swam past my sweet boat and i swear he swooned and swooned and swooned
PolishProdigy22: that makes two of us


PolishProdigy22: it could be a good girl or a bad one
LoveableLarvae: lol you baddd girlll
PolishProdigy22: or a little of both...kinda like someone i know....;-)

PolishProdigy22: your birthday is on holy monday this year
PolishProdigy22: lol
LoveableLarvae: lol yeah
LoveableLarvae: its always right around there lol
PolishProdigy22: must be special

PolishProdigy22: i wish you could taste the choclately goodness

PolishProdigy22: hey, i just realized that me and you are M+Ms

PolishProdigy22: dorkisimo

PolishProdigy22: we could hit balls into the river
PolishProdigy22: oooh, i wanna do that real bad now that i thought of it!!
PolishProdigy22: i'd just wanna hit a few junk balls in the drink

PolishProdigy22: my fav emoticon was always the ;-)
PolishProdigy22: with you though, i'll hafta make an exception....:-*
LoveableLarvae: lol well im glad im an exception :0)
PolishProdigy22: plus, it'd cheapen the :-* if i used it on everybody

PolishProdigy22: courage isn't not being afraid, its beind scared and knowing that you've been there b4
PolishProdigy22: everyone is scared the first time
PolishProdigy22: but after that, you know that you can face those feelings
PolishProdigy22: and that breeds confidence
PolishProdigy22: if that makes any sense at all
PolishProdigy22: lol

WoOdS1234567: hey, billy corigan called.......he wanted me to tell you that the world is a vampire

PolishProdigy22: only we could talk about janet reno and college basketball in the span of a minute

LoveableLarvae: id be rocking till the sun goes down
PolishProdigy22: and long into the toronto night

PolishProdigy22: oooh, monogram
PolishProdigy22: luscious

PolishProdigy22: seinfeld:me::law and order:you
LoveableLarvae: that totally prooves your dorkiness

PolishProdigy22: NO SOUP FOR YOU
PolishProdigy22: COME BACK ONE YEAR

PolishProdigy22: i wish i could transport myself through the phone lines to your house for just 5 minutes
PolishProdigy22: lol
PolishProdigy22: i could figure it out
PolishProdigy22: i think i'll just bite the cord and see what happens

PolishProdigy22: it was the 666 karma!

Gouldy50: hey is mrs. wilkins gonna be there tomorrow at school?
LoveableLarvae: ehmm hold on lemme call and ask
LoveableLarvae: she said hey megan your gay

PolishProdigy22: :-*<--good luck

PolishProdigy22: ehh, i don't need luck anyway
PolishProdigy22: as long as i've got u in my corner :-D

PolishProdigy22: nothing beats the in-the-flesh flirtation though

PolishProdigy22: :-*:-*:-*<--- a trifecta for the big gambler

LoveableLarvae: the world is my computer
LoveableLarvae: download stuff and fill it up
PolishProdigy22: then consider me logged on

PolishProdigy22: it's rare to find a girl who could make such a comment

RngrArchr9: meREDi+H i5 +H3 cOOl35+ F4TheR fUCk3R +0 3V3R $TRU+ +hIS E4RTh

LoveableLarvae: i want a new font bc this is kinda boring
PolishProdigy22: yeah
PolishProdigy22: doesn't fit your personality

Pele 8 10: cows go moo.........u like them too....but 2day im feelin a lil blue
LoveableLarvae: the farmer would tell you to go shoo
LoveableLarvae: if he saw you round his moo
Pele 8 10: hahah.....ur feelin it too
LoveableLarvae: oh im feeling it...though im a little new
LoveableLarvae: to this rapping stuff so you
LoveableLarvae: have to help and get me some rhythm and blues
Pele 8 10: ur pretty good boo.......but u remind me of a jew
LoveableLarvae: hey im a roman catholic like you
LoveableLarvae: i aint no jew
LoveableLarvae: though my fam's got big noses to the tune
LoveableLarvae: of a family of jews
Pele 8 10: (i have to give u props.....)
LoveableLarvae: (YESSS gajtka props are oh so precious)
Pele 8 10: well now jews r just mostly goo......thinkin about them makes me blue.....and i feel like im catchin the flu.....
Pele 8 10: excuse me while i take a poo...
LoveableLarvae: oh no that vicious flu
LoveableLarvae: ive got an idea of what to do
Pele 8 10: u do?
LoveableLarvae: some chicken soup will do
LoveableLarvae: and some veggies too
LoveableLarvae: so just lay down till the clock goes coo coo
Pele 8 10: how bout some tofu?
LoveableLarvae: nahhh tofu will just make you poo
LoveableLarvae: even more so thats a clue
LoveableLarvae: not to have some for you'll go boo hoo
Pele 8 10: i think some tv will help my flu.....but first i gotta fix the hue
Pele 8 10: matt left a booger on the hue!
Pele 8 10: EWWW!!!!!
LoveableLarvae: eeeeeeewwww
LoveableLarvae: a booger he is too
LoveableLarvae: but i was informed quite new
LoveableLarvae: that it is YOUR booger on the hue
LoveableLarvae: and that you may or may not have knew
LoveableLarvae: that on the hue is wehre you blew
Pele 8 10: must have missed my tissue
Pele 8 10: im gonna have to clean it w/ the goo......then ill take that poo......
LoveableLarvae: hopefully it wasnt blue
LoveableLarvae: that cant be good, although it is new
LoveableLarvae: but since you did get a booger on the hue
LoveableLarvae: and blamed it on matthew
Pele 8 10: speaking on new.....have u seen the zoo.......i heard they have some chikens that go coo
LoveableLarvae: i think he's gonna sue
Pele 8 10: i hope he has a lawyer too.....b/c i have names lue.....and one named sue
LoveableLarvae: oh a lawyer he has...but not named sue
LoveableLarvae: i believe they call these two
LoveableLarvae: hitchcock--the lawyer you're about to lose to
Pele 8 10: he has no lawyer like sue.....she'll make his look like an ewe
LoveableLarvae: id rather look like a ewe
LoveableLarvae: than look like you!!!
Pele 8 10: atleast i dont look like poo......
LoveableLarvae: but you do look like paul...with the prefix ru!
Pele 8 10: dont make fun of me too......matt already makes me feel blue......mayb its b/c of my 'do
Pele 8 10: ill change it to appease u
LoveableLarvae: yes your hair can't match his afrooo
Pele 8 10: lol
Pele 8 10: (sry....
Pele 8 10: )
LoveableLarvae: to appease me you'd have to do
LoveableLarvae: a lot more than sport a new 'do
LoveableLarvae: like collect all the morning dew
LoveableLarvae: and drink it in a protein shake...we raw eggs too
LoveableLarvae: just a few
LoveableLarvae: (with)
Pele 8 10: eww....eggs too?.....mayb ill give up and join the zoo.....i could blend in to.....w/ my whacked out 'do
Pele 8 10: atleast ill have a good view
LoveableLarvae: yes though it will be a bit askew
LoveableLarvae: through the vertical bars you
LoveableLarvae: won't be able to see proper the sun or the moon
Pele 8 10: (sry i got h/w......essay and what ill ttyl.....nice rappin w/!)
LoveableLarvae: lol you too!!!
LoveableLarvae: cya soon!!!

PolishProdigy22: the latest rap is ghetto fab
LoveableLarvae: hey you should make up a tab
LoveableLarvae: so you culd play the guitar to our littel gab
PolishProdigy22: i would, but then they'd call me drab
LoveableLarvae: ill make drab
LoveableLarvae: into uber-fab!

PolishProdigy22: tell mark it's his booger on the hue
PolishProdigy22: LOL
PolishProdigy22: and i'll teach him how to sleep in a pew
PolishProdigy22: if he tears up the picture i drew
LoveableLarvae: well i informed him that the booger he blew
LoveableLarvae: landed on the hue
PolishProdigy22: because his aim wasn't quite true
PolishProdigy22: i knew

PolishProdigy22: he keeps sending me yours (shh...yours are more creative)
LoveableLarvae: lol yessss
LoveableLarvae: like i said
LoveableLarvae: gajtka props are oh so precious

PolishProdigy22: i could picture myself watching you, shaking my head, saying 'holy crap'
PolishProdigy22: "i need a drink"
PolishProdigy22: lol
LoveableLarvae: LOLOL
PolishProdigy22: a good stiff mt. dew

LoveableLarvae: lol im a dork
LoveableLarvae: too
PolishProdigy22: the dork fellowship is close-knit, though
PolishProdigy22: so don't fret

LoveableLarvae: =-Ooh godddd LOL
LoveableLarvae: thus i think your silly
KabukiJoe2: then you are a fool
LoveableLarvae: then you are aaaaaaaa
LoveableLarvae: ehhmmm
LoveableLarvae: nerddd
KabukiJoe2: you are double stampies no erasies
LoveableLarvae: WHATEVER YOU SAY
LoveableLarvae: BOUNCES OFF ME
LoveableLarvae: AND STICKS TO YOU
KabukiJoe2: i already said no erasies
LoveableLarvae: bammmmm
LoveableLarvae: it wasnt an erasie
LoveableLarvae: it was a baounce
LoveableLarvae: not the same
LoveableLarvae: so thus not covered by the no erasies rule
KabukiJoe2: you are mistaken
KabukiJoe2: no erasies entails that nothing said by me can be altered or expunged in any way
LoveableLarvae: lol nooooooo
LoveableLarvae: to erase is to delete
LoveableLarvae: it was not erased
LoveableLarvae: merely evaded and replaced
KabukiJoe2: it also includes replacement
LoveableLarvae: nooo
KabukiJoe2: it's like a catch-all insurance
LoveableLarvae: bc then itd be no erasies or replacies
LoveableLarvae: i win

PolishProdigy22: but, you've got to rise above
LoveableLarvae: hey eagles may soar but weasels never get sucked into jet engines
PolishProdigy22: and sprout your wings and fly like an eagle to that special place where everything works out and nobody's a jackass
PolishProdigy22: yay
LoveableLarvae: lol yayyyy
PolishProdigy22: bad timing with the eagle thing
LoveableLarvae: lol
LoveableLarvae: did you read what i typed before you typed what you typed LOL
PolishProdigy22: nope
PolishProdigy22: i was in the process of
LoveableLarvae: lolol
LoveableLarvae: esp i telly ou
PolishProdigy22: what
PolishProdigy22: i pulled a meredith... "what?" in the middle of a sentence
LoveableLarvae: i knewww you were gonna say something about eagles
LoveableLarvae: lol
LoveableLarvae: it is contagious
LoveableLarvae: steph does it all the time now
PolishProdigy22: it's like the thought collecting time out
LoveableLarvae: lol yeah
LoveableLarvae: like i lose my train of thought
LoveableLarvae: so what
LoveableLarvae: ...
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: what?
PolishProdigy22: ;-)
PolishProdigy22: ok, i'm done now :-D

PolishProdigy22: yeah, so the world can see the greatness of the M+M
PolishProdigy22: LOL
PolishProdigy22: /dorkkkk
LoveableLarvae: lololo
PolishProdigy22: we should endorse the candy
LoveableLarvae: dfinitely :0))
PolishProdigy22: would be a big contract
LoveableLarvae: yes buy stock in it and my the spokes people
PolishProdigy22: i'm talking billions
LoveableLarvae: yesss
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: with our star power, this will take m+ms to new heights
LoveableLarvae: we'll take pictures of us with m&m's this summe
LoveableLarvae: and send em too the company!!!
PolishProdigy22: send em in
PolishProdigy22: yeah!
LoveableLarvae: theyll be like
LoveableLarvae: OMGGG
LoveableLarvae: thats just tooo damn cute
LoveableLarvae: BAM
LoveableLarvae: its all about the benjamins babyyyy
PolishProdigy22: uh, uh huh yeah

PolishProdigy22: i know that song pretty well, thanx to my own personal g-diddy
LoveableLarvae: ohhh man
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: best line..."three course meal: spaghetti, fetuccini, and veal"
LoveableLarvae: lah hooos a herrr
LoveableLarvae: i hate veallll
PolishProdigy22: hold on, hold on....was that a jim carrey reference by any chance
LoveableLarvae: maybeeeeeee

PolishProdigy22: you know what: everybody hits....
LoveableLarvae: everybody scores
LoveableLarvae: oh yeahh
LoveableLarvae: oh yeahh
PolishProdigy22: baseball/softball are such superstitious sports
PolishProdigy22: i don't know why exactly
LoveableLarvae: lol TOTALLY
PolishProdigy22: but most athletes are superstitious anyway
PolishProdigy22: it's just on the diamond it goes to a whole new level
LoveableLarvae: lol totalllly
PolishProdigy22: maybe it has something to do with the numbers or angles of the game
LoveableLarvae: doubt it
LoveableLarvae: lol
PolishProdigy22: 3 outs, 90 degrees between bases
LoveableLarvae: lolol ur a dork
PolishProdigy22: 3 strikes
PolishProdigy22: uhhh
PolishProdigy22: 45 degrees of fair territory
PolishProdigy22: or is it 90
PolishProdigy22: 9 players on the field
PolishProdigy22: 9 is divisible by 3 and a factor of 45 and 90
PolishProdigy22: oh yeah, i'm onto something
PolishProdigy22: the cosmos is aligning!!
PolishProdigy22: 3 bases!
LoveableLarvae: what about home
LoveableLarvae: its a pentagon
LoveableLarvae: and its the 4th base
PolishProdigy22: not a base
PolishProdigy22: lol
LoveableLarvae: that throws everything off
PolishProdigy22: the pentagon makes up for it
PolishProdigy22: ;-)
PolishProdigy22: pentagon has 5 sides, factor of 45
LoveableLarvae: then what about the bases having 4 sids
PolishProdigy22: 90 degree angles
PolishProdigy22: only the ball is circular
PolishProdigy22: that's why everyone's eyes are on it
PolishProdigy22: it's unique among all the angles and numbers
LoveableLarvae: then what about the distance from the plate to home
LoveableLarvae: to the rubber
LoveableLarvae: i mean
LoveableLarvae: its 40 ft
LoveableLarvae: and in college its 43
PolishProdigy22: see, that varies between places
PolishProdigy22: so we won't take that into account
LoveableLarvae: but its liek the main even t
PolishProdigy22: see, i can justify anything
PolishProdigy22: lol
LoveableLarvae: nahh you lost with the mound length
PolishProdigy22: it doesn't matter because the ball is happy when it's in a glove
PolishProdigy22: it's when it's put into play that all hell breaks loose
PolishProdigy22: that's when the angles come into play
PolishProdigy22: oh yeah
PolishProdigy22: :-D
LoveableLarvae: oh yeah
LoveableLarvae: Mr. Gaktka, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
PolishProdigy22: im thinkin wayyy too much
LoveableLarvae: gajtka
PolishProdigy22: ahh, i caught that
LoveableLarvae: har har harrrr jj! your not idioticcccc
PolishProdigy22: one of the best movie quotes EVAR!!
PolishProdigy22: bonus points for you
LoveableLarvae: lol TOTALLY

PolishProdigy22: i can see it now, weirton po-po 100+ miles outside city limits, escorting melvin chardonnay to mchappys in marietta

PolishProdigy22: i once had a dream for a two-level bathroom
PolishProdigy22: toilet downstairs, shower upstairs
PolishProdigy22: i swear it's gonna happen
LoveableLarvae: lol one day
PolishProdigy22: everyone thought it was insane when i told them
PolishProdigy22: but i still remember it vividly
PolishProdigy22: like i'm supposed to make it happen
PolishProdigy22: i should tell my dad about it...he's into the home design
LoveableLarvae: yessss one day
LoveableLarvae: it will be a wonderful reality

PolishProdigy22: i've got your Macropus robustus right here!

PolishProdigy22: well, i guess australia's a small continent, so the wallabies got tired of mating with their own kind
LoveableLarvae: LOLOLOL
PolishProdigy22: so once they seduced a kangaroo, it was all over
LoveableLarvae: yeah i guess so
LoveableLarvae: they lured one over
PolishProdigy22: changed teams, if you will
LoveableLarvae: then gangbanged it till the continent was polluted with wallaroos
PolishProdigy22: a tragic on lifetime
LoveableLarvae: lolol
PolishProdigy22: poor kangaroo
PolishProdigy22: those horny wallaby bastards
LoveableLarvae: ehh nahh it liked it
PolishProdigy22: but, i digress
LoveableLarvae: it was a little nymphomaniac kangaroo
PolishProdigy22: ooh, the story continues to develop
LoveableLarvae: yes
LoveableLarvae: we should make another kids book
LoveableLarvae: the hazards of nymphomania
LoveableLarvae: itll be a hit
PolishProdigy22: teach the kids a true life lesson
LoveableLarvae: yues
PolishProdigy22: one that i sadly never was taught
LoveableLarvae: forget all taht everyone poops and everyone farts
PolishProdigy22: :'(
LoveableLarvae: theyll all havce to learn that eventually
LoveableLarvae: this sis the stuff people sweep under the ruf
LoveableLarvae: rug
LoveableLarvae: until one day theyre walking into a movie store, trying to find the bathroom and end up in the porno room
PolishProdigy22: it's happened to everybody
LoveableLarvae: a sad tale

PolishProdigy22: plus, my mom always told me to stay away from male genitalia also

PolishProdigy22: i would wait with bated breath for the "female sexuality" chapter
PolishProdigy22: i was a good student
LoveableLarvae: lol you liked that chapter?
PolishProdigy22: hey, natural curiosity
PolishProdigy22: its healthy
PolishProdigy22: LOL
LoveableLarvae: sure sureee
LoveableLarvae: you just wanted to see boobies
LoveableLarvae: and hear about menstual cycles
PolishProdigy22: hey, leave the boobies out of this!

PolishProdigy22: i <3 boobies

MykeoftheShire: umm
LoveableLarvae: ummm
MykeoftheShire: yo have some interesting adds on your website lol
LoveableLarvae: LOL LIKE WHAT
MykeoftheShire: well the two are...
MykeoftheShire: and i quote...
MykeoftheShire: Pics of cute asian guys
MykeoftheShire: and
MykeoftheShire: Hot Guy Central

MasterKenobi421: u just flipped us off then floored it
MasterKenobi421: it was great

...After I sent him three uber long messages of just asterisks in the biggest font possible...