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Okay, I could have been a loser like I was before, and just call this things I don't like, but I opted to name this category "Turn-offs". I figure I might get more hits on this page LOL. Here are, well things I don't like and turn-offs LOL:
Yucky flavored jelly beans
People who think they're cool but no one really likes 'em (Okay I might be one of them, but those people really annoy me!)
Girls who always have PMS!
Boys who always have PMS and won't admit it!
People who say I love you but don't mean it, or don't know what it means
Disrespectful people
Overly horny boys (Ironic eh?)
Boys who come on too strong
Double standards
People who fish for compliments
Those damn locker locks
Old people
Kids (most at least)
Mean people
Well thats all I can think of for now...Until next time...Hasta la vista, baby!