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Tell Me A Story, Mommy.....

Some of these are erotic writings, so,....."18 and older only, please, all others piss off......
The rest, feel free to read, they're just revolting stories of zombies and drug addicts!! (And that's.....ok.)"

Sit on my face KNEE as I explain how Cthulhu travels...
Why cloning is goooood.....(erotic fiction)
What naptime is like at my place......(erotic fiction)

Heroin Baby (coming soon)

This one was actually banned from some site or other....(also coming soon)

  Okay, some of you have read a bunch of my stuff, so write me e-mail and tell me what you wanna see up here. I sit all day at work, and look at this screen. I need mental stimulation, without sticking a paperclip in my teeth and slotting the other end into the chip buses on the motherboard. As my friend Vinny would say, "It'll be electrifying." You kinda need to see and hear Vinny do the voice to quite appreciate it, but still (Hmmm, note to self: .wav file for loading this page)......

[Back to the pretty angel......]