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Hey everyone! Welcome to the site dedicated to everything LBC.
Please check back frequently for updates in news and tour info.

If you aren't familiar with Lucky Boys Confusion, some cool people I know like to
refer to their style as "Hybrid Pop, Reggae Punk". So check them out!


9.17.02 Whoa! So sorry to any of you that wondered what happened for so long. Well its been exactly 3 months and 9 days, but who's counting? Well I originally stopped working on the site for awhile because I began making an all flash version of the site and that was taking up alot of time. But since my computer just sucks I kinda stopped all together cause my computer pretty much freezes everytime I try and work on it.
On a lighter note, I do have a copy of Blame. Contact me for info on how to get your copy!
The band's official site is completely revamped so check that out --
The band is on a whole new tour and unfortunatley still not coming to TN. So I still am sad. I think thats all for now, but I'm definately going to start updating more. I think I'm gonna postpone the whole flash site until I get some sort of computer solution.

6.08.02 Site Updates -- You would think that yesterday being my birthday I would of taken a day off. Nope! I kept myself busy with the site. I'm excited about alot of the new stuff I've done on here.
You should notice the flash movie intro to the site. That took me all last night to make and parts of today to get uploaded and everything.
Hopefully, you should see a new top frame including my banner. A few people have informed me that they couldn't see the new frame, so please let me know if you can't see it either.
I am currently working on some more Flash movies involving LBC and also on some mouseover effects for the site. Please check back to see updates.

6.01.02 Band News -- Ok, yes we have news, finally! LBC is now home and relaxing from this past tour. They are working seriously on a new album. Working song titles are: Atari, Blame, Medicine and Gasoline, Mr. Wilmington (Contact me for a copy), Something to Believe, and The Evidence. No date is set for the new album since they are still in the writing process.
LBC is also putting on two benefit shows at Rock House USA (formerly known as Riley's Rock House) in Aurora, IL. These benefit shows are in appreciation for the former owner who is having a family crisis and also had helped LBC become popular in the greater Chicago area.
Unfortunately LBC will not be joining the Vans Warped Tour due to their concentration on the upcoming album.
For more indepth LBC news check out here.

Site Updates -- Be sure to check out the Images section for the new LBC artwork. Feel free to send end yours - here.

5.20.02 Site Updates -- Not much lately due to this being exam week and I guess just not much going on in the life of LBC. But we have a new site in the links section. Its the LBC Fanlisting, if you're a fan, join. Also there are still very few members of the LBC 420 Geeks Mailing List. Again, join if you're a fan. Check the links section.

5.14.02 Band News -- LBC is now finished with the College Television Network's "Music Binge Tour" and unfortunately you can no longer vote for the Bossman video at the CTN site. LBC shared the stage with such groups as Jimmy Eat World, Smashmouth, Pete Yorn, Rusted Root, De La Soul, Pharcyde, George Clinton, and Black Eyed Peas.
Sonja (the webpage editor/manager) and Ryan (LBC's drummer) are working on an all new look for the official page, so frequently check it out.

5.13.02 Site Updates -- Ok, so I did a few minor updates to the site, but the main thing was the new colored scroll bars. Feel free to let me know what you think about them.

5.08.02 Site Updates -- Well it is late and I just added a little bit of stuff. There are two new Winamp skins and a AOL buddy icon from Jen. Also there are the three buddy icons from the official page too. Check out the Multimedia section. Tiredness, sleep time!

5.04.02 Site Updates -- Ok, I haven't mentioned what updates I've done, but I've made quite a few. I've added 3 new videos I believe. They are in the Multimedia section. Also there, you will find my Whole LBC Song List. Go there to check it out.
-- You should also notice the lack of pop-up ads (Thanks to Jman). You should only receive the one at the beginning from my redirector.
-- My new banner for the site is up in the Links section. This I am very proud of. Go me! lol.
-- Some great thanks to all the people that have signed my guestbook and written such nice things, thanks.

-- Coming Soon -- Hopefully I will get a video of a performance of Do You Miss Me by some talented youngsters at my school talent show!!

4.19.02 Site Updates -- Lots of links added and all of the Throwing the Game lyrics finished. Check em out!

4.14.02 Site Updates -- Lots of Images, Sounds and Videos added, check the Images and Multimedia seciton.
-- Band Section finished!

Be sure to vote for the Bossman video on CTN. They've been first for two weeks now!!

3.23.02 Although LBC is currently still touring, they are also in the writing process for their new album. They are playing on the College Television Network Music Binge tour with such acts as Lit and Smash Mouth.

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