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What if you could have a personal connection between yourself and an ancient time, or a place that is on the other side of the world? Imagine being a part of story that’s taken millions of years to develop. It’s an awe inspiring feeling.

What would you feel if you held a piece of a dinosaur that lived over 65 million years ago? What if you could hold a piece of wood from a tree older than Christianity and Islam? How can you put a dollar value on these experiences? It’s these feelings which created 887 Artifacts Co. We started this business so we could give people the opportunity to have these moments whenever they want. The sense that makes you feel the real passage of distance and time. The world is full of natural treasures, artifacts, and relics of history, and we at 887 want to be a part of connecting people with them. What better way to share an experience like this than to have it be a part of you personally and physically.

We make tribal ear plugs, but not just any ordinary plugs. With 887 Artifact Co. ear plugs, every plug has a story. These are not the plugs that are normally found in tattoo shops, local malls, or tribal jewelry stores. Most of the plugs available out there are constructed off an assembly line, have no special qualities, and lack personal touch. They may be shiny with a neat design but they are made out of plastics, glass, coloured dyes, metals, unidentified bone, or from woods that have no special value or qualities. Mineral plugs are sometimes available, but the chances are you don’t know mineral they are or know what makes them special. If you have plugs in your ears right now, what’s their story? Is there one? Unless you have some 887’s in your ears, they probably don’t have one. The fact is your spending your money on ordinary products. We don’t do ‘the ordinary’. Isn’t it awesome to say: ‘This is a fossil that’s millions of years old’, or ‘this wood is from the tallest trees in the world’, or ‘this stone took a thousands of years to form?’ That’s what we’re about