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Cum Again

This is a weak site!

The shouts Well every one the casper page is back. Dont trust AOL with your site, they lost mine. DAMN them. Well i want to shout out everyone i know. AlP SUP MY HOMIES. Well i will say this to all of you, in a sentence, you guys have been there for me all this time and still care for me. Your my crazy asshole brother who care for the ones they raise. So what i am saying is you taken good care of me. For all the problems i caused you were there to back me up, i am proud of that, you guys make me proud to know you. All the times we chared so greatly will never be forgoten. There are so many memorys of crime fun and just plain stupid. I also wanna say thank you guys for taking care of my problems like nikki. You know how much i cared and she fucked me up. I was fucked up and you guys took care of me. Thanx to John, marcus, james, Florna, blanka, rayes, brenda , donna, charlie, jose, richard, thomas, and all you chicks that come around to the crash pad to kick it and chill. Your all friends to me FP Sup mike esteabn spencer daravid. Well you guys are equally important. You guys will be friends forever. Your alwasy there and we alwasy chill. Go to lan and play CS. pARTY TOGETHER, DRINK , SMOKE OUT ANYTHING. Well you guys i dont ever wanna lose your the ones who kept me strong and made me fell like a brother. David- your my brother david and you know were blood. I dont wanna lose you so dont leave us after high school. I will always have an eye out for you. I want you to be the same for me. FP for life. Esteban - Your my brother too, and i have much respect for you and everyone else. We had some good times man. I dont wanna lose you too. Were coo, and yes i am a ni**a Mike - sup mike your the best man. You were there for all of us. You take us home when were drunk and you help us out. Mike you are awesome.You will get that chance soon, to be drunk and we take you home man. Your my bro too. Idont wann lose non of you all. Daravid= God damn daravid, where did you get your drivers licence, from a cracker jack box. God damn how many times have you almost killed me.But you know what its cool. I dont mind. Your my brother i can just get mad but never stay angry. St. Joes Alana - well hows it going. You are a good person alana, i dont wanna lose you.itt has came close alreday 2 times Those were the worst times we ever had. But we also had the best times. I am glad i got to know you, very well, and im pleased to have meet most of your friends. You are a good pal, and i will miss you and hope to never lose you. Love you pal. Adela - Whats up adela im glad were cool again, Your an awesome person. Take care of my brother, he is important to me, Also your a good chick. Keep it cool. Alex - sup buddy. Well your awesome, just to let you know. Your a very cool chick. We have had good times, and that s the best. I hope you learn to skate with me. Vero - your awesome too. I should to talk to you more, i really dont talk to you alot. Anyone i missed just sign right here X____________________ Bosco heads Sup dan, Ramon , edwin, jason, montes, munoz, stimpey, and all of the crew from A 69 PRODUCTION. all OF YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME, THE MOVIE IS BAD ASS, THE SHIT WE DO IS GETTING ALITTLE MORE CRAZY. All i got to say is damn were fucken nuts. Your my brothers too. We are Los Guys. Man we will always chill. Soon i might move into la casa de sexo, with dan. Brothers por vida


Epitaph records
Brother Esteban