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10/31/02 HOLLYWOOD, CA THE PALLADIUM Well I hopped on an airplane and decided to make the 2000 mile journey to California for the last leg of my fall dashboard tour. I got to the show at 1230, with 6 people in front of me (which grew to 13 because of line jumpers-just cause your friends are there waiting doesnt mean you can show up 4 hours later and jump line). The show was scheduled to begin at 6, but for some reason, maybe its the laid back california scene, the doors didnt even open till 640. Well after rushing to the door, I cut off all those who got in front of me and was the first actually in the Palladium. Now the Palladium is set up with a large open area with a bar off to the side, and a LARGE balcony curved around in a circle over looking the main pit area. Another oddity was the way the barricade was set up. Instead of simply running directly parallel to the stage. It jutted out in the center about 10 feet long and 6 feet across. Well i managed to situate myself in the closest place posible to the stage right along the barricade. So yeh once again i had the best "seat" in the house. The crowd slowly filed in, due to HIGH HIGH security. Not only were there full pat down and pocekt search, but they scanned with detectors over your entire body. CRAZY. Well the show started with a wonderful new band, to me at least, called Noise Ratchet. They took the stage tossing out candy and treats to the crowd. The drummer had a giant pumpkin on his head. They rocked HARD, playing what could be best described as energetic hardcore with slight melodic tendancies. The signer whipped his mike around in true hardcore fashion. They were all over the stage, and the crowd seemed to enjoy this, but you could tell they were anxious just to get the show started. I saw several people glance at thier watches as the show progressed. They were from nearby San Diego so they had a few fans there who knew every word to every song. I however was left out in the dark, jsut enjoying the music. They played a burst of 7 songs, then left the stage with a thank you and more candy thrown out. The pumpkin was launched into the crowd and landed on someone. Rhett Miller came up next, and I was glad to see, and feel, a less crazy crowd than the Chicago show. I really didnt get into Rhett this time cause i personally was looking forward to Hot Rod and Dashboard. He didnt seem as into the show this time, and seemed annoyed at the crowd since they just sorta stood there. One idiot even yelled out "last song" which pissed off me and the band as well. You just dont do that at a show. One thing for sure is that Rhett Miller has style! His clothes were quite snazzy and eye catchy.They played a shorter set this time, 8 songs. Hot Rod Circuit came up next, and I really have to admit that they have captured my ears and that after seeing them 6 times this fall, they are one of my favorites. Thier music is so poppy and catchy and each one has refrains and versus that are easy to learn and follow. I felt bad for hot rod after the show cause at the merch table. people kepy asking them to get dashboard stuff. I bought a black hot rod shirt. its cute i like it. Finally the pushing and shoving began to get really really bad and my body became one with the barricade again. The security guys kept telling people to step back and stop pushing, but cmon its a dashboard show, you cant stop it. The smoke machine must have been having halloween issues, cause it didnt seem to work right and only a lil came out. The lights finally dimmed, and one by one dashboard took the stage. I swear the instrumental they do now to start thier shows, that should be on the album cause it is so good. It really sets the mood cause it starts off so slow and slowly builds as Chris takes the stage and starts playing and comes to an abrupt end and flows right into "standard lines." The crowd tonight in Hollywood, just as a side note, was the most polite and respectful dashboard crowd, although the "i love you's were at an all time high. But there was no crowd surfing or moshing which was really good. Chris played the same set, rocking out to hits like "best deceptions" "ender" "swiss army romance" "saints and sailors" and "screaming." The new ones he played were "so beautiful" which i was shocked to hear a lot of people sing, "tonight" which again a lot of people sang and by the end everyone was singing the refrain "she left me the rum" "hey girl" which he changed the lyrics on me and left me feeling silly at the end "as lovers go" which he came over and winked at me during ROCK ON CHRIS. The set was 13 songs, and Chris was not his normal chatty self, but he did mention a funny story during "tonight" about how the song was formed, and he commented on the balcony crowd again and had the spotlights go up there and he said "hi guys there you are" and he talked bout peoples costumes. one neat thing he did, when he first took the stage after standard lines, is he told the crowd to take a step back cause he saw us getting crushed. it didnt work but it was a nice gesture. One girl passed out in the crowd and was handed out over the rail as her body lay limp and unmoving. you could see chris get all worried and he stopped singing but no one really noticed cause the crowd kept singing and the other band members kept playing. the main set ended with "again i go unnoticed" and they left the stage. The lights went down again and first to come out was mike marsh. now mike is a really silly guy and decided to dress up as a Giraffe. The crowd loved it! Well the encore once again was the so impossible ep, but the backdrop didnt come down, again halloween strikes! you could tell chris was a bit startled when he came out and look up and didnt see it.they rocked out the 4 song encore, with mike doing his pinapple shaking thing much to the delight again of the crowd, and his now very famous cymbol crash during "remember to breathe." he really has started getting animated with this, waving his hands as he brings his arms over his head before smacking the cymbol. the crowd has begun to anticipate it so much that it gets drowned out in the cheers. Last song was hands down once again the long version, and again it rocked my world. i sang along to it this time cause well it just hit me too. a lot of people caught the moon is down and sang to it also. After the show, Scott was seen riding his bike around the parking lot, and Mike was there chilling. I talked to him briefly asking him where he got his costume and he said at a place called Eckards (never heard of it). Finally Chris came out and he immediately walked over to me and gave me a big handshake then pulled me in close for a big bear hug. I was like wow he remembers me! He said "hey rob whats up glad you came all the out for this show." YAY. But you could tell he was ill and not doing well, cause he was all huddled in a hoodie and jacket, and just his facial expressions showed he wasnt doing well. He really gives it everything he has during the shows. This girl i met at the show, Crystal, she gave chris a BUFFY button and you could just see his face light up! (note to everyone chris is obsessed with buffy) He signed for all those there and got on the bus and left! well this wraps up my fall tour! 5 months till the spring tour im counting down the days now..... oh one other side note bout Noise Ratchet. I got stranded in hollwood that night and ended up staying at the Metropolitan Hotel. Well, the next morning the members of Noise Ratchet were in the lobby, and they had stayed there also. I told them my sob story bout being ditched in Hollywood, and they felt so sorry for me they put me on the guest list for the Vegas show! WHAT A NICE GROUP OF GUYS! they rule -rob


My fourth leg on the fall Dashboard Confessional tour was met with mixed feelings and torn sentiments. The show as at the Congress Theatre in downtown Chicago. The venue is a gorgeous vision on the inside with much lacking in its exterior. Inside the stage was set up only 4 feet off the ground, and only 5 feet from the baricade, making it very up close and personal with the band. Most venues are 5-6 and 7-8 in retrospect. Chicago is a VERY cold city, and I was totally not ready for the winter arctic blast at all. This was evident as we stood outside waiting for 6 hours before the show. Chicago dash fans are VERY devoted, as we were beaten for the first time EVER to a dashboard show, and not even close to being first. We were 12th and 13th in line and beaten by a good 2 hours by the group in front of us. The main crowd started ariving at 4 (still 2 hours before the doors) which blew my mind. The doors opened at 630 and we rushed and i mean rushed inside. We were told to slow down and walk several times. This lasted till we got past security. I never made it up to the balcony, but a nice stairwell (something out of a 1050's movie) led up to the second level balcony overlooking the main seating area. Well we rushed the stage in total darkness trying not to trip. We, me and my friend Jenn, made it to the pit area and were greeted by our friend Jeff (who made it inside when we first got there cause he was on the guest list) who held us spots front and center. The venue was jsut as cold as it was outside, which was a good thing as the night progresed. The crowd was amazingly large as the pit was filled in 10 minutes. By the time the show started the seats were all taken and the balcony almost filled as well. Loudermilk came on around 7 much to our suprise. We were not expecting them on the bill. When we saw them outside the venue arriving at 530 we were shocked and excited. No one else recognized them though and i shouted "holy shoot its loudermilk" Isaac smiled (that dude makes me laugh) Taking the stage to the sounds of the velvet underground, they started into one of thier faster songs, which was different than thier previous show stops where they started with one of thier ballets. Isaac took the stage barefooted and twirling his drumsticks, which he dropped of course. They rocked out hard to a short 6 song set. That band has a ton of energy, and many times I was suprised the crowd was dead, not really into it, although i didnt mind cause I wasnt ready for the squishing yet. Thier sound still reminds of me of early 90's seattle grunge music, similar to mudhoney. The second band to take the stage was Rhett Miller. I knew very little of this band, except that they were known as the old 97's and still carried over that same sound. Thier drummer reminded me of Bruce Springsteen which was kinda spooky. Rhett Miller is a very talkative energetic lively man! His antics on stage were a flashback to stuff I have seen in old videos of Elvis with his hips a shaking and flopping all over the stage. One girl said that he reminded her of a muppett. His hair all shaggy and his open shirt hehe it was great. He played a 9 song set, which each song more and more twangy and catchy than the previous one. He belted out one of his classics from the old 97's which got the crowd a rockin. At this point the pushing started and i knew my body would be one with the barricade soon. Anyone who has not checked this band out please do its really worth a listen. I hae a picture of the band from this show on my website if you want the link IM me at robcc2004 or email me at Third up was hot rod circuit, and with each time I see this band I become more and more impressed. The guitarist Jed, he needs to change his shirt though. All 4 times i ahve seen him on this tour its been the same "lawrence f'n kansas" shirt. i joked with him about it nd he got all sheepish and embarrassed. They played a short set i thought. It was 8 songs and consisted of the ones that everyone knows. All off the new album, but they did play one song that was untitled and has not been released yet. Hehe, one great thing about concerts is that you hear stuff from bands as they try things out. The other guitarist, the one with long hair. My gosh, if you have ever seen Hot Rod you know what im talking about when i say HE IS CRAZY at one point he addressed the crowd and said "at the last show this kid asked us to play this song and i said we couldnt, then we played it, so i lied and he uttered this strang laugh that was so cartoonish i broke out laughing too. During hot rod the crowd surfing and pushing got out of control, and people started passing out. one girl literally was OUT as she got passed over the rail. her eyes were shut and her body was limp and she had to be carried over. I hope she was alright. Jeff got a setlist from the drummer cause Jeff was one of the main people helping alert security when people needed out of the pit. What a super guy!!!! Around 930 the fun really started as Dashboard took the stage. You really could feel the electricity build in the crowd. My digital camera was spotted by security, and my battery taken from me during the show, so this put a slight damper on my thoughts of the show. OH WELL. One by one Dash took the stage, as they started thier now famous instrumental piece which opens thier shows. I really hope they put this on the album cause it really showcases thier playing skills. First up on the set list again was Standard Lines and yeh the crowd loved it as really no one has heard this song before this tour in over a year. Through out the set many things that stood out. Chris said congrats to a friend who was getting married. He personally thanked the people in the balcony and said "to be honest that is where i would be, these people in front are nuts" and then the spotlights all turned up to the balcony illuminating them. and they went beserk. He did his duet with Johnny, played 2 songs solo, and did his usual 19 song setlist. Mike Marsh was a drumstick fool tonight. He tossed out 8 in the crowd which all flew way over my head. Scott has started something recently. He not only drinks Corona during the show, but has taken to spitting it out all over the place during the show. It is good to see him getting more and more into it. He always seems in the backlight. The crowd at this show was unusually LOUD and not as MTV'ish as the previous shows. There was only a few shouts of I LOVE YOU CHRIS and what not and only one occurance of crowd surfing. The main set lasted 75 minutes before they left the stage. Coming back 5 minutes later with yet another Dashboard Jam to do the now famous so impossible encore. The crowd was very high spririted at this point. One idiot girl yelled out "play screaming infidelities again." At the very end during Hands Down I crossed my fingers and prayed and yes he did the long version with "the moon is down" "shirts and gloves" and "bitter pill" lyrics. They rocked off the stage in true dashboard form thanking the crowd and heading out into the night. After the show i met mike by the bus got my picture with him, and then stuck around met chris and got my picture and autographed ticket. All in all, it was a good show, although hearing practically the same set made me a bit dissapointed. I was hoping to be suprised. OH to close one neat note, i was the only one singing to hey girl, hehe since i know it now, and a LOT of people knew as lovers go, so beautiful, rapid hope loss, and tonight which was neat too. Dashboard continues to impress even hearing the same songs, but i would love to go to a show and hear some of the older stuff that never gets played anymore. But hey what can I complain its a good mix now, and a 19 song set by ANY band is a good set! -rob


A light rain started to fall late thursday night as we left louisville kentucky to head to the city of brotherly love, aka philly. 675 miles later, 2 wrong turns, and 10 hours of driving including several near misses with death along winding pennsylvania roads, we arrived at the venue known as the electric factory and this place looked just like you would expect, a run down abandoned factory building in the middle of the ghetto. btw Philly is one of the dirtiest cities i have ever been to, almost up there with Gary, Indiana. Well we arrived at the place around 3 oclock, 2 hours later than we wanted, but the good thing there were still only 4 people in front of us so it was all great. So we sat and waited and the rain fell and people started to arrive. Well, around 7 the doors opened and we were let inside. playing over the house speakers was the ben kweller album which made for fun while waiting cause that dude makes me smile. Loudermilk took the stage around 740, and played a short but energetic set of 7 songs, including 2 slow ballets which the crowd seemed to be restless during but they were really good. the drummer for that band continues to amaze me with his barefooted set and wild skills on the drums. hot rod circuit came on next, and i was glad to hear a longer set this time, they played 9 songs including some older tunes that since i only have the new album i didnt know which was good. both the people to my left (maureen) and right (jeff #1) got setlists from hot rod as they managed to jump in front of me as they were tossed out, but its all good. ash came on next and at that point the pushing ensued. as with atlanta i spent the whole set trying to fight for breaths and to save my ribs. i felt sorry for this really short girl who was bhind me and to my left cause she was plastered in there and really looked in bad shape. 4 people had to be carried out over the front rail due to dehydration, or just not being able to hang. dash shows are rough!! ash played only 8 songs, but most were long drawn out affairs with lots of repetition of medleys and chorus's. they played both songs off the angus soundtrack (only ones i knew). this was their last stop on the tour, and im not sorry to see them go cause rhett miller plays next week in chicago woot woot excitement. well dashboard came out around 1030 to a much anticipating crowd. many screaming girls in my ear made me very unhappy. but thats the price for being in the front row i guess eh? the set was similar to atlanta. opening with standard lines, cruising through several of the hits, and playing 5 of the new ones. everyone kept staring at our lil group in the front cause we knew so beautiful, rapid hope loss, as lovers go, and tonight. im learning still hey girl and plan on having it down by chicago. chris was really energetic tonight. and johnny was nuts as usual. scott rocked out so hard he had to take his glasses off. mike well mike was hiding in the back but he still saluted the crowd with his drumsticks on occasion. after the 15 song set, Dashboard left the stage and the crowd started chanting dashboard dashboard ( i just shook my head and thought what is it all coming too) well 5 minutes later they came back one at a time, first mike then scott and johnny then chris. mike did his pineapple homage once again much to the delite of the crowd (oh he wore his beer shirt which rocks too) so the banner dropped and they did the so impossible EP in order once again. but this is sad to report.... during hands down, the crowd started moshing and crowd surfing, not knowing that you dont do this at dashboard... so chris apparently was not ammused and cut off the extra verses to hands down, leaving it the normal version. the crowd cheered as they threw down thier equipment and walked off. those of us expecting to hear the long version of hands down just stood there stunned jaws dropped and dissillusioned. but it was still a great set. so after the show we wander around back and wait. mike came out and Jeff talked to him, getting guest passes for the chicago show, and some dude got him to talk on his cell phone (funny hehe) finally chris comes out and signs for everyone who stuck around. maureen got a picture with him and he remembered her from the NYC show too. the guy is incredible! we finally rolled out of there around 130. and drove straight through back to louisville all in all not my most memorable dash show but good none the less cya in chicago


So me and my friend Jenn get to the venue at around 130 in the afternoon. and first thing we see is the marque saying "dashboard confessionals" giving us a good laugh to start the whole afternoon. we get there and there is no one there at ALL. bout 5 minutes later we meet this amazing guy named Jeff. so we sneak into the venue and chill with the merch guy for a couple hours while he sets up the new tshirts (there are 5 new shirts that are being sold only on tour) we get free dashboard buttons from him cause i guess he felt sorry for us. this apparently is just the beginning of our antics with the merch guy! so around 3 we get kicked out of the venue by security and go sit outside the door. a few of Jeffs friends show up so we sit and chat. well around 3:30 a big purple tour bus comes rolling around the corner. we all go yeah thats them... well by this time there are 10 of us sitting there being really bored. well me and jenn go walk into the "mexican mall." we walk in looking for an ATM so we have cash for tshirts. well we run into SCOTT! and lol omg if no one has talked to him yet let me tell you he is sooooo shy and quiet! and his hair is crazier than it looks on stage, like he just crawled out of bed. so he goes "is there anything in this mall?" and im like nope just some shops and a coat factory. so we shake hands part our ways as he goes to check out the coat factory. so i go back to the line and wait, and who comes out... Chris. apparently Jeff and Chris know each other from shows. so Chris chills with us a bit out in front of the venue, telling us some interesting things, like how he hates to play in his own town and how the show on friday night was the first on the tour he and the band actually enjoyed. so eventually he leaves and goes inside, and we sit and wait. 2 Uno games later, and a few "who can sing the loudest to dashboard song contests outside the venue" and several run ins with security and the merch dude, the doors open at 6:45. we go in and grab our spot front and center. the crowd slowly fills in and takes its place. at 7:30 Loudermilk takes the stage. and wow they were as good as Chris was saying before the show. they really brought the rock with their crazy behavior on stage, and mix of melodic hardcore and mainstream rock. the lead singer liked to keep hitting himself in the head too. they left the stage after a short 6 song set with a bang. smashing their guitars into the drum set. i got a drum stick as i spied one flying over the lead singers shoulder. so that was rad too. great thing bout being in front. next up was hot rod circuit who also brought the rock. i felt out of it cause i only knew a couple songs and a LOT of people sang along around me. the mosh was brought and with it the crowd surfing as well. at this point its starting to get hot and the really nice security guy started passing out water to us kids in the front. Hot Rod also played a short 7 song set. i was impressed as well with them. as soon as they left the stage the pushing began. the one thing i dreaded about dashboard shows and being in front. the ensuing mass of people pushing to the front. so as Ash took the stage i had this girl hangin all over me (it was cool cause she was HOT) and reaching around and grabbing my waist, hey i wasnt gonna complain! but my ribs were being shoved into the barricade, and my arms were pinned to my sides. so i wasnt able to enjoy Ash at all. but i can tell you the guitarist she was gorgeous so i found myself watching her the whole set. while trying to take breaths every now and then and shove back to give my body room to even must some sort of relief. well with much anticipation dashboard came out!!!! finally!!! and with it they unvieled a NEW back drop!!!! it has some trees on it and a very stylish leaf (also represented on one of the 5 new shirts that just started being sold on this tour)first up on the setlist was a song i have never heard chris play in the 15 previous times i had seen dashboard it was... STANDARD LINES!!!! i was so shocked it took me a minute to remember the lyrics!! Chris came out wearing a jacket which he had on all afternoon apparently cause he had it on when he came and talked to us too. the setlist was mixed with classics and new songs as well. although it was sad realizing such songs like age six racer, anyone anyone and shirts and gloves will never be heard again. he belted out new ones... morning calls (first time i heard that song live), as lovers go, so beautiful, and tonight ill take what i can get (he said before playing it that this was not the direction dashboard was going so dont worry its just for fun and i hope you guys enjoy it). several moments of banter occured during the show, but my highlight was when he and johnny did a duet and he goes "maybe we all will get lucky and johnny will take his shirt off... oh yeh this song is about um ((pause)) johnny's chest" some things that also were neat during the show were the smoke screen into, chris's playful nature with scott, and his constant coming up to my group and smiling cause we knew all the songs that are not yet on CD (thank you hehe) hearing "tonight ill take what i can get" live validates this song as a really good song!! the crowd really got into it and they were moving around a lot which as everyone knows is rare at a dash show. and chris and scott had fun dancing together on stage. well, the main set was 14 songs and lastest about an hour. after a short break and the crowd chanting dashboard... something eerie happened on stage... the backdrop started to fall and behind it was... another banner saying so impossible and had the cover of that EP on it. well out comes mike and he starts a nice 5 minute drum solo and then the other guys come on stage. chris states that um the album so impossible is a story and he wants to share it with us. so he plays those 4 songs in order as the encore. craziness during the encore, mike picks up his pinnapple shaker and holds it over his head in homage and the crowd goes nuts and then proceeds to pretend to take a bite out of it. closing the set is of course hands down and with it the extra verses that just well, i cant describe this, you just have to see it for yourself this fall to believe how intense it is. all in all the show was good, but im not going to say it was the best dashboard show i have seen. the venue was too large and cavernous and a lot of the lyrics and banter by chris in between songs was lost cause you just couldnt understand it. it was the most fun ive had thats for sure but not the best show. somethings that made me go hmmm at the show... i saw a girl in the front row holding a sign saying "we love you chris" how nsync is that!?! and crowd surfing during hot rod.the chanting made me feel like i was at a rock concert and not an intimate evening with chris and the boys like things used to be. oh well its something we will have to live with. i think this tour will be the last one i go up front to watch dashboard, its just not fun being smashed (even though like i said it was a HOT HOT girl who was doing the groping and smashing) oh closing this review i got some amazing pics with my digital camera and i will post them tomorrow on my website!!! and oh yeah if you go to the show this fall GET ONE OF THE 5 NEW SHIRTS THEY ARE AMAZING (although the one that says dashboard confessional revolution i dunno bout) i got the one with the dove on the front with his wings spread and under it says dashboard confessional in script and is baby blue. cya in philadelphia who ever goes to that show! ill be there for sure!! and oh if the girl who grabbed or actually tried to grab the water out of my hand at the end of the show is reading this grrrr im so kicking your butt if i see you at another show (kidding its all good it was hot and we were all dying i understand your motives) so to sum up show was 18 songs and was worth the 5.5 hour drive!!! thanks to everyone i met there and for making us feel at home! and oh Summer if you read this i am soooo sorry you had to leave the front row. this is why dashboard crowds suck now, cause a nice girl who was there just to enjoy the music had to leave cause the pushing was too much on her short tiny body! well she is no longer a dashboard virgin and will be ready next time and will be tough and ready to fight back!! i hope!


So i decide to travel 1100 miles to boston for yet another dashboard show, this being number 15 in the past 2 years. being from louisville kentucky i was totally unsure what to expect in a town so far away. ive been to dash shows in chicago nashville indy orlando louisville cincinatti columbus raliegh and columbia but boston was the farthest I had ever gone to see a show. so i was nervous and not sure what it would be like. so i wake up early sat morning and get a taxi from my hotel and get to this place called the hatchshell at 930 in the morning. first off the location is GORGEOUS its right down on the charles river and is in a pretty cute lil park. and i was excited cause being a runner i felt immediately at home cause i saw runners running around in the park. so the stage crew gets there around 10 to start setting up. there are a few kids there maybe 10-15. around 1030 i met HER the real reason i went to this show. the grrl of my dreams, and the only reason i felt at home the whole show. her name is michele and is the most goreous creature i ever have known. well we chill in the park walking around until 12 when they start putting up the barricade (there were 2 of them keeping the crowd 50 feet from the stage which was absoulutely ridiculous) sound check started at 1230 and went on and on and on till 230 at 245 hot rod circuit took the stage, and impressed me more this time when i saw them than the last 2 times i saw them. their new material is much more to my liking and they played very enthusiastically. the dude with long hair that plays guitar he made me smile with his antics on stage. the crowd however disgusted me, showing no respect. throwing stuff and i mean everything you could imagine up on stage. its one thing to mosh and get crazy at a show, that is expected, but throwing stuff at the band that is just childlike, and if any of you kids that did this are reading this, you are just plain dumb. anyways hot rod circuit played about 45 minutes. and then dash came on stage and i dunno if it was the acoustics or the fact it was outside or the crowd was simply just not a typical dash crowd, but it just seemed too reminiscent of the weezer tour. with people not singing along and getting into it. it was like they were just there to do something. but anyways.. dash rocked the house down things chris said that made me smile 1. "so at the mtv award show i got to sit behind Avril, and I know im too old for her, but let me tell you she is hot, oh great now my family is embarrassed" 2. after announcing they were giving away free tshirts and kids starting running to the merch table "um guys there is still a show going on up here" 3. "you guys are the reason we came out here even though my hair is melting in this sun" 4. "this song is about a girl, and yes i have forgiven her finally (pause) wait no i havent (pause for cheer) but I still talk to her, you gotta be mature about things like that, wait i forgot, im at a show, sorry guys" (before screaming infidelities) so the show starts off with the same first 4 songs as he played all summer with weezer so im like oh great this is not gonna be anything new. well he breaks out carry this picture for luck and i go nuts cause it was the first time heraing it live after weeks of listening to it on MP3 chris seemed to be real chatty at this show and broke out the old LONg version of ender will save us all where he goes "and youll see that we did something good good good (and so forth for like 10 minutes)" and then says "sorry" before finishing the song after playing an 11 song set he closed by saying "and this is the fake ending to the show, we will be back" he came back out and played "as lovers go" another song i forget what it was lol dont hate me for that and then closed with hands down. and boy he brought the place to tears. time seemed to stage still and you could hear a pin drop in the place when he started the improv part. he just kept going and going and he wasnt playing guitar just singing and screaming and crying YES he as acutally crying (or sweating really bad lol cause he kept wiping his eyes) once again i yelled out HANDS DOWN as soon as he started that lil intro to hands down where they play all kinda fast before breaking into his opening rift i yelled it and he turned around and you could see them all laugh on stage as if they were thinking sheesh someone out there knows our set. oh the intro part before the song was like 10 minutes long too and he goes "i hope you dont mind we are taking our time out here on this one" and then he says this song is about a september night the best date ive ever had and the crowd went nuts cause they then knew what was going to be played (although lol i knew from the intro cause yeh he always does that before hands down now) all in all a great show but then again we have come to expect that!
