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Photos Of Cappaulli And Friends

This is a page full of rare pictures of my friends and I. It includes pictures taken from home, trips, friends houses, bowling alley's, etc. In a little while I will form all of these pictures into a massive album and sort them out better. Enjoy these photos!

This is me, "Cappaulli", and I am on a band trip in Tennessee at a Pancake house. My friend Alex is pointing at my eye!

This is a group photo at that same pancake house in Tennessee. People are as follows: front left is Alex, back left is David(My brother), front right is me ("Cappaulli") and back right is Chris Siterlet (Poo Face!)

This is the coolest guy in the world, Darmac Clowen, at one of the local bowling alley's showing his love for the "Wu-Tang Clan."

This is Chris Siterlet, an anti-Cappaulli, and he is jealous of my website!

This is Andy Murphy, another anti-Cappaulli, and he is also upset that I can make better sites than he can!

Another rockin pic of Darmac Clowen holding up a copy of "Smugglers Run." Darmac likes this PS2 game even more than he likes dogs!