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Hey everyone! Sorry so long with no updates, I've been really busy with school and all. But anyway, our lead singer decided last night not to play a show, so we may be a three piece band. If you wish to book us for anything in march, please do it before the 15th. I (Casey)will be leaving for Germany and will not return till april. And after that, it's open season! book all you want we don't care.

Old Blacklisted Newz

01/08/02 Sad to say, Chris has announced his departure from the band. He will be finishing the rest of our dates out. But we will be needing new drumer. So if you want to be in a kick ass punk band and are albe to tour this summer, you can try out by emailing the address below and ask Casey for details.

12/08/01 - yo yo yo. the show on the 1st was eh. we had a whole 12 people stick around for us. oh well, shit happens. we did sell out of cds though. and that was good. more will be ready soon so email the address below for info about them. we are playing area 51 on the 14th of december. if your 18+, come out! yay. there will be a forever sports show on the 18th of january that we may be playing at. one the last note, casey is tryin hard to get the songs up on so you will be able to spread our fun music to all ur friends!

11/29/01 - We are on the bill for T.J's little party thing or what ever the hell it is on the first of december (12/1/01). Its @ forever sports, costs $4, starts at 7pm, ends at 12am. Bands include: Crazy Joe and the Mad River Gang (headliner), us, Just for Kids, Shady side, The Give Ups, and Mericle Mile. Be there or Be square yo. ALSO! OUR CDS ARE DONE! so that means if you bought a tape, bring the tape case to the show on 12/1 and get $3 off the price of the cd...if you didn't buy it, its $5. right now we only have about 30, an i don't know how many we are going to have for satuday. so FC, FS!! um. there should be some new pictures up IF ERIC WOULD GET HIS ASS IN GEAR AND SEND THEM TO ME!!! one last note, the .mp3 of pogo attack, our hit radio single in poland, will be downloadable from this very site. but all in good time.

11/18/01 - Ok, I lied. We're playing forever sports again. But I don't think we will be having our own shows there any more. We will be playing a 7 band show on December 1st. There may be a private house show on the 15th, and area 51 on the 19th or 22nd. Keep coming back for more info. If you wish to get a copy of our orginal demo tape, contact Casey at the email below. They are $2...if you need it mailed to you its $3. Shiping, it sucks. ;-)

11/15/01 - Our last forever sports show will be on Nov. 17 from 7 p.m. to midnight. Its $3 to get in. We will be selling our demo tapes that night for $4. if you buy the tape, when we press the cd in about a week, you will get that for free. Also playing with us will be Shady Side (hardcore from dayton), Just For Kids (dayton), and P.D.W. Sorry, the buttstains can't make the flight back from europe, so they will not grace us with their classic opera music. see you all saturday!!!!!

11/8/01 - Ok, we spent a long (but fun!) 7 hrs in the studio yesterday. Pretty much ready to can all the songs we recorded. Oh well, its not like we are paying for this. ANYWAY! for all of you that are 18+, we will be at AREA 51 in springfield on friday night (11/9). AND on 11/17, we will be playing a show with Just for Kids (dayton), Phylum Idiota (dayton), and sparechange00 (N. canton ohio, on cargo records). If you need any directions, email to the address below!

10/31/01 - LAST FOREVER SPORTS SHOW PLANED! on 11/17 we plan on playing at forever sports for the last time. they are seling the place so we won't be able to play there anyway. but the planed bill is JFK, Phylum Idiota, Sparechange00 *cargo records*, and THE BLACKLISTED...sorry, the buttstains will not be able to make this show due to the fact that they are embarking on their european tour!!! we wish them luck with their quest to spread their world-wide baptist preaching quest!!!

10/29/01 - Ok, on thursday (10/25) we played Area 51 for the first time. We thought it was going to be a very very rough crowed. As it tuned out, every one loved us and we will be playing there again. As for the Halloween bash...wonderful. Probably our best show ever. Thanks to all of you that showed up! We made about $250 in the end! Keep coming back for more news. new pictures to be posted soon fom the halloween show. We will be recording a nice little record for all of our spooks out there very soon!

10/24/01 - Got some updates for all those gouls out there. The line up for the 10/27 show goes as follows :Buttstains (great 30's jazz band), JFK, creating better criminals, and the blacklisted. 2. For all of you that are 18+, we are playing at area 51 on 10/25. 3. Show planed for 11/17 at a K of C hall in springfield with a band (on cargo records) from n. canton, ohio called Sparechange00 also with Phylum Idiota from dayton, ohio. and Just for kids also from dayton, ohio. We are probably going to have to charge more because of rent and we will have to pay the bands...but it will be worth it! DON'T MISS THIS SHOW!!

10/23/01 - HEAR YE HEAR YE! There has been ANOTHER BAND(!!) added to the bill! thats right kids, the amazing tonic, Just For Kids has been added to the bill! Don't worry, you still get the blacklisted and some other band who i can't rememer because im tired, and, (this is the best part) the BUTTSTAINS!!! thats right, those love-able dipshits that you hate are going to open the PUNK RAWK festivities for the night with their foghat cover classics! DON'T MISS OUT!!! on a sad note...drew is giving me hugs for comfort, P.D.W. will be unable to join us for the spook fest. Its ok everyone, sometimes life just gives you bad cards.

10/20/01 - The Area 51 show might not be untill next week because Drew is a DUMBASS(!) about calling off work! Keep coming back to find out abou the show. The costume bash is still on with the WORLD FAMOUS buttstains! thats right...the best kiss tribute band in the world!!

10/19/01 - Blacklisted Costume bash is on 10/27/01!! It will be at forever sports (off US 68). Its $4 but, ACT NOW! and get a dollar off if you come in costume. sorry, no C.O.D.'s. You get to see all the great punk bands like THE BLACKLISTED and P.D.W. and don't forget everyone's favorite 80's glam rock band...THE BUTTSTAINS!!! Thats right the buttstains! Also! on 10/25 The Blacklisted will be playing @ AREA 51! be sure not to miss out!

10/15/01 - Show planed for 10/27/01 @ forever sports! $3 if you come in costume!!! has to be a costume...its $4 if your not and $7 if your an asshole about it!