tujunga = one hell of a time

who would've thought? not i. but, as it happens, playing in "tujunga" was... totally sweet. we sold a bunch of EPs and made a lot of really cool new friends [special shoutouts to the guys in unseen victory and (i guess) normal like you, although they didn't really say anything to us] and to everyone who we got a chance to talk with after the show... i can't really say enough good things about the mosaic cafe... that was a surprise. monday night's fiasco at the cobalt cafe is another story altogether. [note to any "emo-core" bands that are just forming but don't yet have a name: i just gave you one... "monday night's fiasco". sweet!] anyway, do yourselves a favor... if you bought an EP on friday [or monday] night, email us here and say hi and tell us you want to be on the "mailing list". we hear that's the cool thing now... "mailing lists". i guess it's a nice change from the massive amounts of porn you all probably already recieve. uh, anyway, i just threw this webpage together saturday morning, so look for it to get sweet[er] as the time goes on. and see "kill bill" if you haven't because it's just that good. and by good, i mean totally sweet! anyway, go by the "contact" section of this site and email us about the "mailing list" or call us if you want to book us [yeah! book us!]. ok, talk later.

