Pictures Wish List Excerpts Past Days
I'm 68% bitchy.
I'm an artisan.
I'm also rational.
My geek quotient is 89.1.
I'm a blueberry.
I'm right between pessimism & optimism. Close to being an optimist though (!) with a score of 58.

Stuff from /usr/bin/girl:
Truth In Advertising? [video clip]
All Your Base Are Belong To Us? [flash movie]

Smashed Ice [anime site]
Why the 90s sucked [list]
Do-it-yourself Spot Removal [advise]
Operating System Suck-Rules-O-Meter [scale]
CyberBra [shopping]
Popcorn Fork [utensil]
Design for Chunks [barf bag]
Why Pretty People Do Better [article]

03-02-02 9:43am » Okay, the next time James invites me to go out with him and some friends for drinking I gotta make sure he doesn't have as many as he had. I myself only had, like, a 1/4 because I was finishing Bryce's, and I don't drink. I swear, I thought I was going to get raped. Either that, or I thought James and Bryce were going to kill one another. It was kind of funny, and the poor guys kept saying "I'm sorry! I've been disrespectful!" ect. Of course I forgave them because I knew if they didn't have any alcohol in their system they wouldn't have been acting like they were.
02-28-02 6:09pm » Hey, happy birthday to me. I'm finally 15, although most people've already thought I was 15. It was a pretty much overall crappy day, as expected. My dad and Elena were the only two that didn't have to be reminded so far. My mom even forgot -_- *Exhales* Those who did find out didn't care. Which is probably the end of those happy birthdays people celebrate as a kid, but gradually get less important as time goes on.
02-27-02 5:46pm » Hummina, hummina, hummina! He... ate lunch with me. He... talked to me! He even showed me that lovely scar on his arm from when he was a baby. Awwwwwwwwwwwww!! He's so much cuter when I can look at him head on, and he looks back! He caught me staring a few times though ^_^;; Even though Justin really pissed me off in Biology, after lunch, nothing could ruin my day, unless, well someone died or something.
02-19-02 11:17pm » I just ordered my tickets for the Bad Religion/Less Than Jake concert. Woo dang they're not so great seats. ^_^; Eh, I'm hoping you can go where ever like at the Warped Tour.
02-17-02 4:04pm » Happy Birthday Kristen! So technically it was yesterday, but I wasn't around to do it. ^_^
» Christ I hate the 17th. I swear to God I'm going to kill this little kid if he doesn't get me first. Dad's trying to teach me the guitar, and suddenly, Paul gets an interest in it too. For the past few months dad's been trying to introduce me to this one man who'll tutor me in learning Japanese, and I finally met him today. And, what do ya know? Paul suddenly wants to learn to! Never once before showing an interest in wanting to learn. This happened when I got into anime, hockey, and the type of music I listen to. He refuses to get a single original idea in his head. But no one will do anything because we all know there's something wrong with him. He's bipolar, I think, and dad really needs to get him into therapy. Randomly, very randomly, in the midst of silence, he'll break out "Whore! Stupid Whore!" and throw something. I could be asleep, and he'll start to soffocate me with a pillow. However, he's not strong enough to keep it down. I hate it when I wake up and he's in my room looking through my files, or tapes, or CDs, or God knows what else with the excuse of "I'm trying to find the new me". I'm happy he's at a public middle school, because people won't put up with his crap. They're going to beat him shitless unless he changes. I don't know for how long I've put up with this kid, and I'm downright sick of it. There was the fight where he was determined to stab me to death, and I beat him. Does he ever learn? At lunch today he got the sudden urge to start taunting me with "I've got 3 A's... I've got 3 A's... You're stupid! You're stupid!" Dad looked at him, and shook his head. I turned and said "I've got 7." Who cares about grades? I'm just trying to get into a good college to get away from him and my mother. I promise I will make it to Boston and never want to turn back to those two. Hate is strong word. I hate this little maggot whose whole life is the fester in his room, leaching off of everything the rest of the family does. Before Ollie's brief period of listening to rap, Paul never listened. Then Ollie got into the rock bands like AC/DC, and Motley Crue. So did Paul. Ollie moved out. I listen to my bands, not really caring about who's into that kind of genre or not, and he gets into it. The boy came screaming into the room yesterday yelling something about Dead Kennedy's, and how awesome they are... He's never even heard their music because I don't play alot of it while he's around. He claims, since he wears Vans, and he's learning how to skate he's the ultimate badass. Yes Paul... you're one tough dude... you still cry when you loose at Mario Kart. Something will happen to him one day, and he'll be different, he'll stop having these sporadic urges to kill me, and he'll go away. Just go away Paul. Go away and let me be. No body cares, so I'll just vent. If you don't want to read, then don't.
02-10-02 4:33pm » Okay, so Wednesday night I finally talk to Trevors exgirlfriend, Anna. She's really spiffy. Friday, I went to my gymnastics meet to work, and Michael Millican was there! I miss that lost bird. Afterwards, James and I went with some of the other gymnasts to Cheddars, and drove by Trevor house (well, I know what street he's on, but I don't know which house is his between 2 of them) then James had to be home by midnight.

» Saturday, I went to North Hills Green and Gold game (students Vs. teachers) 4 long hours of boring basketball! I was talking with people I'd not seen in ages the whole time though. Then, we stopped by James house so he could change clothes, and pick up money for Chili's with the other cheerleaders, and some basketball players. I'm looking through one of his Maxim magazines, and I come across... Two pictures of Orlando Bloom!! Sessy Moma!!! God Bless that softcore mens magazine, I've always liked it anyway. Paul, James friend, came over, and then we left to go to Chili's. The 20 bucks James got from his mom fell out of his pocket so I picked it up, and I think I put it in my jacket pocket. Now, I have a tendancy to hang my entire body out of his car, so we think that's where it fell out. We got to the overcrowded Chili's, ordered drinks, realized I lost the money, paid for our drinks, and left. We went back to James' house so Paul could get his money, then we went to the other Chili's across down. Got myself some damn good ribs. Then, hmmm, what did I do... I think this is when we past North Hills, James threw a cigarette on it, we took some cones (I've 3 in my room now) and headed towards Ursline! Jean wasn't with us because she was at a Sadie Hawkins dance at Ursline.

» We eventually found our way there, and I walk in dress very casually and messy. The security womans asks what I'm doing and I reply "I have to find someone to see if I'm supposed to give them a ride home." She lets me go in, but James and Paul have to wait at the door. I search around, and when I saw Jean and Becca, Becca leaps at me to hug me. Jean's freaking out "Oh my God! How'd you get in here? Oh my God!" Becca then takes my glasses, and scattles off. I take a few pictures, and then I knew I had to get out of there, but I needed my glasses. I'm searching all over for Becca, and when I finally found her, all these security people and teachers approach "Why are you here?" "Are those your friends at the door?" "Shouldn't you be leaving?" Blah, blah, blah. I explained the story of my glasses, but since I had them on, and a camera hanging around my neck, they didn't seem to believe me. I met back up with the guys, and then the security lady checks my bag. The principal is lecturing me about going in and not being a student at the school, bitch, bitch, bitch, and then me leave. Bahaha! I got in. ^_^

» We drive past North Hills, the guys take a piss on it, and back to James' house so Paul can pick up his car and go home. I then notice that my mini-purse is missing. We call people that were at the first Chili's we went to since that's the last place I saw it, but no one picked up. Therefore, we drive over there, and, huzzah! someone turned it in with all the money and stuff still inside. It's about 11:30, and James has to be home in half an hour. We go by Blockbuster, they still don't carry Hackers, and I rented The Professional which I had seen the very end of a few years ago. I like it, except the whole falling in love with a 12 year old girl/30 year old guy is kind of... eww.

» On the way to my house, we're driving down MacArthur, and I notice this car turning. I look at the license, and yell "TREVORS CAR!!" James pulls a U-ie in his big van, and we follow. He points out many times "Now this is stalking Camille, you realize that?" We passed my dads fiance's house, and he's parked out front. Shame... We wanted to see which house was his since we didn't know the night before. We would've gotten away with it, but someone stupid woman got in our way, and we lost him -_- Although, if I were Trevor, I would've been speeding like hell to get away from us anyway.

» Stopped back off at my dads fiance's house, left a letter for him, and proceeded home. I'm there for about half and hour, and my dad called :)

» Oi, I think I'm getting sick. It's Sunday, I've updated my anime site for the first time in freaking months, and changed the layout for the first time in over a year, now I've homework to do.

02-05-02 8:37pm » I was watching Smallville; Clark and Lex were talking about what it might be like if they, best friends, were ever to end up worst enemies, hating eachother. Just really sad to think about.

» I didn't really change the look... at all. I just switched the blog frame and the links sides, and the background is new. The background is morbid, I understand that, but quite frankly I'm not feeling so perky.

5:06pm » It snowed today! Still went to school though 'cause it started in first period. The day was going along fine, until lunch. Some Sophmores at another table were throwing food at Ashlee, one of the girls who sits with me. Someone threw food on their table, and they thought it was us, so they threw some more. A bit of which continued to hit Ashlee in the face; she was pretty upset afterwards. We went back to class, and afterwards, I went down to wait for my bus for gymnastics, and I saw some of the guys from lunch. I, verbally, tore them up. He put me in a horrible attitude. Just yelling, and cussing, oooh that asshole! He went into the lunchroom with his class to wait for his coach, and as I was walking to the bus, about 4 of them came out: "Little DuBose! What the fuck you gonna do bitch? Huh? Huh? Little Freshman! Yeah, fuck you too!" I started to run at them, but my coach caught me, and told me to get on the bus. Meanwhile, the guys were laughing. "Haha, stupid DuBose! Fuck you!" I didn't even know them. All they know about me is that I'm Ollie's sister. Put me in such a foul mood! I went off on so many people at gymnastics that I feel really bad about. However, I called my dad during gym, and he made me feel a tad better.

02-04-02 10:09pm » As they pointed out on the Daily Show... You know, it was nice that U2 showed a scrolling list of victims of the Sept. 11th thing, but didja notice they cut the list off at D? What about people with names E-Z? -_-

» My God Trevor is one saucy moma!!

02-03-02 4:18am » I just got home! Cherie had her birthday party tonight, which I didn't stay long for. By the way, Trevor's much better. Which is good, and bad. It's good because he's not sick, but bad because he's no seeing things, and hiding in closets, or running everywhere naked. Anyway, I'm tired! Long night. Fun night. G'night!
02-01-02 4:18pm » Get well soon Trevor.
01-23-02 6:37am » Ahhhh! He's doing it again! Not quite the whole "I'm going to kill you" thing, but he's in that mood- the one that comes before throwing stuff. I was on the phone with Mary, and she was whining about something, and I couldn't hear 'cause Paul was screaming at me about something. I snapped so he'd shush, and then he started snapping. Over and over, until it somehow evolved to clapping, and then slapping everything. He's just... that's not what healthy people do.
01-22-02 1:25am » Hey, I'm no Quinn, but I'm not going back to the angry, hostile, abusive bitch I once was that everyone seems to miss (*shrugs*).

12:54am » What hell is wrong with everyone?? One of my friends doubts that this one chicks he likes doesn't like him, and he thinks it's the end of the frickin' world! He's known her for a tiny bit, and this is just stupid of him. I'm being dragged into it, and I hate it! I'm trying to give him some words of advice, words that are true, and he needs to think about, but oh no. Everything I said isn't perfect. Life isn't perfect, and he thinks this is going to be the most important event until the end of his days.

» Then there's my "best friend". Best guy friend, not Jean. I'm really happy he's getting out of the house now, and having alot more fun, but he's changing so much. I mean, Patrick, he hit his mother. I hate mine, I want to kill her most of the time, but I've still never hit her. There are some other things that've changed with him that're just... I don't like. His life though, I shouldn't say anything, although I am.

» Ah, now let's deal with the whole suicide thing that so many teenagers think about every single day because every little event is the end of the world. It's not! Okay? It's not! That's a stupid, selfish act, and people need to get over themselves. People want to truth? They will be missed, oh yes indeed. But not everyone they know will spend the rest of thier lives wallowing in pity for whoever killed themself because they've moved on in life. They know there's something to live for, and look forward to. People's stupididy is honestly getting on my nerves. Gah. I've just got to go read or something. I'll feel better in the morning, and everyone who I'm dealing with with feel ashamed of the moronic things they've said tonight. People are so... haha, people are wierd! I love people and I hate people. Anywho, I'm almost finished with this part of Yoshi's Story, then back to The Twin Towers.

01-21-02 2:46pm » I was taking some goofy little quiz earlier, and these were the results:

M * A * S * H

You will marry LEGOLAS from Lord of the Rings, live in an ancient elven palace in the middle of the forest, and spend your days walking on top of snow and rowing ivory boats and just being beautiful.

What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?

Dude... If only. Orlando Bloom is one hot moma! I mean, he's only been 25 for 8 days... it's only 10 years older. It wasn't even a Lord of the Rings quiz.