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Eepee McRottcore

Eepee at the Java Joint

Eepee McRottcore is a wacky, loveable, ummm....I guess guy is the word. Also known as Adrain Labbe and Mick Mason (wrestling character) he has stlye. I've been friends with Eepee since grade 10 and he's one of my closest friends. Also one of the Broccolii brothers, Eepee does some whack shite on stage. He's the lead singer in the band FSR and an aspiring professional wrestler. He and his wrestling pals have matches almost every Saturday. Those crazy mofos..... Yup. Well, I've spent many a late night having very interesting and thought provoking conversations with this fellah. Always has an interesting perspective to offer on many a topic.
Eepee almost always has a puppet with him at shows. You may have seen his various feathered hand friends in the pits at local shows. Be warned of these puppets... There is something more going on here... there is gonna be a revolution...
Like a knife brother, like a knife......