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About me... My name is Abi O., incase you hadnt guessed...and I am a second year debater. During my first year, my colleague and I did well in the novice division, which sparked my desire to be more involved in the law and debate through out my life. My colleague and I have debated in Open Division, so I guess we are now classified as Open Debaters. I would like to go into Law and Computer Programming when I go to college (U of W or Carnegie Mellon). I credit my experience and enjoyment in debate to my Ass. Coach Jeffrey, and my Coach Mr. Boehs.

 If you want to know anything more about me, feel free to email me...this is a debate website so I'm trying to keep the subject geared at debate and things associated with it. :-) okay?
 Thankyou to my team mates and my Coaches for letting me enjoy debate as a sport and hobby...good luck this year to all of you!