żI don't know dude?

Obviously my intensions have been misunderstood and the response to my theories has proven them right. Due to this I have decided to erase this entire page. I am nothing but a pawn. Instead of my opinion being listened to and respected, it was used as an excuse to have anger toward me. It seems that an opinion counts unless it is not what people want to hear. forget it, I'm moving to Canada

Well, I havent moved to Canada yet but Im working on it. Every day I can put up with a little less. I am sick of this town and Im sick of the people in it. I would really like it if I could talk to my parents and they would understand. The thing is, my parents are Catholic and Catholics are the most narrow minded people. Also as Catholics they cant understand my need to cause trouble. I dont know if this is true of most teenagers, but I have the most fun when I am out causing trouble. What fun would life be if we never ran the risk of getting in trouble? So my parents are prisoners of democracy held by chains of false religion. It's not that big of a deal, Only another year of this crap and I am free. As for now I figure I should just play along and not show them who I am but who they want me to be. It just avoids a lot of frustration that way. Thats all I've got for now kids. It's not like anyone will ever read this anyway. I'll see you all in hell!

My real page