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Joe: Guitar/backup voice/guy without vehicle
Snobby Robby: Bass/brains
Dustin: Drums/hitting stuff/voice

The bastards all started out when dustin called joe and asked him if he wanted to play in a punk rock band.So joe said,"yeah,uhhhhhhh,how about a BASS PLAYER?" So I call up my good friend Robby I've known since 5th grade,and asked him the same.He said yes.So,one saturday we all got together in my garage and played something.We were all suprised that our sound would sound THAT experienced.It was pretty damned sickening,but we thought if we could have fun playing the music,we should stick with it.I met Joe from a certain Danny Morton back in the day.I met Llyod...hmmm,I forget.And i met robby through school.We all like different bands and we all have different views on punk rock,but all of them can be summed into this:FUCK conformity,do what YOU want to do,say what YOU want to say,and never let anyone get in the way of your goals.That was beautiful.Ok that's enough information for you to ponder on.(I'm sure anyone who's reading this does'nt give a cow's arse)i'm laughing