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Trusty Eckerd Workers...

Well, below are some pictures of people that I work with at happy little Eckerd Drugs...haha....NOT

Twins?? haha!

Haha....They would kill me if I said that they looked like twins. Well, on the left is Andi...the photo lab manager...and on the right is Jen....the love of my life......*sigh*


Haha...her name is really Candi but sometimes we call her slugsworth...because her last name sounds sorta like Slugsworth, the bad guy in Willy Wonka and The Chocolate


Haha! That's Lauren...she recently quit Eckerds to pursue her college thinking of her to get out of Eckerds while she still could. We call her by her last name...Hemmerlee (although the spelling isn't right)...

Well, later everybody....

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