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Yay for Conor!

What's new...

9/5/03 Knobs rule. This is where I work: The Knobbery!
8/3/03 Jon and I saw Bright Eyes last Wednesday (hence the pic) and it was awesome! :) On to other more irrelevant things... I'm obsessed with the cable station "the N," which my friends think is silly, but oh well. Yeah so watching shows about kids 7 years younger than me is lame but they're funny! Plus, they play music videos in between shows instead of commercials, yay! haha. Anyway, life is good at home - skating, selling and screwing - knobs, of course, and hanging out with my girlies. Only a month left, though...but then back to being 2 minutes away from my baby, yay! Oh yeah, right now I'm really obsessed with Brand New's new album, "Deja Entendu," it's rocking my world.
4/8/03 Check out the new page I made for my awesome boyfriend, Jon! Read all about why he's the coolest! Click here: Jon!
4/5/03 School sucks, what else is new?! Seriously, I keep thinking my new classes each term will be better, but they're always poopy - sometimes interesting, but always maintaining some degree of poopiness. But oh! Check out the new link to my favorite professor's site! He makes class much more fun...! :)

Ramblings About My Life...

I love figure skating (and occasionally skateboarding, though I suck at it) and listening to the best punk rock, emo, ska, or whatever strikes me. I enjoy attending as many shows as I possibly can, but I have a great fear of being crushed in mosh pits...I'm too small! Even when I'm not in the mosh pit, people somehow find me and ram me into other people. Being short also means getting less air to breathe when packed into a mass of smelly, hot bodies - ha! Other random information: I'm straight-edge (it's rare these days), a loose vegetarian, and an environmentalist. I'm also a band geek who plays oboe. Well, enough rambling. Check out my other pointless, but fun pages. Enjoy yourself!

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