Arlibido~Our Stories

hey everyone... this page is here for us to ramble on about when we met arlibido!anyways... k.. the first time we ever seen them was when they opened for serial joe... that was a kick ass show... might we say...

Then on to the pavilion.. it was awesome beeing so close to them.. we were "jesse's side stage girls" because we were on the side of him..and at one point he came over and played just for us...that was cool... that's when we first heard and saw shoebox which is a fuckin awesome band too... now.. where were we.. oh ya.. anyways after the show we seen jesse... so we went up to him and started talkin... it's was so cool.. then tim came over later too... they told us about how they were playing at youthfest (and that was going on in the town were Tara lives)... so we knew for sure we would see them there... we had pictures taken with them but we couldn't find DJ..umm...they signed our CD's and shit like that.. ya it was so cool talkin to them for like an hour.. and we were the last ones to leave.....

Youthfest, was so great too... when laura spoted jesse (plus tim and Dj)we went over to them and they remembered us... (us not thinking they would) but jesse promised to give us posters and sign them for us after to show which they did.. ya this show was even better.. we talked to them for so long afterwards..(seeing that we never left til almost 1am) longer then the pavilion... Dj gave Tara one of his drumsticks but she asked.. and jesse made a promise to Tara... it was so awesome.. it's something we will remember forever...Next...

The jonovison taping... this was cool.. the main reason we went was to cheer for arlibido and the hear them play again... it was disappointing that we or anyone else couldn't talk to them but Dj told us that they had no time anyways cause they rushed out for their concert at St.Mary's... but the one thing we will always remember about this will be watching jesse scan the audience looking for us..this jonovision show is rumored to air on Nov. 1 so watch it and look for us in the audience...oh my the best is yet to come...

the pavilion again (September 29)...the whole show was pretty was Catlin's (spelled wrong???) 18th birthday...we kno her because the day we got our piercings her and her friend were in the hospital bathroom when we went to check on them and they were there and gave us advice..anyways so ember played and so did one of the bands who played in jonovision and another band too...they were all pretty awesome but (no offense) arlibido was the best even tho they didn't play as long as usual...there were so many people there too!! it was amazing for that lil former changing room to be so packed...go arlibido!! *L* anyways so yea we took three rolls of film with and used alomst all (but 5 pics) time Tim even came over and first he was too close to the camera so it wouldn't take's all good....some of them are pretty funny...anyways the best was after the show cause we stayed so long and talked to them and so did Jessica and Tori but still we were the last ones to leave...arlibido even left before we did *L* anyways we talked for a long time but we aren't gonna tell you what we talked about cause that'd just take so long...anyways..DJ gave Laura one of his drumsticks but he never got to sign it cause someone stole his pen (grrr) so she'll have to bring it the next time...and this time we'll bring our own pen!! so what else...hmm...Tim took one of our pics of him to put on their website and he claims to remember our names (or at least Laura's) but he said that he temporarily forgot cause his mind was fucked after the concert...we still don't kno whether we believe him or not...uh...what else besides talking...oh well we attempted to help carry out this trunk of stuff cause Jesse told us too...but then when we lifted it he's like no no put that's down you'll hurt yourself...

Next..we just saw arlibido at the pavilion on friday, feb 2. it was awesome... and they all remember us! DJ remembered laura's name which was pretty cool.. and we never stayed long after the show like we normally do because of a lil snow *L* but we were the last ones to leave besides the boys..we gave DJ an address to a radio station in england that some of Laura's friends over there want them to send some tunes to..Tara wanted to take a pic of jesse on tim's back which jesse thought tara ment for laura to get on tim's back because laura took a pic of tara on jesse's back *L* it was funny.. jesse was getting all mixed up... anyways the whole nite we were hangin around with shoebox (friends of ours) then once arlibido came we hung around them too...well...tara tried to get tim and jesse to come to martock sometime.. she couldn't find dj at the time.. we think he was packing up.. but anyways jesse wants to go on a double board holding peoples hands going down the hill and tim thinks it's a great idea and would be alot of fun... well anyways alot of other things happened that nite but there's too much to write.. all that matters it we had fun and same with them...

The day was July 19th, we got up 5am in the morning and Tara drove to Halifax (Laura was at her house) to see the guys on BT.. we didn't know what door to enter. So Tara asked someone that was going to be on the show and she helped us get in cause we were suppose to have tickets. Anyways the guys were on stage doing a sound check when they seen us come in... they waved, Jesse noded then they came over to say hi... we talked for awhile then went outside. Tim told us about their tour they just did including about how he locked their keys in the van the last day of their tour so they were lucky they made it to Halifax on time for BT. Also they told us about what the deal was with Edgefest. They were really tired (you could tell). DJ told us he wasn't going to be in any pics because he only had two hours of sleep but since we bought the film he couldn't resist or was it that he couldn't resist us??*L* Anyway Laura wanted to take a pic of Jesse when he brought his bass outside but he only would let her if he could take one of her and his bass. *L* it was so funny cause he was happy about it. As time rolled on DJ wanted to see Laura's camera cause he didn't see a camera so nice and wanted hold it *L* and next thing we knew he was pretending we were stars and he was all up in our faces acting like he's taking pics... but everytime it would of been a good picture the sun or something was in the way. Tara walked over by Tim in the shade and Laura told DJ that the sun wasn't in the way this time so DJ ended up taking a pic of her *L*...When we were inside during the guys playing Liz Ridney told Laura she would take a pic of us and the guys when that song was over.. so we all headed outside but Jesse. We didn't kno where he was and we were waiting like 20 mintues before he came outside.. We think he was hiding or maybe he's just camera shy *L*.. Well since the guys didn't have much sleep they went to take it easy over on the lawn chairs trying to take a nap. The sun was to bright for Tim and DJ covered his head with his hat and left us for a bit. When Tim asked DJ for his hat he didn't answer. So we think DJ dosed off for a bit.. anyways he needed it seeing that they all only had 2 hours sleep....It was sweet with us being the only two their hanging with the guys in their own habitat!


more yet to come.. so don't think that we're actually done here.. because we're going to more kick ass concerts! and please don't forget to sign the guestbook! LaterDays