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"And here.. you'll find music I'm sure none of you will like.."(thanks a lot Jess)

This is the Part of my site where you download Midi's! Bunch of New Html from another site of mine. Whee.. Have Fun!By the way, Midi's a best played in winamp so if you don't have it. GO there to download it!
Sonic and Knuckles
You Download it here.. You read about it here..
Sonic and Knuckles Main theme I believe this is the Sonic and Knuckles Main theme.. I'm not sure. But Enjoy it!
I dunno.. This one is new to me. I dunno what part of the game it be from.. but here ya go.. Enjoy.. (haven't played inna while)
Game Ending DO I have to explain this one? It's the music from the end of the game I believe. I downloaded it and played it. it's ass long. Bye!
Knuckles Knuckles' Theme. It's neat. i think I used it on onna my pages. You'll like it I'm sure.
Sky zone? Is this from the Sky zone? IS there a Sky Zone for S&K? Download and find out!
Sandopolis Zone It's all from the Game n Stuff. Yaaahahahaha!!! Sandopolis Zone, muh Favourite Zone.
Mushroom Zone My MOST favourite zone of the game. Yup Da Mushroom zone! whee! Best one ta download.
Mini Boss Well duh, it's the Mini Boss music!
Flyin Battery Zone Eh.. it's okay. Not my Personal Fave. But for those who want it!!Here it is!!
Final Boss Final Boss Music.. Usually better than the other boss music's depending on the Game. Enjoy.
Death Egg! Music from Death Egg. I never liked this one..*runs away merrily*
Lava Reef Zone I looooooove this one! I think it's from Sonic and Knuckles.. but I dunno. If not.. well I know it's from some Sonic game. Enjoy!!!
Final Fantasy VII
You Download it here.. You read about it here..
Bawss(Boss dumbfuck) Boss music from FF7.. Midi version.. so it kinda bites. But, you'll be playin the real version in yer head...
One Winged Angel Yeeeup they make One WInged Angel Midi's. Neet huh? Welp.. Happy Downloadin!
The Turks Turks theme(mm pretty). Gwahahahaha. Okay people. I have been typing up HTML Tables and whanot for alomost a full 6 hours.. Shut up and Just download these before I kill you.
Tifa This be the theme of Tifa. I like it. It sounds all purdy like. Download it maaaan..
Theme... It's... a theme.. I don't remember of what.. Shit maybe I should play these..anyhoo. have fun.
Vincent This is Vincents theme. It actually sounds THE SAME as it does as the game. it's kool. Download it ya Monkey.
On Our Way I need to listen to this one.. Cause I don't know what the Hell it is.. Download it and Tell me someone..
Materia Mountain I believe this is Yuffie's theme.. or the Wutai Theme.
Cloud Clouds theme from FF7, also the World map Theme before Meteor comes about. Whee! Enjoy.
Cid Cid's Theme. This one is preeeetty cooooool. I like cid. Cussin son of a &$&%#!! as heee would say. Bwah ha ha.. download it you shit.
Barret It's.. barret's theme.. I don't like it.. Yeah... Have fun. Bye.
Aeris!!! It's the Aeeeeeris theeeeeeme! Yaaaaay! Download it before I buy a hamster! la la laa... hush! ^_^
Birth of a God.. The Bizzarro Sephiroth battle theme. It's sooo feckin cool. Especially the MP3 version. *drool* best mix of music in the game.. Download it..
Chrono Cross
You Download it here.. You read about it here..

Another Aruni..

Music from the Second Aruni village.. well the one from the other world.. Enjoy it.


The prelude of Chrono Cross. Yanno. when it tells ya ta hit the start button? Yeeeup..

Tower of Destruction(Dead Sea)

From the part when ya go into the dead sea.. and it's all.. frozen like.. yeeeup.. move along now.

Dragon God..

Music for the Dragon Gods. it sounds... Puuuuuuurteeee. sorta. Download must! I think.. Whee

Fortress of Ancient Dragons.

From the Fortress of Ancient Dragons.. Thats the big place with all the puzzels right? yeah..

Home World..

Serge's home world music. Pretty pretty dancing! Blah.. it's neet. Download it you uhm.. Cruton!

Leena on the beach..

Duuuuuuh! it's the music from Leena on the Beach. dur da dur. K bye..

Lizzard Grotto..

Lizzard Grotto... WHAT?! I dunno what ta say about it.. go away.. uhm download s'more though first..

Other World..

Music from the map of another world.. I think.. I don't remember.. how'd I get two of these?! GAAAAAH!


Hah! This is the music you get if you get a game over. It gets annoying though.. yer like forced to hear it or something.. have fun.

People Seized..

Favourite of mine.. Enjoy it you Holes!!! K bye. No seriously, it's really pretty, depending on how your Computer plays the Midi. Get the MP3 if possible.. it's.. The Aeris song of Chrono Cross. it's that beautiful..

Primal Forest..

I forget this is either from the Hydra Marshes.. or somewhere else.. Anyway. Enjoy the thing.. Blaaah. Sponges rawk. k Bye.

Radical Dreamers..

The radical Dreamers theme! Yaaaay! Go Kid! whee! *explodes*
Reminiscence.. Honestly.. I know nothing about this one..

Scars Left By Time..

Whee! the opening theme music.. that is if you didn't touch anything when ya turned the game on.. neet video with it too. Anyway. This is a very good Song music type thing.. Whee get this MP3 too.

Serges Village..

this is either the Aruni village, or it's Serge's personal Theme.. or both. Enjoy it all the same.


Mm.. Victory Music. It's ok.. uhmm I guess. Whee! Bye..

Another World..

See! this is the other Midi! I think they're the same.. not really sure though.. I like things.. Wheeeeee! k bye!